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Everything posted by IrieBride08

  1. Guess it's a good thing since I've been periodically getting these messages while trying to read through the threads all day:
  2. to the forum! I don't know much about Bora Bora, but I know it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Definitely a dream location. I hope everything works out with your plans!
  3. I love the idea of using them as centerpieces! Too cute! (Too bad it doesn't go with my Jamaican wedding!)
  4. Welcome to the forum Benifer!
  5. Welcome to the forum Kristin!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i love it! my mom was so laid back too ... hopefully i can be like her, and my friend. i'm sure it won't be an issue. on the other hand, i have another friend that i KNOW will be paranoid about stuff like that. it will be interesting when the 3 of us get together and our kids are eating weeds or licking rocks, and hers are carrying around a bottle of hand sanitizer! My mom was very laid back too. I'm scared that I will be one of those paranoid moms!!! I'm trying to supress it, but I'm scared that when I have a kid that it will come spilling out! I don't wanna be chasing my kid with the hand sanitizer!!! Save me! LOL!!! Thanks so much for the perspective in this thread. When I was a kid, I fell down, tasted grass, played with bugs, etc. and I'm perfectly fine!!! Thanks for the reality check!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsButler08 Hello everyone. My name is Alexandra and my fiance and I are getting married June 14, 2008 at ROR. We are very excited and are looking forward to it. to the forum! Why don't you start your own thread so we can welcome you properly! Happy planning...
  8. Such a great slideshow! I felt swept up in the emotion of it all! Very beautiful!
  9. Great job! They look too cute! (I'll be copying you on these as well!) Are your OOT bags the palm ones?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Cherie How about "it's all Irie, mon"...that's all I heard when I was there. It just means to chill out, everything is all good. Or how about lyrics to a Bob Marley song? He's HUGE down there. Just a few suggestions!! Yeah! That's what I meant!
  11. Not a mom yet, but this was hysterical! Thanks for sharing!
  12. That's exactly what we need. (I love how it's password protected!) We were discussing how we really don't know any of the younger children and they don't know us. (There are 19 of us in the first round of neices and nephews.) We would love a place to share news and events I'm definitely going to look into easysite.com! Thanks so much for sharing!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Conster My whole family has a blog. Each and every one of us can post on the blog. Its actually kinda fun!! Even my mom and dad use it....they're trying to be more computer literate. I think they really like it because not alot of people have a "family" blog. We can post pics and videos...its fun. What a great idea!! One of my cousins recently ran across some old photos of my grandparents that no one had ever seen before. She made the suggestion that we try to do something to stay more connected as a family and share news and information--since we've grown so large that we're slowly growing apart. How did you guys set this up? I think this would be a great idea for our family!
  14. to the forum! Your wedding is coming up quickly! Good luck with your planning!
  15. Evidently, the make up is legit, but it's the discount email that's shady. Aside from various people complaining that they receive the make up late when they order it from elf.com, it seems ok. Here's a snippet from one blog about the makeup:
  16. Ok, guys. After I got all excited, ordered a rack of makeup and forwarded this "great deal" to a host of my friends, I'm finding out that there's a lot of shady things concerning this ELF makeup! I'm hearing that it's a SCAM! Needless to say, I'm pissed! I'm curious to see whether I will recieve the makeup and the quality as well. I keep getting mixed reviews about the make up, but overall, the company seems like it's shady. Check these out: Alpha Mom : Advice Smackdown : Because I'm Not the Only Person Here Who Knows a Thing or Four E.L.F Cosmetics: Yes or No?-The Budget Fashionista Has anyone else heard anything like this? Has anyone here had any problems with these products?
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