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Everything posted by IrieBride08

  1. Dang! I'm going to have to make SURE I get a crock pot!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh oh yea - we had neighborhood "kick the can" games going on most night. we just knew that once it got to be too dark, we should probably head home. ahhh - the good ol' days! I know, right?!? Also, I was totally a latch-key kid and at 7 years old would pick my 5 year old sister up from daycare, walk the 5 minutes home, and stay there together until my mother got home around 6:30! Not happening today! (Nor would I recommend it!)
  3. This is too funny! I'm amazed we made it out alive! LOL!! I was def. one who was sent out to play in the morning and didn't come home til before the streetlights came on, made mud pies (minus the worms!!!), etc.!
  4. I'm also going Wednesday for my Saturday wedding, but I wonder if that's enough time to meet with the coordinator and make sure everything's set up--my guests are arriving on Thursday!!! I think I should have left atleast 2 days between my arrival and my guests... I hope it will be ok!
  5. Since it's an AI can't you just have everyone meet at one of the locations? Is it possible to make a reservation? I thought it was supposed to be "FREE"...
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! Good luck with your planning.
  7. IrieBride08


    to the forum and happy planning! The location depends on what feeling you're going for on your wedding day. Captiva is more laid back with those beautiful white sugar sand beaches and sand dollars. The Keys are more like the Caribbean in feel and flavor. Good luck choosing!
  8. *Sigh* Ok, here's my wedding dress. I was originally looking for the slim, sleek, beachy, sexy look, but those looked super crappy on me. (I was so disappointed!) I tried this dress on and it made me feel so petite (when I totally am NOT!) LOL!! I'm still getting used to this different silhouette, which could change the tone of my whole wedding! It is a Monique Luo "three tier" organza dress. It was suprising light and airy! All I have is this crappy cell phone shot, but I just found a pic online to show some of the detail. The best part is I got it for $349, so if I find something better, I have options! Whatcha think?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Oh, you should know better then that! Post it anyway!!! You got a lucky with that stores mistake You are too funny! Ok, I'll post it on the "Show your wedding dress" sticky thread.
  10. Thanks! I'll be posting a pic soon. The only one I have is a crappy cell phone shot.
  11. I bought my dress for $350. They inadvertently marked the wrong price on the dress and had to honor it! (Orig $979, supposed to be on sale for $599.)
  12. Lizz, I think you're doing very well. You've been communicating with Chandlyn, nailing down details, etc. Don't worry! If anything, I'm using you for inspiration in my planning cuz I haven't spoken to my coordinator since I booked my wedding! I'm using input from you and the other RIU brides to help me start formulating my communications with my coordinator! I completely relate to feeling pulled in so many directions. (Weddings, homebuying, interviewing.) It can be nervewracking! I am also in the process of purchasing a home with my FI, I have a mega project due at work by the close of this year AND am going be responsible for running the press room at our annual meeting ONE WEEK before my wedding! I think I'll be insane come April! We have your back here! Rant away...it's my turn next!!!
  13. Very beautiful. (And your niece is a cutie!)
  14. Congratulations and to the forum! Good luck with selecting your location! (Come on to Jamaica, mon!)
  15. to another Maryland bride! Happy planning!
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