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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. I think it's guests responsibility to pay for the day fee if they aren't staying at your chosen resort. Even your friends who will be staying with friends. IMO!
  2. Oh Shelley.. I'm so sorry to read this. I can't add too much more than what the other girls have already said but we are here for you!!!
  3. Okay thanks.. There is a Nordstroms over the border into WA.. not too far away
  4. I like the style of the pink purse best, but if it was in the champagne colour that matches your sash I would get that
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  6. PS.. Shelley your flowers look awesome.. you are so crafty!! Love it
  7. Oh my god Julie.. I love you!! I found a couple pics I really really like and think that is how my hair will be... man that is the thing I've been stressing a bit about.. how to do my hair... yay!!!
  8. Those are all great ideas.. my FI would definitely use a flask but it's usually when we go snowboarding and stuff...
  9. Ooooh... I love those camo bags and poker chips is awesome. Taking notes....
  10. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum.. hopefully someone can answer your question
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  12. Wow! Congrats to the forum.. hope your move will be smooth sailing for you
  13. Chiquita


    Welcome to the forum.. where you getting married?
  14. Hmmm tough choice.. I like the top of number 1 but I love the back of number 2... I guess I'm no help at all.. sigh.
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum fellow canadian
  16. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  17. Woo!! Congrats and welcome to the forum.. lots of ladies to help you out on here
  18. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
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