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Everything posted by **~Jenn~**

  1. Well they don't take reservations..However, you can call ahead that day and just let them know you have a big party. Chickies is really big and most of the time it's more packed at the bar areas then seating (Most of the time..LOL) But 4pm is cutting is close to game time, so we will definitely want to call ahead :-) The only problem with this is they will not seat you, unless your whole party is there.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl yes! i was right about both dates, lol! some friends threw a co-ed party one on the 28th, and the family/bridal party one was sunday! we have so much stuff and no where to put it! everyone was so incredibly generous! and yes, i'm starting to get excited now ... it's so close! i can now say "i'm getting married next month" and that's just crazy! my dress *finally* came in, and my first fitting is tonight, so it's going to seem so much more "real" now! ladies, try not to stalk your registries *too* much, lol. not only was i not surprised about the shower dates, but i basically knew almost all the items i got. the only real surprise was the amount we got in cash/checks/gift cards! Aww that's awesome!! Ya know..I checked it a couple of times, but I decieded that I really did want to be surprised, so I stopped and I got so many nice things. My Bridesmaids and maid of honors went above and beyond & all of my guests really did too. We had three car loads of stuff and now it's all in our middle room..LOL we also only got 2 doubles that we need to return (the other doubles we are keeping..lol) Ahh I can't imagine what it's going to be like when I say "I am getting married next month" :-) I am excited for you :-)
  3. Well we can start at 4ish...That is afternoon but close to evening and this way if your going to the game you still have time to hang out and gt to the game in time and if you preferred evening...We'll still be there when the evening starts at 5 or 6 I am sure :-) Does that sound like an idea to anyone? I'm really excited :-)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl almost positive mine is either march 28 or april 5! LMAO about not having any will power left to use toward not peeking ... so true! Lisa, Was your Shower this past Sunday?? Mine was :-) It was fabulous and another stepping stone to the big day!! Are you getting excited??
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 I'm so angry about all of this! Like what the hell Claudia irritates me!!!! I also want to extend an hour without servers or anything, what's the big deal- the DJ will be paid for 4 hours, they can take all of the food and tables away for all I care all we need is the beach. I'm gna do a site visit again like 2 months before my wedding and set that b!tch straight. I already told her we just need A dj, even thought its so not fair the Doremixx isn't approved. Let me know what she says and if she lightens up on any of these issues. I think it's really crappy of them to not let us have who we want to DJ!! They are making so much money from us, expecially with out families and friends booking rooms and stuff, I mean come on! I think they will eventually give in with a little fight :-) I am going to see if My TA will maybe tell her that we already booked and paid for him and maybe that will make a difference...We'll see!! Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 *that Doremixx. --btw, howwww nice is Ivan from Doremixx! He is really nice and he responds so quickly to e-mails!! I just wish I knew someone who actually used him :-( As I have said before though, there was obviously someone who used Mannia first and loved him so I will be the guniea pig with Doremixx if need be. LOL
  6. Hey Ladies, I did get some responses to the questiosn I sent Claudia (Via my TA) & after my TA had to keep e-mailing her..she finally responded. I posted this on the Dj Doremixx v. Mannia thread, but I wanted to post it here also. I said this to her: I booked DJ Doremixx as my DJ..He;s not going to be arriving until around 6pm to set up...Will I still need a day pass for him. She said: He is not approved, we use DJ Mannia So there goes that!! :-( It stinks because the price difference is so big. Even the sound system for 3 hours is more expensive then he is. So I wanted to let you know that if you want him you may have to fight for him a little. I think My TA may just to get her to come around, although, I'm not sure. I also said that I wanted to extend the reception one hour. We will not need any servers or even a bar set up, just the services of my DJ and she said: With or with out servers it's $10 + all that tax crap that charge. WTF! So needless to say, we will just take the party to the lobby..LOL I think once you get down there, you'll be face to face and can fight for more things. I am tempted to book the DJ and fioght for him when I get there. If I lose then I'll lose like $150 bucks, but who says I'll lose?? LOL I still have so much to do and I am losing my ambition. I was so gung ho in the begining, and now I am just plain lazy :-)
  7. So I finally heard back from Claudia. I sent my TA a list of questions and she sent it over to her. After a couple weeks she finally responded. The way I worded it was like this: "I booked DJ Doremixx for the wedding, he won't be coming until about 6pm, will he still need a day pass" She told me that he is not an approved DJ and they use Mannia So I am a little more then Pissed because Mannia is twice as much as Doremixx and I can't afford him. Even if I rent the sound system for 3 hours, it's more expensive then Doremixx!! My TA has a really good repore (sp?) with them, so she is going to work on it for me. It doesn't look promising though. :-(
  8. Ahhh Ok..so originally said the 11th was good but I just found out my mom is doing Easter that day...Since we all do our own thing on Easter Sunday. However..If the 11th is the day everyone else can go...I am sure I can stop by at least for one drink before heading up to my moms :-)
  9. We got this suit a couple weeks agoand LOVE it! we also got the matching linen hat to go with it and it's going to look so cute on my RB :-) I definitely recommend it
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by skye15 Hi Jenn, How are you? I have just realised you are getting married the day I arrive at Dreams. Have you decided on most things now? I keep changing my mind, it is such a nightmare!!!! Hopefully I will arrive at Dreams before you get married so I can see you. Tracy Hey!! I have decided on most things, but I also change my mind also!! LOL ALOT But for the most part I have a plan and I am sticking to it. I am waiting on a response from Claudia eith the answers to my questions I e-mailed her and that will help me out a little more. My Ceremony isnt' until 5:30..So I'm sure you'll be there in time. And the next day I'll be happy to share mmy experience with you and maybe help you out, so defintely look for me I'm so excited because it's getting so close!
  11. I am in for Chickies...It's about 10 blocks from my house..LOL And actually April 11th seems to work for me also :-)
  12. Joanna, Are they booked the whole day? What about if you went really early? I know it stinks to have your hair done all day, but make them spray it good and just be careful. I have 7 people including myself and we have appointments from 11am-3pm...Which still leaves time for another bride to get their stuff done in the AM if there is another bride that day. Another option I would say, have your Bridesmaids (if you have them) to do their own hair and this way it will be easier for them to Squeeze you in to have your hair done. I'm so sorry about that! I was also nervous about something like that happening. If they are going to have 2 weddings in one day, they should be better staffed to handle things like that. Maybe they can just move everyone's appointments around to make room for you and your BM's? There has to be something they can do.
  13. I was going to Suggest Chickies too (Chickie & Pete's) . I think I poll might be good..We can narrow the places choices down and Vote. And then we need to pick a day. I know, myself, like alot of the other May/June brides have tons going on with Just Wedding stuff alone and then between communions, confirmations, my neices b-day parties, my cousins engagement party, Easter, & My Shower (Which I am pretty sure is April 5th ..lol) I am going to have to work it out so I can attend! :-) But I will definitely attend :-) I think It will be a nice time and definitely worth it
  14. Hi girls!! I just found this thread!! I am in..However..Is this just for girls or are FI's invited? i ask this because, If it's just us Ladies then KOP wouldn't work for me as I am a city girl who doesn't drive..LOL But Jersey would work because FI can go to his moms or friends or whatever and drop me off...And of course the city would work. Here are the places I have thought of..feel free to add any... In Jersey we have: Adelphia's The Coastline Prospectors Taylors In Philly: Rock Lobster (Del Ave) Cavannaughs (Del Ave) Copa (South Street) I'm sure there are TONS more...but these are some places that popped in my head :-)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by meli122 Can someone post dj doremixx email. thanks in advance. Here is his e-mail :-) [email protected]
  16. he will get right back to you :-) I actually sent my TA my questions for Claudia and I am waiting to hear back. I didn't really "Ask" her if it was ok to have DJ Doremixx..I kind of said he is already booked and I then went on to ask about the Extra hour that I would like for my reception..LOL So we will see what happens :-) I'll definitely let you all know!!
  17. Thank you so much for your review! :0-) You looked Fabulous and besides a couple of Mishaps, it sounds like it was great! P.S. Harty I can't wait for your review after your wedding!! Set them straight so by the time the rest of get there, they know what they need to do..LOL :-)
  18. What a Fabulous Review and you were a beautiful bride!! :-) It sounds like everything went really good for you :-) Congratulations! I am even more excited now!! I have a couple of Questions if you don't mind Can I ask you if you had the Option to get One long table for the reception, or did she just do it that way? I kind of like that idea, but I only have 4 Centerpieces. I have about 29 people so my table will be about as long as yours...How many Center pieces did you have? Also..With the Ultimate Wedding package,do we all get upgraded after the Wedding day? You have to be staying 7 nights correct? I am just wondering if this is something that they have to be "reminded" of, or if they just did it for you :-) And last, but not least...Did you guys do the Private dinner that was included in the package? and if so, how was that? Thank you so much for your review!! And again, you looked really beautiful :-)
  19. Now that I think My Shower is on April 5th, I have made myself not look! Even though I picked all of that stuff out, I want to be a little surprised (And as i say this all I keep thinking about it looking..LOL) ya know ,I am already using all of my Will-Power on not eating horrible foods, and on getting up at 5am to go to the gym every damn weekday...I don't know if I have enough left over for not peeking! LOL
  20. I am a reality show junkie for sure,so I feel you on that one!! :-) Even the shows that I used to say, "Oh I'll never watch that one" after one episode I am hooked!! Currently, I am Junkie for all of the Bridal reality shows-Bridezilla, Rich Bride/Poor Bride, Say yes to the Dress, Whose Wedding is it anyway?, Platnium Brides, My Fair Wedding...& I am sure I am missing one or two!! LOL I also love Big Brother..Every summer I go crazy reading the live feeds and all that. What are your Favs?
  21. I never really realized how Jealous people can be until I got engaged. While I can't relate as far as a close friend being Jealous, because thankfully, my best friends are nothing but supportive and my one friend who is a BM is traveling alone to Mexico beacuse her boyfriend is out of work..So my good friends are all good :-) But other friends are just plain Jealous!! My one friend that I have known since high school used to piss me off, until I just let it go. She would "complain" that all I talked about was the Wedding (which is correct..I do always talk about it, hello!) But I made it a point to not do that when I was around her. And if I did, she changed the subject, quickly. I put up with it a while, but then I was like, I have been there fro ALL of my friends over the years. I am the first to plan something for them or with them, especially her and why the hell should I have to watch what I say about my Wedding because this girl is jealous and is with a loser who still lives at home with his mom waiting on him hand and foot?(For the past 6 years) After a couple more incidents I just stopped calling her. She would call me and be like, Hello, are you still alive? what's going on stranger? and I would talk to her, but never long. It's not worth it and if your friends can't be happy for you, Genuinely happy, then they aren't your friends. Now, this "friend" has joined the gym with me and one of my BM's, and she goes in the morning when we go and she is forced to listen and talk about the Wedding because alot of the times, that's what the topic of the morning is..Hahahahahaha I say..Talk it out with your friend, But honestly...Anyone who loves you should be happy for you, no matter what is going on in their lives or even if they are a little Envious. Good luck!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i'm dying to know his response, LOL! my uncle "invited" his best friend pete (and his long-time gf) to my wedding. pete has actually known me since i was born, but i have been in his presence as an adult maybe twice? i probably wouldn't recognize him if i bumped into him somewhere, and i have no idea who his gf is, tho he's been with her for about 18 years. they BOOKED when my uncle did (that's right, BOOKED, BEFORE invites even went out). i ended up asking my uncle for pete's LAST NAME (i didn't even know THAT), address, and gf's name so i could send them an actual invite. i'm a sucker, i know. what was i to do? pete told my mom that he's "known me since i was a baby and wouldn't miss my wedding for the world." LOL! this destination wedding business is craziness. if we're all still somehow sane after our weddings it will be a miracle. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Awww... Lisa, you're too nice! That's still a little sweet that he wants to come that badly. I figure if people really want to be there and want to be there to support the wedding and not just for the all you can eat booze, beach, and food, then I wouldn't really care who comes. It's way more of an expense out of their pocket than it is mine, so the more the merrier. However, I think I'd draw the line at people I don't know and who are obviously there for a 'group-rate' vacation. I agree..Even though you haven't seen this guy in a while...He seems to have good intentions and he knows you! I totally don't blame you for being suckered into it! lol I also think it's kind of nice :-) I also agree that if I am still sane come June 25th then it was all worth it..LOL He has read my e-mail and still hasn't responded...UGH! But it doesn't matter...either way...It's great that His GF's mom and brother want a Vacation...and maybe we can all do things as a group...But they weren't invited to the Wedding and they still aren't. End of story :-)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by lanalovesyou Hey guys, Well I just recently got back from Dreams where we had our wedding.........I am writting my review soon but I just wanted to let you guys know, that Dreams is absolutely beautiful...Gaby is wonderful to work with in person......... #1 tip - dont stress the small stuff, at least until you get there...don't worry about pricing and switching things unitl you get there because they say different things to everyone.... But, wow, the gazebo is 1000000 times better in person..its like a fairy tale =) Thanks for the update! :-) I can't wait to read your review Congratulations!! :-)
  24. No!! LOL and I spent too much time shoe shopping and playing with my In-Laws new kitten, so we never made it to his house today. I'll hear from him, or FI will this week, I'm sure.. :-) He did read it though. On Myspace you can tell if your sent mail has been read and it was!
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