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Everything posted by S2BLennon

  1. I teared up thinking about what you must feel at this moment. Take your time planning your wedding - nothing has to be planned at this moment. Everyone will understand. And when you do, remember that although it will be tough at times, your dad wants you to be happy and will be with you in spirit on the day of your wedding.
  2. Nice! I love the thank you pic- will be so nice for guests to recieve that - so unique
  3. Such a beautiful couple- your dress is amazing! I love the ruins pics also - they are so great with the nature in the setting. Lovely
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild So let the representing and trash talking commence...I know we have a few Yankee fans here (boo, hiss) who will come out of the woodwork! Agh Good ole' Yankee's fans! ** RED SOX FAN HERE! Can't say much more other than Boston sports rock right now and we are back baby! What a great team we have - such spirit!
  5. Ditto on being speechless- these are fantastic! Congrats- you look so happy!
  6. LOVE THEM - the one with you laying on the sand resting on you arm and him leaning over you is precious! The water and the lighting is perfect
  7. I am getting married at Dreams' Punta cana and I know that you cant have a catholic wedding there on resort. If you are looking for a Catholic church to go to and have the ceremony the WC there may be albe to help you. I know that the Catholic church does not allow for a ceremony anywhere other than the church. You can however have a ceremony on the beach / in the gazebo and get an English speeking minister to do the holy/ God like ceremony. But it is not specifically Catholic. Hope this helps
  8. Whatever they are - they must be phenmoinal for that price.. Lighting for $4500? I dont' care what color they are!
  9. Yeah I got home from work and my shipment came.... So the first thing I did was do the fiber, but not the pills I figure I will wait until the AM. -- Yeah the fiber is gross with water- it's that last swig when you gulp all the last remains.. Yuck. I wish I had some juice to mix it with - will have to go to the store. I figured milk would not be such a good thing! **I have been reading about the gas, think it is ok to take a gas ex tab with the colonix? May help the gas if you are out and about... I am teaching 10 dance lessons tommorow so I am hoping I don't have expolisive gas / poops during that time..
  10. I still haven't recieved my shipment- I think that I get it tommorow- I am going to be a few days behind. I was thinking of starting hot yoga up at the same time to assist in making my new flat belly ab-licious!
  11. So I went there today also and found these 3 dimmensional flip flop invitations... 10 for $1.99! I bought a few packs they are SO cute- and figured that I can use them for a meet and greet party or even for the rehersal dinner / excursion party.. AND- I got a scrapbook with paper included and stickers etc for $6.99.. I plan on using this to make my guestbook scrapbook... CANT WAIT!
  12. OK so I am curious because I was researching and it says that the mosquitios carry malaria on DR- did this sway anyones reason to have a beach reception at night after the sun goes down? Did anyone feel like there were a lot of mosquitos out?
  13. Dontcha LOVE Christmas Tree shop? reading this made me think of the commercials... "Don't you just love a bargain?" You don't have one in your neck of the woods? Where in NH were you? I Live in Nashua.. :0
  14. BREATH! It will all be beautiful, this is the time to enjoy, even though it may be dificult, don't waste it away too quickly on stressing!
  15. Dont' worry about a thing! I love the color combo and the ecru is nice also- Go MOM! Nice job
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I got married in Punta Cana in August and I had my reception on the beach and it was perfect. We hardly had any wind on our trip, except for hurricain Dean, lol. The beach feels a little cooler(not much though) then away from the beach. I say go for it and have the beach reception there will be no prettier backdrop:) Good to hear that you didnt have too much wind- that is what I was concerned about also - But I figured a little was ok =- I mean it is mother nature- it will not be still and air conditioned, but just like a beach around here once the sun goes down I am sure that it is mostly comfortable.
  17. I am supposed to get mine on Wed next week So I guess I will start then... PS- I think that the weird stuff that comes out is from the Toxinout product, which they say to use on the 2nd month of the colonix.
  18. Holy Crap! that is steep for fireworks. Let see what she says about the dancers. Now that i think of it i have not heard from her in response to a few questions i had on entertainment also.
  19. Here is a pic of my baby Tedy and then a pic of him now.
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