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Hey girls! It's Friday!! YAYY!! And I'm done school for the semester - double YAY!


Erica have fun this weekend with your boss' kids! that sounds like so much fun making cookies and playing wii!!


I think this weekend should be productive for me, I'm getting together with FMIL to start on invitations for AHR, also getting passport extension submitted as well as finalizing our rings and getting those rolling. It's going to be a wedding packed weekend! I love it!


Chris - I'm sorry to hear that you missed out on your DVD until Monday - I hate Fedex for that exact reason!


I haven't put up a lot of pictures yet because I still have a lot of stuff to get, I have some stuff, but I haven't taken pictures. Now that I'm done school though, I will have lots of free time, so I can put more stuff up. I don't have a pic of me in my dress, but this is the dress:


Click the image to open in full size.


I also have "inspiration" pics of hair and makeup that I want:


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


I also can't decide between putting a hair flower or a starfish hair clip in my hair. With the veil, I don't want it to be too busy, so I was thinking starfish clip because it's small, and I was thinking I could do something like the last picture, where the starfish is on top of the bun, then when I take the veil off for the reception, the starfish would be a little added bling...

But FI mentioned he likes the idea of having flowers in my hair...mmmm... What do you ladies think?

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ooooh wow, beautiful pictures! I love it all. Your dress is soooo fancy! WOW. Love the inspiration picture of the makeup, I wish I had done that... I only had for hair. I love flowers in hair, but I think a starfish hairpin would be lovely as well. It's really a personal choice. I have fake flowers in my hair from my MIL veil from her wedding. It was more sentimental than anything. I think in retrospect I would have preferred real flowers, like an organge daisy from my bouquet or a rhinestone hair clip.

Keep in mind they won't do your hair that loose and flowy because of the wind from the beach. Mine was sooo sprayed. I really loved my hair until I saw my pro pics. I look like I have a helmet on my head made of hair, LOL

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Hi guys I am pages behind and horribly busy with my move and painting. I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I had my first bought of morning sickness yesterday ugh! Otherwise everything is good family still doesn't known yet until after reception next weekend. Its killing me! Have a great weekend, can't wait to read what's been going on.


Krista love the photo inspirations.

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Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
Just a quick question guys- My intention always was to send a picture of us, and a picture of our guest in our Thank-You cards. We only had 37 guests so it's not that big a deal financially to do. I found these Thank-You cards that I just love, but they are 5 x 3.5. Is it cheap to print out pictures that small? I mean, obviously family will get more or bigger ones later on down the road, but 3.5 x 5 picture as a thank-you... is that ok? check out the cards... they are so cute!

Click the image to open in full size.
Hey Chirs I used the same Thank you cards and yes I did the 5x3.5 and it was fine.

Krista, My pops did sing newfie songs and he certianly did the jig... every morning before breakfast. He also randomly did the jig at the bank, the grocery store and the local garage... People mentioned it at his funeral... It was just something he did to get attention. Yeah I am going to miss him and so will a lot of other people.
PS baby I love your dress and the makeup is stunning!!

chris I love your pictures!!!!

Timberly you really got shafted by the bank.. and the fact is they really don't care just slays me!!!

sabrina and Brooke your both too cute!!!! too cute!!!

Erica... those munchakes will cut in on your baby making time!!!!

Oh on a funny note!!! my gfriend had to take a less than desirable job because she is going to school and she needed evenings... So she took a job at a adult video store because it paid better than retail. She started last friday and she said she has had her share of nuts come in and ask her about movies and if she seen them. One old fart asked her if she wanted to come over after her shift and watch it with him. The funny part of the story is she had the pleasure of helping my ex husband finding a movie... He only ever met her once and doesn't remember her. she remembers him lol.....
My funny story for friday .....
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Krista - love your dress - I almost picked that one too!!


So the hall is all decorated and ready to go so tomorrow I can relax. Our AHR starts at 7. My photog put together a slideshow together for me with bloopers...OMG is it so funny. I will have to post some of them.


Anyway ladies - have fun doing whatever your doing or nothing at all!!

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Krista B- I really like your dress, it is so pretty! Look forward to seeing a pic with you in it! And the makeup is great! It's the best bet to have exactly what you are looking for. And remember to go try it out at your local MAC, or make up counter and take notes on what they do so you are in the know when it comes to your wedding day. And you get the opportunity to see it beforehand! Also in regards to the hair, I think it is a personal decision, I did enjoy my real flowers and the funny thing was, I slept with them in because we had TTD photos the next day :) and they still looked pretty good, surprisingly...but the starfish does add also, so again, I think it becomes a personal choice...


Krista H- Have a great time at your reception, look forward to pics!!!

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Sorry, posted too soon.


Was going to tell everyone to have a great weekend, sounds like people are quite busy! Have fun, we are resting on the couch and doing nothing :) Brooke, don't over do it!


Sue- your Friday story is pretty funny, I am sure she will get all sorts of CRAZY stories!


Anyways, Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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Hey sunshines!! My AHR went great. The ice cream and photobooth were a huge hit!! When I get the pics I will be sure to put them up. One of my friends put some up last night. So I had a couple people comment about me not drinking ha ha ha My cousins and I have this bet every year at Christmas to see who the next person to get pregnant is (it's not necessarily a good thing as I think I'm the only grandchild that's married and there are MANY great-grandchildren), so the bet is on me this year. My cousin's FI asked if she could get me a drink. I said no I'm okay. She said do I win the bet ha ha I said I'll have a vodka and sprite then. It was pretty funny and a couple of people commented to Glenn about me drinking "water" which I wasn't.


So I am still tired from Saturday night. I think we finally got to be around 2-2:30 and were up at 7 and at brunch at my mom's for 10:30. I started to fall asleep at 6 and I should have let myself because by the time I went to bed at 10 I was wide awake!! sad.gif


Hope you all had a great weekend!! Brooke post some pics of your new place for us to see.

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YAY Krista! Sounds like fun! I can't to see the pictures! Dude, you should have taken today off of work.


I got my DVD!! Actually 2! So that's cool, I'll keep one locked up at work for safe keeping. Can't wait to go through all the pictures. I'll make a new slideshow over the next week to share if you gals want to see more.

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