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Are you and your fiance waiting to consumate...


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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
I give all of you ladies a lot of credit! Your wedding night will be so very special and hot hot hot. To answer the question, we have chosen not to wait. Its all a personal choice. You guys have a lot more self restraint then I. Congrats!
I second that.

No self restraint here. cheesy.gif
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I waited for a long time before I had sex for the first time. When I got with my FI the "plan" was to wait at least six months before we had sex. It lasted about three weeks! BUT, I think it is sooo amazing that you girls have waited. What a wonderful honeymoon you all will have. Froggie, I think it is so great you have waited. I have a friend that has waited she is 27 and no where near getting married and I have seen how hard it is for her.

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Kudos to you all for making a plan and sticking with it!


We did not wait because after 8 years we'd gone too far to turn back, we kind of had a pattern established so why mess with a good thing :P I guess that's just how we roll but to each their own, so long as it works for you & your partner :)

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Originally Posted by froggie1013 View Post
Thanks! Usually when people hear that they just rolls their eyes at me or look at me like I have three heads. Is it so hard to believe that there is at least one person in this world who believes in waiting until marriage? It's nice to hear someone actually encourage me.
It was never a big deal to wait until marriage for me, but I def wanted to wait until I knew he was the one for me. We ended up doing it the night we got engaged. It was a very special moment and I was really glad I waited.

I know what you mean though about the negative connotation the word "virgin" now holds. I used to have a friend that would point out to every guy that I was a virgin. I think she did it because she felt that made me less attractive and they would like her better. I would get so pissed because it made me feel like I was a freak or something.

Anyways, I know what you girls are going through and I commend you for it.
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We decided once we were engaged to hold off until we were married bcuz we wanted that night to be special as well as we wanted to strengthen our relationship by withholding until our wedding night. It's a great idea but it'll be over a year by the time we get married, so it's definitely a test. I applaud anyone who was able to resist completely until their wedding night. It's says a lot about your character!

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punk.gif You girls are amazing!


Originally Posted by azhuskergirl View Post
No self restraint here. cheesy.gif
Yeah, I have none either lol!

I actually made a joke to FI about holding out until the big day a month or so ago. He took me seriously and for a few weeks I wondered what was up when I pounced and he pushed away!


I finally asked him and he said he believed what I said and was following through! I thought that was so sweet of him...but what a failure I am lol! rofl.gif

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I think that is so nice. And I find it so annoying when people roll their eyes or say rude comments. First of all mind your business. Secondly, this is a personal decision and nobody should be telling anybody what's best for them. I commend all you girls that are waiting, I think it will make it really special for you guys.

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Originally Posted by plumsugar View Post
punk.gif You girls are amazing!

Yeah, I have none either lol!
I actually made a joke to FI about holding out until the big day a month or so ago. He took me seriously and for a few weeks I wondered what was up when I pounced and he pushed away!

I finally asked him and he said he believed what I said and was following through! I thought that was so sweet of him...but what a failure I am lol! rofl.gif
That is hilarious!!
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Originally Posted by FYB87 View Post
Well...I just hope we don't do like most couples and fall asleep on their wedding night because it was such a long day! Maybe we should schedule a morning wedding!! LOL
Uhhh yeah. I drank too much at my reception for anything to happen. Whoops! But it was so fun, and there was plenty of honeymoon time!
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Honestly, I think it's easier for us as we don't do a ton of sleep overs (only once a week). So that definitely helps. Plus the fact we live 50 minutes away from one another. We did go away for a 3-day week-end once and I thought I was going to die. Initially he said we should do a week-end once a month. But, we both agreed after that experience that definitely wouldn't be a good idea! smile120.gif

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