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Everything posted by sdnative222

  1. Sooo, I ended up using Robbi with Maui Day Spa. She was phenomenal. She had a big book of hair options for me and my wedding party to choose from. She has a salon in Kihei, which was 2 minutes away from my hotel. She also travels to your location. Maui Day Spa - Spas on Maui, Salon Services on Maui, Massage on Maui
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Any other Nov brides want to add their email addresses to try to get in contact quicker/easier when we get back? So far I have: Lisa (Chiquita) [email protected] Michelle (beachbride0 [email protected] Erica (EricaG) [email protected] Celina (SoontobemrsE) [email protected] Stephanie (lucy106) [email protected] Danielle (daniellenderek's)[email protected] are these all right and are there any to add? yes, yes...me, too! [email protected] Thank you ladies, for all of you being here. I don't think I could have done all of this if it weren't for each and every one of you. I'm gettin everything packed in my car to drive to San Diego Monday morning. I fly out to Maui on Wednesday. My legal day is Thursday and I'll officially be Mrs. Shawn Gillispie. I'm addicted to checking BWD. What am I gonna do now for my fix
  3. Sherry - I just jumped off the fence with both my feet...and my steamer. I'm soooooo wearing my veil. Even if it's just for the ceremony and pics. I hope the wrinkles come out with a good steam, though. I've had my veil folded away for 2 weeks now.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride Ugh-- I fight this friend of myne also that doesnt go away 80% of the women have cellulite.... So, there most certainly must be a reason why it exists. But a bigger question on the minds of so many women might be: How can I get rid of cellulite? They do not only think about it, they often scream it out : Help me get rid of my cellulite now! As a result of so many people suffering from cellulite the cosmetic industry has developed numerous products, such as creams, lotions and who knows what else… It is a fact that because the demand for cellulite treatments is huge that the cosmetic industry delivers even more of those products. But problem is that those products are often very expensive and not everyone has the funds to buy a treatment. It does not really have to be expensive. There are home made remedies to treat cellulite and they will only cost a fraction of what you would pay for the cosmetic brands. What it will cost you in a manner of speaking is a ‘cup of coffee’ a day. But this time it is meant literally. Cellulite can be treated with coffee grind. So, what is that remedy to help you get rid of cellulite? All you need is a cheap hand lotion and caffeinated coffee. You have to grind the coffee into dust and mix the coffee grind with the hand lotion. As a result you will have a cream. Rub it into you cellulite areas and leave it for a minute. Rinse it off in the shower. Do this everyday and you will see those areas get smoother and firmer. It is very important that you do not use decaffeinated coffee because it is the caffeine that reduces the cellulite. Of course you can buy creams that contain coffee extract, but fact is that the remedy described above is as effective if not better, but most important much less expensive. So, for a cup of coffee a day you can literally get rid of your cellulite. Good Luck Ladies!!! Aiight, I have my measuring cups and I'm ready to go. Is it a 1 to 1 ratio
  5. You are the most beautiful bride! The pictures are amazing. I'm looking at all of your pictures. I've been sitting on the fence about my veil. I know a lot of people that have attended beach weddings. The consensus is that the veil will blow in the wind, strangle me during the ceremony, and be more than a bother than a classic accessory. Your pictures make me want to wear the veil.
  6. BTW, I've heard that Laurie Bolos with Maui on site Hair was pretty good. Her email is [email protected] or call 808-874-5520
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBride5 Thanks for the comments....I was nervous about letting you all see the raw footage... Enjoy your weddings...It is sooo amazing when they are destination! I can't even tell you in words how wonderful your day will be! BB5 You, nervous? That's just silly. I'm so jealous that you are back already with your gorgeous pics and wonderful memories.....I'm so stressed, I just want to fast forward to be married already. I hope my pics come out as beautiful as yours....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 Ok, It's finally official. My last day with the company is October 30. I interviewed with the new company yesterday and they called me today. Out of the three in my group, only was was offered a position. The good news is that I am now eligible for transition pay. 21 weeks and paid remainder of vacation days. They are trying to work me to death until then. Congratulations!! I'm hoping this a huge weight off of your shoulders. Of course, your company would work you to death....whether or not you're on your way out. Soooo, do you have senioritis yet?
  9. I think the consumption of mass quantities of water is helping.....but....my butt doesn't look any different.....however, my thighs are definately less dimply <insert happy face here>
  10. O ladies, thank you ever so much for all of your wonderful letters. I leave for HI in 11 days and I'm really starting to freak out. Reading your posts is slowly bringing the reality of my DW to the surface. All ya'alls made me cry.....happy tears, of course.
  11. Thank you for posting giant pics. I love that I can totally read everything. I can finally go to bed!!!!
  12. Thnx for posting this thread. I'm so burnt out on DIY projects. All I've wanted is a template welcome letter to include with my Welcome Bag where I can just plug in my name and wedding location and be finished with it. These ideas are great.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffiney01 Good Morning ladies..I did it last night and this morning I pushed myself to reach 50 in each set...Has anyone else tried it? Good morning ladies, I've been doing this fun exercise for 4 days....and I can't walk up stairs now. I'm so amazed, but I can officially do all 50 repititions of all the positions. I'm so hopeful I could burst!
  14. your pictures are great. you are totally photogenic. you are beautiful and your husbands 10 gallon hat are precious. Congratulations!!!
  15. I'm so giddy I found this thread. Just last sunday, I sadly clicked on my excel spreadsheet/guestlist to read 7-booked, 32-maybe, 22-no. The pathetic part is that I personally paid for 4 of those tickets. I spent the next 2 days crying to myself thinking I was the most un-popular, unloveable, short, and fat gurl on the planet. Then Tuesday, my sister calls me and tells me she found airfare for half the price it's been at for months. I spread the news and now I have 24-booked! I'm ecstatic (did I spell that right) There still are a few people that I want to attend (ie. my brother and his wife, my mom who just had knee surgery, and my FBIL and his fam), but the reality is that the only person that I should cry over is my FH. He's committed to us, our future, our 2-week holiday on a tropical island and giving hugs whilst whispering , "everything will be alright" in my ear. As for the guests, I'm disappointed that many of my lifelong gf's will not attend.....they have babies at home. I'm sad that my gf's that are attending will leave their partners at home..who will be on my dancefloor. These are minor concerns. I know the people that are coming are taking time off from their everyday lives to share this special moment. As for the ones that can't make it, we'll bombard them with a BBQ and slide-show.
  16. Most creams or gels only work for 24 hours. I learned from a professional beauty queen that the old-school preperationH is fantastic...a little under the eye after a heavy night of drinking...or for thigh lumpiness right before a big night out. Since you have time....Endermologie: A technician runs a vacuum-like suction tube over your skin and follows that with a heavy-duty massaging roller. The bands under the skin are stimulated and stretched temporarily, causing swelling and thickening, which plumps the skin so dimples appear smoother. It's a little expensive $120-200 (depending on where on your body), but it works miracles in lieu of plastic surgery.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Yeah I have those in Black and White. They hurt my toes though, they're to loose over the top of my foot. And yeah, I don't think it'll be that noticeable if the sole is white! I'll just have to get creative!! You can use acrylic paint from michael's to paint the edge of the sole if you are really worried about the color difference. I found a pretty paint in "sand" or "butter" that came out nicely. I would suggest using colored stones that are also incorporated in your wedding colors. My wedding colors are purple and green with ivory accents. I attended a beach wedding this summer. The BR wore ivory with tall white flip flops like yours....she simply embellished the top of the straps with little shells and a few pearls. You couldn't even notice the sides of the soles.
  18. So I'm off to Hawaii for my wedding and HM in 4 weeks. My fiancee and I and are footing the bill for everything. Did I mention that I lost my job last month. Well, you still have plenty of time to coordinate and cost comparison. Truth be told, we can't afford a huge big elegant wedding...however, my amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, and supportive FI always says, "Things will work out. Think positively. It always comes together in the end." We originally planned for a group of 50 on the Big Island and a two week HM on Maui. That was 8 mos ago. I found an amazing WC through referral and now we have a close group of 24 booked in South Maui and will HM in West Maui for 4 days and the remainder on Kauai. I will admit that I had to get rid of a couple of things I thought were really important like the DJ/MC or the videographer, but the cost savings to spend 7 additional days with my new husband in a tropical paradise is worth the price. I think if you have your heart set on the Hawaiian islands, then you should look into it. I'd be happy to refer you to my WC. PM me.
  19. Your dress is so perfect for you. Doncha love when you find beautiful pieces at a steal of a price. As for the BM dresses, I'd vote for black, chocolate, or white with red accents. I do like the teal colored one's cut. I'm just not a fan of the color.
  20. Your stickers are soooo nice. Those details will look great on all of your projects. I'm curious, though. I've been going out of my colored ink in my HP printer like it's going out of style. Am I doing it wrong
  21. The menus and table numbers are soooo adorable. I love your wedding colors.
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