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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA We are doing this! We bought about 75 lbs of candy for 65ish guests. I read an article that said not to follow the 1 lb per person rule totally. It's a good guide, but you also have to make sure you get enough of each type to look good. 5 lbs of one type looks a little sad in a jar. Just dont forget the big picture of what the candy will look like. great-thanks. How many different types of candy did you get? Are you finding it hard to travel with the containers?
  2. Why am I now just hearing of this? My inner child has needed one of these ( not my outer-she needs rice cakes)! Has anyone done one of these? I have found some great photos but I really can't tell how much candy to buy. We are now thinking of skipping big OOT bags to do this instead. Maybe bring some insulin along too just incase we turn anyone diabetic! I read somewhere to bring one pound per person. What do you girls suggest? I want it to look full and pretty. We are also going to throw in some popcorn and peanuts to off set the sugar high some what. Page 7 now has some "final project" photos!
  3. That was so sweet. I got a little misty eyed reading it. Congrats to you both.
  4. Lots of helpful information here!
  5. Typically ( not so sure anything with DW is typical) they are a few months before. I would say spread it out and do it before the wedding instead of after. That is my plan.
  6. We just had to get something notarized and it was a normal stamp. Maybe they have different rules.
  7. Welcome! Sounds like fun..happy planning.
  8. StephanieMN


    Welcome! There is lots of help and info here!
  9. Welcome! Funny my last name is Fricke. I usually just get called Frick.
  10. I guess it depends on where you want to get married (beach or church). I know you can't have a real catholic wedding outside the church. Good luck! oh and WELCOME!
  11. Yes I also did some digging--no luck. Thanks for posting those.
  12. Thank GOD for your ticker otherwise you wouldn't know
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Ouch Stephanie that really sucks! Hopefully youll get this new job that you have applied for. Its unfortunate, but you just cant trust anyone these days! Yes I would have guessed by now that I would know who I can trust but every once in a while I am wrong about that.
  14. Ouch! Sorry to hear you did that to your poor foot! I guess it is better than missing a great concert or the ice cream man! Remember the ice cream trucks that would drive around the street chiming their bell teasing you with their treats? Now that would be worth hobbling to the street. rest up!
  15. So I have been thinking about leaving my job for about 2-3 months. I have wanted to go to school to be a Massage Therapist for about 10 years but never really got going on it. One thing or another got in my way. I moved in with my fiancé in February doubling my drive time to about 1.5 hours a day. I have had a few run in's with my boss and really don't like working there anymore. So I told a few people around here that I was thinking of leaving ( all people I trusted) and yesterday I got a call on my cell on my lunch break from the asst. pastor. (side note: I work as an office manager at a church and if you ever want to hate church--work at one) She told me that another pastor brought it up at a meeting that I was planning on leaving. So this other pastor told my boss that hr heard I was leaving. WHAT!! Well of course my boss has no clue and now I feel like I am in HS. I am 99% sure who told him. Our building manager had lunch with this other pastor's wife just last week so the building manager must have told this chick who then told her husband who then told my boss. Seriously people---SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! Not sure if this is making sense but I am very angry! I have an interview next Thursday at the school so I am not 100% sure I am even in yet so why would I give my notice?!! Now I have to talk to my boss and tell him there is a possibility that I might be leaving. The thing about this is that my job will be made more difficult than it needs to be. I know I have to say something because soon everyone will know but him. Sorry this is long but the past 24 hours have been tough. Thanks for reading!
  16. StephanieMN


    Welcome to the group! Ask away...
  17. I am not involved in this at all but just wanted to chime in that it is very sweet of you to do all this work then worry that you can't get it done because someone was arrested. I guess you’re probably trying to figure out how to raise bail to get her out! You are a sweet person for helping all these girls out!
  18. StephanieMN


    Welcome! Ask away if you need help.
  19. OOOH thanks for bumping! I am totally on board with doing this! My father passed when I was 17 and Chris's brother died about 10 years ago.
  20. The flowers at Costco are not too bad. We are actually talking about doing the same thing for our tables. They are pretty standard so you should be just fine. Similiar to ones you would find at any grocery store--good luck
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