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Everything posted by Copita

  1. Heidi, there is no greater feeling than signing that piece of paper when you close on a house and saying, I'm a homeowner!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO VERY EXCITING! Lovely house, by the way :)
  2. Xandra, I absolutely LURVE partylite! They have the RICHEST smelling candles! My mother has hosted a few parties for her friend that sells that and I've bought them from her a couple of times. Also, I tend to buy them mostly on ebay. Their Vanilla and Mulverry are my absolute FAVORITES
  3. Calia, Kudos to you and your man for wanting to eat/drink healthier! It def does a body good! I exercise regularly and watch what a eat a lot and don't entirely cut out caffeine since I looooove looooove looooove TEA (which is also great for the body) but will advise you that organic foods CAN be expensive so if you don't have a store near to you, just hit up your local grocery store and eat what you know is healthy (veggies, lean meats, proteins, produce, etc). I drink a lot of water and juices (apple, orange, lemonade, etc). I do try to stay away from soda as much as possible. Cutting soda out changes things like you wouldn't believe. Good luck on your new lifestyle! It def has AWESOME benefits & you will feel 20 times better!
  4. I am very sorry to hear this. At this point, just try not to think about it much and don't mention it to anyone since you didn't offer to pay for anyone else (and it's nobody's business really). They should be respectful of you guys though and not act like ding dongs because paying for not one but TWO tickets is going above and beyond the call of duty, in my opinion. That is really major! And just a word of booking advice, sometimes the closer you wait to book to the date, the more expensive airfare it. Good luck!
  5. Aw! He is super cute, Tammy! Congrats on the new addition to your family I also love the name Stewie
  6. Oh, man. You have every right to be pissed! How on earth are you supposed to be planning a wedding without even having an idea of what costs what? Did they ever send you wedding package costs and the 'extra/not-included in the package' costs sheets? If not, I strongly suggest youc alling up a manager there to speak with them stat or calling their corporate office. I know of one bride who was never told the bar alone was $3,000 til much later and another who found out day passes for guests not staying at her resort were $100. EACH PERSON. Insane. Depending on the resort/how big your party is, they will sometimes charge "by the person" per dinner. Def check these things out before you get down there. Good luck!
  7. Hey there, I'm an Iberostar bride myself (in the DR). I have stayed at several Ibero chains and will say, over and over again, it is TOP notch. Creme de la creme, fi you will. While it may not be the MOST budget friendly, you DEFINITELY DEFINITELY get your bang for your buck. After staying at an Iberostar, you feel so spoiled that traveling to a different resort can sometimes suck. LOL. It's first-class, all the way.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Looks like the DR is becoming popular for DW!!!! I know!!! Twinkletoes, your posts always get me like super excited! Loooove it! When I started this post, it was so wee, and now look, the list is so long!!! :) :)
  9. Omgosh that is truly awful. I am sorry and send my condolensces your way.
  10. We've been engaged for 17 months now. I will say, that with our wedding hanging in the gallows (early July) that ever since, and especially since January of this year, I have been absolutely MANIC about taking my pills on time and freaking out on any any any little possibility of becoming pregnant! LOL. I have taken 2tests this year, even when I knew I probably wasn't, just out of fear of being! LOL. We said taht if we became pregnant before the big day, then no big deal, that is what God would will, but we have definitely taken ever measure to prevent it! LOL So I hear ya! (Plus my dress is TIGHT across my bust/waist & I paid a lot for it and want to fit in it!) Sorry for the novel, ladies!
  11. LOL. Today IS shoe day, Jenny! Those shoes are hot hot like tabasco sauce!!!!!!!! They look like dancing shoes! Caliente! My FI is from Portugal! Barcelos to be exact
  12. Heidi your slideshow is awesome! You guys look soooooooooo happy! I love the pics of you all jumping up in the air at the beach! It's getting me so pumped for my wedding!
  13. Great pics, JM! Being from DC, I can def attest to the traffic being absolutely insane here! Next time tell them to hook you up with some cake! haha
  14. LOooooooooooovely pictures! That one of you guys laying against the column is so rexy sexy! Haha. And the one of you in the grass is super sweet Great pics, chica!
  15. Copita

    NOOB! hehe.

    Welcome to you and happy planning
  16. Hi ladies! Got my shoes this weekend that I'm wearing for the reception. (I'll be wearing flip flops for the beach ceremony). My wedding colors are gold and red so I love that these match:
  17. ^^ Oh, that's great about the WC. And awesome idea on letting things smooth over a bit before you call. I totally understand cause I had to take a breather myself before I responded back to my bridesmaid. I just couldn't believe she gave that f*tard bf of hers all her darn money (he was no good and shacking up with some broad) an dthen they broke up!!!! LOL. I love her to pieces, though. My mother's friend told me when I started planning my wedding, The people you think who MOST will go to your wedding, never do and the ones you don't think will, do. And it's so true! We have 45 people booked so far and a lot of them I didn't think would come at all! Oh yeah, that's right! I remember posting back and forth with you on the Eden H link! Dont worry though. It will all work out in the end. The resort looks lovely!
  18. Twinkle, Wow, you've got a lot going on, chica. I am so sorry that all this is happening at once... but it will only make you stronger, TRUST! 1. The good thing is that FI is okay. First and foremost, that is the big thing... that he was not hurt. 2. That is so crappy about your MOH. WTF? And call me old school but over an email is even LESS considerate! Don't talk to her until you have calmed down a bit. I would be upset, too. One of my best friends & bridesmaids also told me via email she couldn't come anymore (due to giving all her cash to her boyfriend - they've since broken up). But I just told her that I didn't hate her and understood and I know that she feels really badly she cannot go. 3. Don't listen to them. At all. Block them out of your head. If they say something, tell them that the longer they wait to book, the prices increase. Everyone knows that. if they can't make it, too bad. Seriously. They knew about it from the get-go. And the joy of a DW is that not everyone can come so if they are going to be "debbie downers" then you are prob better off without having them there! 4. Call your WC's boss and tell them you mean BUSINESS. Your wedding is fast approaching and there is no need for her to not respond to ya! 5. Hang tight. Just wait and see what happens at work. See if you can get some 'inside info' from the higher ups about what direction the comp is taking and then if it sounds grim, put your resume out there. That never hurts. What resort are you getting married at?
  19. I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, it does suck that it's on your bday weekend but if you didn't have a major fiesta planned then it's not inconsiderate of her, IMO. She's prob just excited to get married already and as long as she doesn't cancel on you or plan her wedding THE SAME weekend as yours, then it's all good. Just be happy for her. But I do agree with you that what she did last year on your bday, having you change the date to fit her schedule and then didn't bother to shwo was SUPER assy of her! Not cool, IMO.
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