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Everything posted by BayBug

  1. Hydrangeas do not hold up well if they are not in water. Plus I am not sure how the weather is in the Bahamas, but if it is hot and humid they might wilt quickly. You may want to use fake Hydrangeas if you want them really bad and the rest of the flowers real. Your bouquet will look fresh the whole night.
  2. Anny, I totally bought that orchid here in the states. It cost me about $6.00 and they look very real. I am going to be using them in my hair for the wedding and might be making my own bouquet. I bought them at this place called Michael's. It is a craft store.
  3. I am super slow! I had to read it 3 times to get the joke.
  4. I really like your STD's. That is what I wanted originally, but we did a post card.
  5. I am trying to loose 10 lbs. Right now since my wedding is 7 months away I am working out about 3 times a day for about an hour. I am running on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then the bike for 30 minutes and then the weight room for about 20 minutes. 3 months before the wedding I am planning on swimming for an hour for toning, then weights for half an hour and then some light running. This will be about 5 to 6 days a week. I know the closer my wedding gets the more nervous I will be so I am sure to loose some weight.
  6. I am confused as to whether it should match my bouquet or not. I am thinking it should.
  7. Welcome to the FORUM!!!
  8. I know we talk about our bouquets, but what type of boutonnières are you ladies thinking or have chosen for your groom and groomsman. I am thinking I want a simple green orchid, nothing too big. What do you think?
  9. You can send them, but is there anyone that you want to invite that has not already booked their reservations? Invitations are expensive. So you really need to think about who should get one and who really doesn't need one. I am sure your parents woulndn't mind getting one.
  10. BayBug

    Cabo Newbie!

    Welcome to the site. This forum does answer all your questions! It's great!
  11. Danielle, I really love your flowers. Did you pick them out or did the hotel/WC pick them out. They are just beautiful!
  12. Very informative!!!! I love it. I like you made it nice and simple. My FI worked on ours. Props to you for doing it all on your own. I hate creating websites. They are a little tough from scratch.
  13. Those are really nice PICS!!! It makes me want to visit there. My wedding site looks nothing like that. That is okay. I like the jungle look.
  14. Welcome Elaine! I too am glad that I found this site.
  15. We are getting legally married in CR. We hired a lawyer to do all the translating so that it will be valid in the US. If that doesn't work then we will just get married here in Cali at the court house. It is all the same to me.
  16. BayBug

    NY Newbie

    Welcome Lauren! You get points for posting.
  17. I am encouraging my guests to stay in the same hotel as the ceremony/reception. I just want to be sure that everyone is in the same spot incase things change (rain, change of location). The hotel that I am staying at charges about $70/night and I am thinking that is not that expensive.
  18. This was a really funny video. I saw it on the news and was laughing. I like how the groom was really into it.
  19. Welcome to the site. I see the ladies have already answered your questions.
  20. Lenita, those are really cute fans! Great idea! I am guessing if it windy at the time you are getting married, it would be a waste of money to buy fans. Maybe you should consider something else that can brace the wind.
  21. Great! I would love to see some pics of fake flower bouquets. I need to see what my mother thinks. Not that she has the final say, but I want to hear what she thinks. For sure fake flowers are going in my hair. I want the fresh flower look to last all day.
  22. Yeah, that is what I was thinking. Also I can do it in a blue thread. Kind of sticking with the tradition of something "new", something "old", something "Blue". Along those lines.
  23. Thanks for the sites. I just might have it done locally. I think I might buy a large piece of ribbon and have it monogrammed and then have my mother sew it on to the dress.
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