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Everything posted by Danielle77

  1. wow all of your inspiration boards look awesome. I am going to have to try an make one
  2. They look great!!!! I am trying to do mine right now and they are scaring me because I am not crafty either.
  3. Where did you get them? I love them but I have 4 bridesmaids.
  4. I am not getting my BMs much in the way of gifts besides the dresses and the jewlery. The are getting sooped up OOT bags and a spa wrap.
  5. I guess I better get posting cuz I just dropped to a Noob too. Thanks for clairifying.
  6. I (and my mom) are going to pay for my BM dresses. I am trying to find some reasonably priced dress but most are around $200. My mom is paying for them because she didn't want the girls to have to worry about paying for their trip and their dress.
  7. Where did you get your canuck garter? My guy is a huge fan too, I would love to get one.
  8. Mummergirl your pictures are beautiful!!! They do such amazing work, I have been talking to them too, hopefully they will be doing my wedding too.
  9. You must be so excited Diana!!!! I can't wait to see your pictures:) Have an amazing time
  10. So I am officially getting married at Sandos Playacar Thanks to all of you on this thread..you helped make my descision. I am Getting Married January 5 or 6 2010. It feels good to finally have a resort chosen.
  11. I am so glad that you created this thread, I am having the same issue.
  12. Hey Sandra, My wedding is mostly orange too. I am looking for BM dresses that are cheap and won't make my girls sweat to death. I am having the girls wear orange and the guys are wearing aqua shirts and linen pants. I like your centre piece idea.
  13. Erin, I love those invitations, I have been looking for invites forever. Thanks for posting!
  14. those look fantastic...I am going to have to sweet talk my mom.
  15. those look great. I am thinking about doing hot sauce for our AHR too.
  16. thanks for the info....the creative bag site is great and I am so glad that it is canadian..no duty
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