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Everything posted by NYJen

  1. Paper Mart Packaging Store has inexpensive shopping bags in all different sizes and colors. You can decorate the bags with stickers by Zazzle custom t-shirts and more, create or shop for unique designs shipped in 24 hours. Do you have a logo for your wedding? You can put the logo on the stickers. If not, you can have your stickers say, "Welcome to Charleston." Or "Welcome to our wedding." Then definitely fill them with Charleston items (shot glasses, stamped postcards, refrigerator magnet, etc) and some water, Halloween candy, guide book, etc. - so cute!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by AllureEventDesign I should also add that it's unlikely that you'll have a problem bringing items with you through customs... Customs officials are used to seeing wedding groups, so should it become an issue, just let them know you are getting married here. That should take care of it. Hey Vari, I keep meaning to tell you that Brendan and I decided to bring our stuff with us on the plane, rather than ship it. We called the airline and found out the rate for extra baggage and it turns out to be MUCH cheaper to do it this way. Plus I won't be freaking out that my boxes won't make it to the hotel.
  3. Ok, I propose Sunday, April 20th at The Cheesecake Factory in Cherry Hill. Who's with me?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I was thinking of doing that too, but decided just to forgo the flowers. I feel like if I order from the Jamaican florist, I'll be stressing out while I'm down there about them. Thanks for the suggestion though! True! And we don't need you stressing about ANYTHING the day of your wedding. The parasols are going to be PERFECT!!!! I can't wait to see your pics.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Okay Ladies, I probably made the worst mistake and bought a dress that is too tight! I can zip it but I just cant really sit down in it or breathe in it!!! So TODAY - after my last ice cream...im such a fatty- I am officially making the effort to lose at least 15 lbs.... Yeah, don't worry - you still have plenty of time. Just go slow so you don't have to cram it all in the last month. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Just cut back on your calories and increase your exercise a touch, that'll definitely help you be able to breath in your dress. LOL!!!
  6. I have an idea, is it possible to order from the Jamaican florist you know nothing about so that you (hopefully) get the flowers you want, but then also get the parasols as a back up in case the flowers are a no show. I know it's a lot of money to spend - I just thought it might solve all your problems. Best case, your bridesmaids have both bouquets for the ceremony and parasols for the pictures. If not, just go with the parasols - I love that idea.
  7. That's awesome news!!!! Congrats!!! Oh, I hope you get it. I've got my fingers, toes and eyes all crossed for you. LOL!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Keep it up girls!!!!!! Tomorrow begins the start of 8 weeks of Hell!!! My goal is to lose 25lb (yeah right I know).... Just thought we could all use a little motivation!!!!!! Where in the world are you going to lose 25 pounds Are you planning on cutting off a leg or something?
  9. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I originally hired Baja Weddings. They assigned WC Varinia to be my planner. And they quoted me $2500 for 40-50 people. I actually thought that was pretty good, considering what WC's charge here in NY. Anyway, a few months ago, Vari decided to leave Baja Weddings and start her own business - Allure Event Design. Not only did I go with her, but she also became a member of the forum. Bottom line, I think $2500 is a pretty good deal for all the planning/work she's done for me, plus her services the day of the wedding. I think you're getting a good deal.
  10. WOW, everything looks beautiful!!!! I love the notes you made for the donations. GORGEOUS!!!
  11. There has to be a way to work this out. I hope your mom gets the information they need. Maybe you can speak with a lawyer who can sort it out.
  12. Miguel - WE THINK YOU'RE WEIRD!!!! Get a life and maybe think about going into a new business.
  13. Thanks! I actually went clothes shopping the other day and was down another size, so that made me feel good. The problem is, I have a number in my head for what I want to see on the scale and I'm not even close yet. I don't mind doing Nutrisystem and working out, it's just hard sometimes. My next dress fitting is in 2 weeks so I'm going to kick it up a notch these last two weeks and see how much I can lose. Then I'll just maintain from that point. Thanks for your help and encouragement ladies, it means a lot to me. (I feel like I have my own little cheerleading group cheering me on.) LOL!!!
  14. I'm not included in this order but I'll kick his A$$ for you if you want. I haven't threatened to beat anyone up in awhile so I think I'm due. No one messes with my girls
  15. Oh WOW, I love that braclet. I already have a braclet for the wedding but I may get this one just to have - LOL!!!
  16. Is Sarah FANTASTIC or what First of all, the layout is just FABULOUS!!! I NEVER could have done this. She really has such an eye for this. Sarah - thank you again - I LOVE this book. Oh, and BTW, I plan to have you make parent albums for me too when I get back from Cabo with Juan's pics. My family is going to LOVE having one of your albums. Oh, and maybe you can do an album with my TTD pics too. Hmm, what else can I get you to do Oh, and thank you all again for your really nice comments. You all made me feel so great about this.
  17. Yes, let's do this. Like Carly said, I would love to do it late April so I can return her starfish pin. I get back from Cabo on Wednesday, April 16th. And as of now, I'm free anytime after that. Whenever and wherever are fine with me.
  18. I LOVE this story!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
  19. I voted for towels because that's what I'm doing - LOL!!! Actually, the reason I decided to do towels is because that may be the one thing my guests forget to pack and bring themselves. When I go to the beach here, I always bring a beach towel. But when I pack for vacation, I NEVER pack a beach towel. I never even think about it.
  20. Thanks for the link. We were going to go to Banana this weekend but we may just order this. Brendan is going to be so happy he doesn't have to go shopping with me. LOL!!!!
  21. OMG Julie!!!! Congratulations!!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Stick to it, you can do it.... you only have a little bit longer to go you can do it!!!! Thanks! The only problem is I'M STARVING!!!! Nutrisystem is good, but the portions are SOOOOO small!!!!
  23. I joined Nutrisystem again. Although I had some issues with it feeling like "astronaut food" I decided to give it another try. And since I already tried a large variety of their foods the last time I ordered, this time I just ordered the foods I liked best. So far, so good. But I started my new job this week and have already gone out to lunch twice. I'm trying to be good though. Still no snacks and no soda. I don't know how much longer I can this up. I miss my diet coke and chocolate chip cookies. As long as I can make it to the wedding, I'll be happy. Uuuggghhhh!!!!
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