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who is excited for Greys Anatomy wedding coming up???


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so I havent seen a thread on here about Greys...just wondering how many people are as religious about watching it as I am?? I am so excited for tomorrows episode after it not being on for a month!! I cant wait to see the wedding on the show and how Izzie is doing! Also am I the only one who is so worried about Izzie's health almost like she is a real person I know that is sick in the hospital?? lol popcorn.gif

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Originally Posted by TA Jill View Post
I LOVE Grey's! I can't wait to watch this weeks episode! I probably won't watch it tonight because I'll tape it on the DVR, and for some reason now that I DVR everything I have an issue with watching live TV because I hate the commercials!
Jill, I feel the same way!! I am so used to my shows on DVR..I will let FI watch whatever he wants and I'll DVR my shows and watch it later!! LOL

Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
I'll be watching it! I have been a huge fan since day 1.

Honestly, I hate to say it, but I am sick of Izzie already and wouldn't mind if she left the show.

In other news, did you hear that Ellen Pompeo is pregnant? Wonder how they're going to work that out?
I used to love Izzie (Katherine Heigel) However..After the last year or so..She is a little too stuck up for me. I'll miss Izzie's Character..However...I am open to see who else they will bring in!! I was way too excited for Christina's new love interest this season(Can't think of his name). He was my Fav Character on Rome :-)
I also heard that Katherine Heigel wanted to be off the show, but since the recession is hitting actors these days...She is changing her tune and is "hoping" they keep her..LOL Don't bite your nose to spite your face!

Anyway, I am really excited for the Wedding!! I love Greys, although this year there wasn't enough Drama for me. My Fave Episode was the one with the guy who had the live Grenade or Bomb or something in his Stomach and Meredith had to hold it so it wouldn't go off..But then it wound up blowing up the bomb Squad....Now that's good TV...LOL

I wonder if they will work her pregnancy in, or if she will have had the baby by the time they start filming for next season?
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I HEART MCARMY!!! As I have dubbed him and my FI will not admit it, but if I am not home, he makes sure to watch it with me when I get back!!


Izzy is annoying now, But I have really started to like Alex... I used to HATE him!

I have a feeling that Meredith will back out of the wedding though (especially if she finds out sheis preggers in the show)

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