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Everything posted by KLK

  1. *CHANTING* DO IT JEAN, DO IT JEAN! haha, if you DO decide blogger.com and wordpress are very easy to use
  2. VISTAPRINT ROCKS! I've used them for years and just recently switched to overnightprints.com and am pleasantly impressed!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 You mean she'll be in the Cancun area around May 22nd? I'm trying to get a hold of her tonight for you. She will be 2nd shooting for me for a wedding in Puerto Vallarta on the 17th and is planning on leaving to come home to CA on the 21st, but may be able to head over to Cancun instead? Just a thought, i don't want to make any promises, but i'll check!!! send me some more details if you can! thanks!
  4. Just want to say an early HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MAMAS AND ALL MAMAS TO BE!!!
  5. NO...my chair has a permanent butt dent.
  6. Did you find someone yet? I have a wonderful photographer -that i shoot with here in CA -out there during that time -she may be able to stay and do it!?
  7. KLK

    I'm a newbie!!

    Welcome! This place ROCKS!
  8. I vote aqua & brown, maybe light greens too good luck!
  9. Feel free to peek at my boudoir portfolio for more ideas ladies! Boudoir Site: KLK PHOTOGRAPHY :: Client Login Login: boudoir keyword: beauty
  10. Holy crap, that first outfit is soooooooo cute!!! that is a lot of $$$, BUT if you're really going to wear it as a suit you'll for SURE get your money's worth! VS also has some sexy swimsuits that can pass for lingerie. It'll be so much fun for pics and you can do outdoor shots that are colorful, fun & sexy and you'll feel comfortable still
  11. Congratulations and thanks for the advice Mrs. Wilson!!!
  12. Amy! Your from kzoo! I grew up there! Do we know eachother?
  13. YES!!! Went for about a 8 mile bikeride around a nature preserve, BEAUTIFUL, and so much easier than running
  14. MY BLOG Please check out my latest happenings & photography!
  15. Thanks guys! The link helped starchild! I forgot to mention i'm having a very private wedding, preferably on beach or cliff/close to water. One most important factor is not busy or "tourist" location. Also, finances is a must for my family to be able to travel, only 20-30 family/friends, would love a private beautiful modern villa to bunk immediate family the night of? Keep em comin!
  16. Darn! Wish i could have made it! Love your train pic arlene
  17. Work looks BEAUTIFUL!
  18. fortunately a friend from MI is in between jobs right now and would love a "free" trip to CA! So we have him for a week, then the other 4 days, we'll be sending him to a neighbors, who wants to "test" out having a pet. On our next trip, sadly but true, we'll have to board them, the kennels around here are so clean and great that we're not too worried about it, good luck!
  19. I know a ton of you have been searching and searching for the BEST spot to say "i do"... Well, I am just beginning my search and would love some ideas of even where to start looking! If you have booked the place, would have loved to book the place or wish you would have, PLEASE SHARE!!! SO exciting...once i find the location, the planning will begin, AGHHH!!!
  20. KLK


    hope this helps you put together the rest of the details, happy planning and best wishes!!!
  21. i asked my fiance (who knows the biz) what the regular prices are and he said around 1800-2800, then travel costs are extra - this should be average? Hope it gives you a ballpark- they always seem to be quite a bit cheaper than photography, so sad, they do great work and put in LOTS of hours! I've heard so many brides cut this out of their planning because of budgets, and totally regret it in the end, the day goes by so fast! Hope this helps! Best wishes and happy planning!!!
  22. so pretty, way to be different, love the style and color
  23. It all depends on the experience and how willing the external photog is to travel, can range from just cost of travel up to 10 grand, depending on package! A good destination photog usually starts at 5000+, but so many factors included...keep searchin! BEST WISHES!
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