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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. so we were kind of having the same issue, and finally I got a response back after sending a few follow up emails. the answers were shorter than usual and not as much info as I was looking for, but at least i know that they are getting the email and when the season slows down hopefully we can get more detailed info we are looking for.
  2. I voted- they are all so beautiful! Love some of the artistry with capturing the lighting and then some of the other pics how you caught people at the perfect intimate moment on film. Great job!
  3. A stick I found I didn't keep the stick though. Couldn't figure out how some of the pics you see are on the flat / harder sand and there are no foot marks in them.... hhhmmm
  4. I know that it is scary not knowing out of experience what the reosrt holds for you, but keep this in mind... If you go with the "Im on the lookout" attitude, something will go wrong. No matter where you stay. Nothing is ever 100% perfect. Where ever you decide on, there is always a chance... you just have to make a good decision and try to stick to it. I know its hard, we changed our local 3 times!
  5. Hey girls, i didnt know where the best place to post this was. I saw a while back that one of the DW photographers was going out and writing the table #'s in the sand for people and taking pics of it. Well I was looking to do the same thing and couldn't come across any of them on here.... So I went to the beach this weekend and decided to do it myself! It was kind of funny- people were looking at me strange. and FI was making fun of me while he was holding my purse. We were in Ogunquit, and there are a lot of gays so people were probably wondering. Anyway, I thought I would share and post them.. I have them all on photobucket- here is the link to the album kimba1177/WEDDING PLANS/sand numbers - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Feel free to use them if you wish. I may take another shot at this at another time. The sun was not really out and i couldn't get close enough to the water. and yes I know- my hearts have little "tails" to them, I think it's cute. i also took a few pics of interlocking hearts in the sand
  6. Yippee! I love this - I wanted to get some but didn't want to pay an arm and a leg- thanks for the link!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems Given that 50% of marriages end in the first 2 years, I'd bet my first born child that most of those people get divorced and are still paying off the ring and wedding! And it's b/c they were putting on a show for everyone else. Ha! Not just the ring but the wedding also! They can cost 50k+ for a "typical" sit down CC wedding in this neck of the woods- and there is so much social pressure to get it all done! That is what I like about a DW and I think that most DW brides are "true" to their feelings and love as a couple because we are able to see through the crap of a wedding to show off and get married in a beautiful place with our loved ones for just that- true love. But I have to agree society today with wedding is such crap- it is not only the advertising and marketing of how it should be, it celebriuty's and needing and wanting it ALL. When it comes down to it most people forget it is just the 2 of you. Hopefully if the bride is that superficial the groom will see through it at the engagement and open his eyes. Otherwise they will most likely become a statistic. O well what can you do?
  8. Love the invites- the pocket fold inside looks so professional - no seems! Did you do that yourself too?
  9. OK so what does BD book stand for - are you a professional model? They are some HOT pics!
  10. Hey our wedding is 3 days apart! I am a Dreams bride also but I am a punta cana bride! I think that they work the same. If you choose a package with the photo's etc, they have specific vendors that they use for everything. If you want to use your own vendors then make sure that you choose the weddings a la carte rather than one of the spcific packages they have designed! hope this helps!
  11. We are having the same exact issue as you are with the DW wedding and then the AHR. I think that we are going to do the OOT bags for the DW wedding and then get luggage tags for placecards which will double as favors. Then at the AHR I want to do something but it will not be so formal as it will be in the back yard at my parents... so I was thinking of something that will not bee too expensive. I also like the lottery ticket idea!
  12. May 24th is our AHR! It will be the big celebration- most definitly a wedding, just #2!
  13. I can't wait! and i have 10 months! Too bad we don't have the $$ to do a sit review!
  14. is that Mexican patio location ground level and near the beach location? I am wondering if it is close enough to walk onto the beach / if it is from a building?
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