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Freaking out....just a bit.....


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Trisha, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with all of this right now. I agree with everyone, you need to take your time and think things through and decide what is best for you. You have lots of options and one of them will be the right one for you. Please do what is best for you and do not listen to what others say. When my little sister got pregnant at 19, people tried to convince her to have an abortion, I told here I would be there for her no matter what. She kept him and is very happy and he is her world and her joy. I also have a friend who decided to have an abortion when she got pregnant at 27. I went with her to get her abortion (father would not talk to her when she told him) and it was the best decision for her and she is very happy that she made that choice (happy is the wrong word, but she is glad she did not decide to have the baby). So it is different for everyone. There are other girls on here who can relate and help you through this, please take advantage of the words of advice they have to offer. I wish you all the best.

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Again...thank you ladies so so so incredibly much for all of your advice and support!! I really don't know what I would be doing without you girls! I can't talk to anyone really in my actual day to day life...but I know I have you and that means the world to me! Thank you again

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I am sending you warm hugs and support from up North. You are in a very difficult position. Please remember you are not alone. When I was in your position I kept everything inside and just about lost my mind. Your body is doing crazy things to you, never mind the thoughts you are having to process. Let our cyber hugs keep you warm and connected, and don't forget to keep your darling FI in the loop.


Thinking of you in your difficult time,


xoxoxoxoxo Nancy

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Trisha - jeez - i have been gone for a little over a week and am just catching up - i am so sorry that you are going through this right now. are you coming back to philly for the holidays? we can all get together if you want to talk in person. whatever you decide i support you and know that it will be what is right for you right now. xoxoxoxoxo

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Ladies..I can't believe I've been gone for this long..I have SO much catching up to do. Well, after a week or so from HELL me and Travis finally made the decision that was best for us. We talked and talked...even took off from work to figure things out in my head...and no matter how many different ways I tried to go at it, and be optimistic I always came back to the same exact phrase.."I'm NOT ready!". It was the most difficult decision I have ever had to make considering I am 26, and this is with the person I plan on spending my life with..but as I have said over and over againg...this isn't the right time for me at all. I feel horrible because of the difficulties that so many women have getting pregnant.


I just cannot say THANK YOU enough. FI's support was amazing, but it was you girls who kept me going and let me know it was ok to make the decision best for me. Thank you SOOOOOO much!!!


Now...I've really got to get work with all of these posts I've missed!!!!!


You girls are the best!

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