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Everything posted by niels408

  1. Welcome!! You'll love this site, its addicting!!! Laura
  2. LOVE IT! What a beautiful dress! You going to look amazing! The tie up the back is my favorite!!! How long did they say it takes to recieve it?? I've been wondering bc I haven't even gone yet & i'm down to 8 months! Gorgeous though! Laura
  3. I'm getting married Dec. 7th, 2008 at Dreams Tulum in RM. Its a beautiful area & I'm sure it will be tough to decide between them all! Soon enough though you'll see that specific things depending on what's important for you on your wedding day will be available or not at certain places, some will allow adults only, some have top shelp liquors, ceremony locations, etc. it'll get easier to discern b/w them all. Let me know if you have any quesitons i can help with! It was tough for me to decide as well! But this site will be a huge resource for you & everyone on here is amazing! laura
  4. I am so jealous of you ladies who already have or are in the process of getting your boobies!!! I have been thinking & looking into it for years now & am getting married in Dec...can't decide to do it before or wait a few years til I have kids (my fiance is from a HUGE Italian family so he def wants 3-4 kids!). I am just worried about any complications..I swear if I do it i'll be that 1 in 100,000 who has complications b/c I already have sensitive skin & seem to always have issues with stuff. Just worried, but want them SO BAD!!! I appreciate all this info on this post though! If anyone knows any good doctors or friends who have gotten their surgery done in Denver, CO I'd love to hear about it or about the doctors! Thanks again, Laura
  5. We're not getting any done either! Agree with most of you ladies that we already have tons of pics of us to use for save-the-dates, so don't really see any need in spending the $$$. Laura
  6. Thanks so much for the wonderful review! I am getting married at Dreams Tulum Dec. 7th, 2008, do this is extremely helpful! Glad everything turned our great & it makes me feel 100% secure about having my wedding there! Thanks again!!! Laura
  7. niels408


    Welcome, Welcome!!!!
  8. Whoops, sorry ladies I'm alittle slow this morning! This idea has already been disussed so excuse the repeat!!! But I agree that the beads/balls do work great! Laura
  9. I actually had the same problem & was torn about getting it resized a bit smaller, but our jeweler actually had a neat idea...they can actually put these tiny little "rubberish" balls (2 of them & they can't barely even see them & they are clear in color) in the bottom inside of the ring so it fits snugger, but they sort of mold to your fingers, so like if you cold & fingers are smaller it keeps a tight fit, and then can relax when your fingers decide to swell...then there is no permanent resizing of the ring since like the ladies said in previous posts that during pregnancy or later in life our fingers seem to swell & then you can just take the "balls" out!!! Hopefully this is an option for you at a jeweler nearby! It works great! Laura
  10. The only time open was 1pm for us which i was super disappointed about, but luckily the 4pm slot opened up so I'm hoping thats enough sun time & then still enjoying the pretty sunset. From what my TA says usually the start time runs 30 min late, so we'll be more like 4:30om?? Cross fingers it works! Laura
  11. Welcome! I'll have to look over your site since we haven't confirmed a photographer yet for our wedding in Dec. at Dreams Tulum!!! Thanks!
  12. Sorry if this is a total "Newbie" questions, but how are all of you getting your centerpieces to your destinations. Are you all mailing it ahead of time & then having the resort workers set it all up I wasn't sure if we were allowed to send boxes to resort ahead of time? Thanks!!!! (that's my "I am newbie" flag)
  13. My favorite is Dress 1 It'll be perfect for beach wedding! You'll look beautiful!! Laura
  14. Welcome, you'll love this site! Feel free to put out any & all questions you may have b/c a TON of people have gotten married there or are heading there soon! Good Luck! Laura
  15. I love the tangerine & Hot pink! Great idea, i've been looking into getting a quote on aisle petals at Dreams Tulum & haven't gotten work back, but bringing my own silk ones would probably be best anyway! Thanks & good luck! Laura
  16. Welcome! You must be so excited! I'm getting married in RM too, so you'll have to let me know how yours went! Welcome & Congrats!
  17. niels408


    WELCOME! I am in Denver, CO too! You'll love this forum, it is so amazing and the people & info are great! I'm getting married Dec, 7th 2008 at Dreams Tulum. I have a friend looking into the same place you are in PV and she's from Denver too, so we'll all have to keep in touch! Welcome & happy planning! Laura
  18. Has anyone been able to obtain pics or details on the new "convention center/ballroom"? I am not sure where to have or where we are able to have our reception yet (were having @ 70 ppl) and want music and stuff for sure!!! Also where are most of you having your welcome dinners at DT? Thanks for all your guys words of wisdom! This forum is a life saver!!! Laura
  19. Shannon, Your bags are awesome! I really need to step it up! Are you mailing the completed bags to your destination before you arrive or packaging them & taking them with you to airport when you head down there? You did amazing, your guests are going to love them! By the way, how many people are you expecting or how many OOT bags did you have to make? Thanks & again wonderful job!!! Laura
  20. I agree with everyone, I am sure there is a reason you bought it in the first place & we all become our own worst critics, especially pertaining to something this important. I am sure you look AMAZING!!! Laura
  21. WELCOME!!! This forum is amazing! You'll be overwhelmed with help & knowledgde! Laura
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