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I have the ich also and so does my FI...but I think we will wait like 1 year or 2 just because I think we need time to just relax together....we have been through so many ups and downs we need some serious US time some weekends away and vacations before we put kids in the mix.

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Wow, I feel like this is the April 2011 board now!  Haha! 


I have been telling FI that I'm going off the pill in January (yes, last month) because it's been messing with my body.  It may be as soon as next week that I go off it though, I got to the doctors Monday because I'm having problems with it again. 


Within the first couple of weeks dating FI and I had the talk of children and such, and although it seemed really soon, FI brought it up.  We talked about it because we both knew that if one of us wasn't open to it, there was no point in getting deep into the relationship.  With FI being 16 years older than me and already having 2, I wanted to make sure he was open to it.  I do keep telling him that it's going to happen right away...  he keeps telling me no!!!  LOL  It'll work itself out! 


He did throw me for a loop the other day when he said, when the kids are out of the house, you are getting a snowmobile so we can just go out whenever we want!  I was like, wait, how does that work into the plan?!?!

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Originally Posted by Ellabaja1983 View Post

He did throw me for a loop the other day when he said, when the kids are out of the house, you are getting a snowmobile so we can just go out whenever we want!  I was like, wait, how does that work into the plan?!?!

I do believe nothing happens before its time.

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Hey girls


This has been a big topic with my FI and I.  I have been wanting kids and he knows that but I haven't bugged him about it till he was ready.  Now he can't wait to be a dad.  It's so cute to see them like that and the things he says is sooo sweet.  We leave on Sat of our wedding and will start trying in the spring/summer.  Good luck to you all and do start taking Folic Acid!!!

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I am going to stop taking the pill as soon as we're home from our honeymoon in April!  We're going to use condoms for the following 3 months or so until I start ovulating again (don't want to risk getting pregnant while still having pill hormones in my body).  Then we're going to try the method recommended in another thread, where you count days and take your temperature, to figure out when you're fertile and when you can go without the condom?  With the idea that we'll start trying to conceive in December.  Everything is all spaced out!


I turn 30 this year, so that's a big reason we're trying right away.  We're also on the same page, wanting them right away.  We've been talking about it for months!  We want 2 kids pretty close in age to each other, so I'll probably have the 2nd around 33?  We're buying a house next summer so hopefully I'll be pregnant when we move!


I've been trying to remember to take my multivitamin (with Folic Acid) every night!  But I keep forgetting.  Good thing I have a few more months to get used to it!

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Folic Acid is a vitamin supplement.  You can either take prenatal vitamins or just folic acid.  The RDA for pregnant and nursing women is 800 mg. Most multi vitamins only have 400.  I take the gummy prenatals and they rock!  They're like a bite of candy every morning!


The reason doctors will tell you  to use condoms after going off the pill isn't to protect you from hormones, it's to reduce the risk of miscarriages. Depending on the BC method you use, the uterine lining can be too thin to support a pregnancy to full term.  If you are TTC you should stop smoking, watch your drinking, and start cutting down of caffeine.  Basically quit doing everything fun, lol!


I was married almost 3 years ago and we have been TTC for about 6  months now.  I have had great luck with temping to learn what is up with my body.  I highly recommend the book  Taking Charge of Your Fertility   and the website FertilityFriend.com.  It has an online tracker and will generate charts, etc.  I know lots of people that have gotten pregnant using these tools. By learning how your body operates, you can also use the program as a form of family planning or  to help your doctor identify any problems you may be having.  


Just my two cents!  Good luck ladies!

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Love this thread.  specially since we just discussed last night that I should go off birth control...followed by a trip to the drug store for Folic Acid :)  Been dying to talk about it, but also don't want people to know we are going to start trying in May (month we get married).  Now I can talk about it with you ladies!!!


A note on the Folic acid, check the box, a lot of them recommend you take them with food.  


I didn't know that about the thin lining hence miscarriages.  That makes a lot of sense.  A lot of what I read said that they recommend three months in case you don't realize you are pregnant, just late because you aren't on the pill.  I thought that was a little weird.  Clearly need to find better websites.  i will look into the ones in this thread.


Did anyone read about having a blood test if you have cats?  I might just call my doctor about that one.

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