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Everything posted by Chantal85

  1. Chantal85


    Welcome! Don't be shy to ask questions.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Hope we can be a help!
  3. Welcome! Happy planning!
  4. Welcome to the forum. Don't be shy to ask questions because the people on here are a great help!
  5. I love the idea of guests suggesting songs. I plan on putting a form for song request onto my wedding website. The only person I need to worry about is the FIL because he's likely to request Black Sabath! My FI still hasn't picked anything for him and the guys to wear either. He's away for work right now but when he gets back I'm taking him hostage until he figures things out! For his ribs comment, I think I should leave him to plan everything else, pick the cake, the flowers, which pretty bows will go on the chairs, etc..
  6. I was 21...but it was my 22nd birthday two days later (it was the only way he could sneak a proposal in the setting he did without me catching on). He is 25. It will be four years that we've been together when we get married in January.
  7. That was too funny. A good late evening giggle!
  8. I don't know about the rest of you, but my FI comes up with the funniest comments. I thought we could start up a thread on the funny things our other halves have to say about wedding planning. I'll get things going with a special moment between my dear sweet love and his close friend. It goes something like: FI: "Would you like to be a groomsmen?" Friend: "Absolutely. I will have to look up what that duty entails." FI: "It's easy, you just eat ribs and drink beer"
  9. When my dad quit after 25 years of smoking, he had to figure out what he needed. Some people need to have something in their hands (so keep them busy typing or holding a pen) and some need something on their lips, which might be why you feel the need to snack or drink soda. For the mouth thing, my dad used toothpicks. He just kept one hanging off his lip whenever he craved a cig (at home anyways).
  10. Also check out Sophia Tolli. Most of, if not all of, her gowns are corseted. They also allow you to order from hollow to hem so you'll get your dress in your length right from the start. I haven't got much for curves but in a Sophia Tolli...watch out!
  11. Welcome to the forum! We'll help you help your sister. Have fun!
  12. Boy can you ever tell we're a bunch of dieting brides! We could all go on and on about food forever!
  13. Have a great time. Don't forget the sunscreen! And of course, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  14. I use mine every day. I started off slow with 10 minutes and slowly built up to longer. By the end I'd watch a whole episode of Grey's Anatomny while on my elliptical!
  15. A true Canadian food would be Poutine: french fries with cheese curds and gravy. The best place to get this is in Quebec (Montreal). mmmm!
  16. Welcome! Hope this forum helps you!
  17. This is something both countries have but are differently shaped. Canadian Corn Pops cereal are little balls whereas American Corn Pops are flatter and football shaped. I wonder why..eh? haha
  18. I love your pictures. You both look great and like you had so much fun. Did I read correctly that these pics were taken in Edmonton? My Fi and are moving there are the end of the summer and would love to get some great engagement shots like these.
  19. Chantal85


    Welcome! This is a great forum for connecting and sharing information!
  20. Welcome! Enjoy the research and don't be shy to ask any questions.
  21. I know how you feel, be patient. I went to 15 different stores before finding my dress. Your dress is hiding somewhere.
  22. Thanks for the review! Your pictures are great. I absolutely love those shots. I'm assuming you did a trash-the-dress. How did you feel about it? I'm debating doing it myself.
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