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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. I love your dress and you are my date twin :) Our special days are coming fast now! Congrats on finding the dress. Mine is not really traditional DW style dress either but all that matters is that you love your dress
  2. I have used them before as well and never had any issues. The pics are def not the same quality as a digital camera but they are tons of fun and you get really good silly fun pics if you travel a lot or think you would get good use of it, i invested a few years ago in an underwater digital camera...its takes video and everything. It was only $200 and i use it all the time on all my trips
  3. and sorry if i was insulting anyone....i was strictly speaking for myself and my own wedding day. I wasnt trying to put anyone else's choices down.
  4. I agree with you both, its not about uniqueness to my guests or anyone else but more to myself really but at the end of the day Better Together is what i feel would be more appropriate but i have to find a compromise with FI...i'm just stubborn. I love the song Marry Me by Train but it doesnt have any "meaning" to Fi and I, if that makes sense and for my ceremony where i am going to express my love to him forever and him to me i thought that was where our song belonged. But thats just me. I dont think there is a right or wrong I'm not writing it off yet i just think there are other options for me
  5. i am so torn as well....STILL LOL my wedding is in less then 3 months and this has been the biggest thorn in my side. My Fi and I both share a love for Jack Johnson and our song is "better together" we even have it engraved on our bands i really wanted the song to be a part of our ceremony becuase the ceremony is what is signifying our love and not the first dance so i was going to walk down to him to Better together during the ceremony and i even found this awesome hawaiin version of it that sounds so tropical and romantic HOWEVER that left us with no first dance song LMAO so my Fi said i should walk down to something else and we can dance to better together but i am not convinced. We have a few songs we are deciding on but if we cant decide i may have to suck it up and walk to something else so we can dance to better together, We are thinking of maybe dancing to Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus or Landing in London by 3 doors down but the words to the song arent as fitting as Red Jumpsuit.. My fi suggested walking to Train Marry Me but i just feel like that is probably over done now TORN!!!
  6. I hadnt really decided yet LOL i was going to skim through them when i got home but i might take your comments and start with the lean program and go from there
  7. i love that your man is man enough to rock this ring! My Fi HATES any jewelry on himself LOL his band was as simple of a band that we may as well put a washer out of the tool box on his finger LMAO....he doesnt wear watches, necklace, bracelet NOTHING!! it was challenging to find a ring he liked and is willing to wear but we did
  8. Keep me posted! I would love to hear how it goes....maybe on the days i am too sore with P90X i can do the 20 mins video of the 30 day shred....i will have to see how it goes tonight is day one of P90X after work so i will be hoping for the best
  9. Got it! Thanks Honey! I will also be anxiously going to my mail box every day this week hoping my beautiful jewels arrive Talk soon XO
  10. I'm hoping i can tough it out! It definitely wont be fun like Zumba but i will get more of the strengthening that i need compared to Zumba so i am hoping the combo of both will show good results. I am expecting lots of aches and pains but i have my dress fitting on Sept 24th in the back of my head so that will keep me going How did you find day one of your 30 day shred? I have the DVD from a friend as well but think i will start with P90X first
  11. I'm starting the program tomorrow...wish me luck LOL from the sounds of it, i need it! I also do Zumba two to three times a week Loving Zumba like crazy and wish there was a class 7 days a week I could go to so i am hoping I can do the P90X in combo with Zumba and survive it I will keep you all posted
  12. Chelsea my dear...can you email it to me? (you have my email already, of course ) i already have a spreadsheet but would like to compare with yours to see if i missed anything Thanks doll XOX
  13. HAHA!!! I lived in DDO until i was about 16....off Roger Pilon I miss Montreal. All my family is still there....at least its a quick drive! Thanks i will check your thread....
  14. AMAZING PICS! you looked so beautiful. J'adore!!! Je viens de Montreal originalement de l'ile Bizard. J'habite a Ottawa Maintenant! where did you get your cake topper? And was your reception dress a designer dress??? I'm in love with it and would love a dress like that!
  15. I love seeing my jewels being showed off on this site Chelsea you rock! Ladies you should totally use Chelsea for all your jewels. She made my whole collection and thensome I wanted to incorporate all my colors but instead of doing it through the clothing itself i am having my girls wear dresses in Turquoise and doing the fab jewels flowers and shoes in the Hot Pink. for my TTD i am throwing the color in the jewels there are so many ways to play with the color....you could also have your girls in one color and the other colors be in the decoration. There is nothing saying the wedding party has to wear all the colors good luck. its fun planning.
  16. Well with moving a few weeks ago and now trying to unpack, paint and settle in, i havent done much wedding stuff but i will be in the next few weeks. The major stuff is done, i just have a bunch of little details to iron out and then get myself organized
  17. Leigh you must be getting excited about the move...its coming up quickly now. My move went well...just taking our time to unpack everything and settle in and i am trying to get back into my wedding planning...only a little over 3 months to go...OMG! LOL
  18. Love this....i just read all the way from the first post LOL I know its completely obvious but not one person mentionned the oh so obvious of remembering to pack your plane tickets and travel insurance documentation. Wouldnt it suck to get to the airport only to have forgotten the tickets themselves LOL WIth all the chaos of packing and excitement of getting ready to go we can definitely forget the most obvious things
  19. Thanks gorgeous! I wont look as good as you ....my dress still needs so many alterations to get to where it needs to be like the neckline and the back but i am hoping it will be perfect when i go for my fitting with my accessories MWAH XOXOX
  20. HI Ladies...back in action after my move! Its been quiet here i see...i have been offline for over a week and thought i would come back to a flood of messages.....where is everyone???? :)
  21. I am having dress envy looking at all these stunning dresses!! i had to pull pics and remind myself why i loved my dress since i havent seen it in so long! LOL
  22. You can go to the official Zumba website and they sell DVD's there. they are great. it is really a lot of fun! www.zumba.com
  23. I'm a 2011 bride but just showing my support here as i have been struggling with this since December when we got engaged. I have 4 months to go (3 to my dress fitting) In June i fell in LOVE with Zumba! you ladies must find a class/video and try it. If you love music, love to dance (even if you dont know how LOL) you will love this. So much fun and i actually look forward to my workouts now. I also swear by the app loseit (they have a website too and you can link them) it tells you how many calories to eat to get to your goal weight etc. Its awesome! and free ....so since June with watching calories and doing Zumba about 4 to 4 times a week i have lost 8 pounds and counting in a little over a month! you can all do it ladies!
  24. Hey all! I had my planning call today. I just wanted to let you know it went smoothly. Great comments, suggestions etc. If you are planning with Teresa, she is awesome! Teresa if you are reading this, I LOVE YOU! lol I feel a little more at ease now (im a little paranoid about making my vision reality) anyway, thought you all would like to know that since we share the same resort Let me know if you have questions
  25. I should have read all the post firsts and then did a multi reply oooops sorry ladies...got ahead of myself LOL i didnt cry with mine...but it was awesome, i loved it, fit me so well etc and i couldnt stop thinking about it and i compared everything to it so i knew it was the one. o with your gut! I am going to try to go try mine on since its here now but prob only next week since i move this wknd but here is a pic with the model wearing it
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