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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. So - I didn't realize that there were so many renovations?! enough that parts of the resort were loud or had visual construction going on? If that is the case and you can tell me off the top of your head which buildings were completed I will take it upon myself to tell my TA to put all my guests in the renovated rooms! Was it a distraction ?
  2. I am getting more ideas and mental notes on things that i need to get done on this thread- thank you all! It makes life so much easier!
  3. Good idea to have this all together - good to save time browsing when you get online at 11:00 PM every day! Thanks
  4. So pretty! You looked wonderful! Congrats Wifey!
  5. O my-this is horrible- I feel so bad for you guys- lots of love your way from all of us- I will be praying for you as you make it through this time together.
  6. Thanks so much for the specific names of the meds-this will make me sound a bit more educated for my guests and they can decide if they want to do it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i've quit. i'm sending it back this week. i've pooped more w/in the last week w/o it than i did with it. You can send it back?! And get a refund?!
  8. ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW! your pics are amazing and it looked like a beautiful day!
  9. I hate to say this but I think that I am quiting Colonix.. I was doing ok for the first week adjusting. Then since last Thusday, until today so far( 4 days) I have been on the toilet 5-6 times a day with the WORST gas and runs. I can't believe how much is coming out! It hurts... I am so bloated i look 5 months prengnant. I feel and look heavier than I was and no matter how much I poop I still feel bloated and can't eat anything- there is no room. Gross. I haven't taken anything for 2 days now hoping that it will run its course and I will be on my merry way of my irregular self... I work with a guy who does colonoscopy stuff and he said that what the stuff does is go into your intestine and expand like foam with a lot of bubbles and then slowly starts to push through. like drano for your but! He was laughing at me that I thought that I would not have the runs and have normal BM's.. Then I started thinking about you guys and it desn't seem like you have experiences pooping runny water for 4 days either.. What is wrong with me!? Maybe I am really toxic. It is what my FI called it after all! POOP JUICE!
  10. THanks for the input! I am hoping that we can request specific buildings..... hhmm can't wait to hear your review
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 If we do choose Dreams we are thinking of going with the Ultimate Wedding Package. Did anyone else choose this package? Or have any feedback in regards to the Gold Wedding Dinner? Like which locations you have to choose from and options for the menu? I did send an email. But, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you ladies!! I think that most people go with the silver dinner because it is an all inclusive and can't justify spending that much more for food costs. And the silver dinner seems reasonable also, that is what we are doing. And we played with the wedding packages and then priced it all out a-la-carte and it seems cheaper and easier to put it all together a-la-carte... For us anyway because we are getting the "free" wedding with the 7 night honeymoon suite.
  12. PS- We are having everything on the beach - that is why we wanted to do a DW! Feet in sand and wind in the hair!
  13. this is the photo that the WC sent me for the beach set up. I believe that the bar is included in the set up - and the lighting with tiki torches. No extra charge to set up on the beach. Which is weird to me since they charge you $300 for a ceremony on the beach and that is a lot less work!
  14. yeah it seems that the past few weeks I havent' heard from her much either. Taking a bit longer to respond. O well - I guess I have some time and if I were in the midst of having my wedding this month I figure I would expect the attenion to go to me first. I guess wait and see!
  15. BEAUTIFUL! thanks for the posts! I will most likely utilize some of that wonderful poetry!
  16. That is beautiful! I love them- Looks like my wedding colors also! Vibrant and fun! I wish that I could use vistaprint. I can't seem to do anything on that site with a MAC> o well!
  17. Link didn't work- page 2 of Punta cana on a specific thread?
  18. Cool site- fun gifts for a bachelorette party!
  19. Sorry I missed this- I didnt' get an email on the update! Check out your Pm's!
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