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Originally Posted by kgeecee View Post
i confess that since i dont work i have been stealing money from mikes wallet or cash wads for months so that i can buy him a wedding present.
ugh is that horrible??
I actually think it's sweet!!! It's not stealing when it's your money too!! :)
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I confess that sometimes I wish that FI's daugther would go live with her Mom. I know that makes me sound evil and hateful but its only because she won't warm up to me no matter how hard I try (partly because she is a teenager and its the age) and because she is the only thing that FI and I ever fight about!


She can't seem to remember to brush her teeth, hair, take a shower, etc. She argues and talks back, which is normal for kids, she doesn't do things with us as a family unless we make her, she only cares about herself. (again, probably normal for a teen).


I always get to be the bad guy telling her to do these things and FI is so passive and I feel like he doesn't care about this stuff. Although he tells me that he agrees with me and is behind me, I don't feel like he is because he doesn't step up and take action with her.


I truly feel like a horrible person for feeling this way, and I would never tell FI that, but when she was gone all summer to her mom's it was so great to not be arguing everyday with her and then with FI about the stuff she wouldn't do.


Ok, someone kick me please.

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*kick* just kidding Steph! lol


It must be really tough in your situation. I think being a teenager has A LOT to do with it. I'm sure she'll eventually get over it, most of them do. In the meantime, why don't you ask your FI to do the disciplining. If he's supporting you and backing you up, then he should be able to dish it out as well. Just a thought. Tell him how you feel, maybe he'll understand after that!



Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ View Post
I confess that sometimes I wish that FI's daugther would go live with her Mom. I know that makes me sound evil and hateful but its only because she won't warm up to me no matter how hard I try (partly because she is a teenager and its the age) and because she is the only thing that FI and I ever fight about!


She can't seem to remember to brush her teeth, hair, take a shower, etc. She argues and talks back, which is normal for kids, she doesn't do things with us as a family unless we make her, she only cares about herself. (again, probably normal for a teen).


I always get to be the bad guy telling her to do these things and FI is so passive and I feel like he doesn't care about this stuff. Although he tells me that he agrees with me and is behind me, I don't feel like he is because he doesn't step up and take action with her.


I truly feel like a horrible person for feeling this way, and I would never tell FI that, but when she was gone all summer to her mom's it was so great to not be arguing everyday with her and then with FI about the stuff she wouldn't do.


Ok, someone kick me please.

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steph, you have to talk to FI about this. it is not fair to you to have to be the "bad guy" when you are already dealing with the hurdle of being the "evil stepmonster" ... no teenage girl is going to like/respect/obey her mother's "replacement." it's just not in a teenage girl's DNA. if you always have to be bad guy it will be ages before she warms up to you. if HE's the bad guy all the time, she'll start coming to you to complain about him, lol. hate to be like, "his kid, his job" but that's how i feel. do your boys show him respect?

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I have talked to FI about this. a lot. He says he will take care if it so I don't have to but then he doesn't. For example, minor example here, I got home from the gym Tuesday night and she was in her PJ's and hadn't taken a shower. She was gross, playing outside ect. I asked him, "did you have Sam take a shower?" He says, no I forgot. So why am I the only adult it seems?


He has no problem diciplining my boys, and they are young enough, they listen to him and respect him.


I just hate that he says he backs me up and he'll do it so I don't have to but then he doesn't. I still have to ask him to do it, when I might as well do it myself. So if I'm not nagging her, I'm nagging him to nag her! lol.

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Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis View Post
No I haven't but I might just have to go get that. I don't have many friends interested in wedding stuff accessible right now so this site and books about bride's are keeping me sane in all of this.

Which makes me think of another confession.

Sometimes I resent the fact that my best friend moved and is busy building a life in another state, my other bm's aren't really terribly close to me anymore(used to be but now one has a baby and the other is preoccupied with school), and my roommates don't wanna hang out anymore since the living situation has changed(my FI hates living with them, it makes things awkward and one of them is busy planning her own wedding).

It's not like I expect everyone to drop everything and be completely psyched about my wedding. But I feel like I don't have the friend there to pour over bridal magazines and squeal about the proposal with.
Some days I just think back to when I had a bunch of friends, sure they weren't the best for me but at least I always had someone to talk to.

This is more of a vent than a confession. Sorry.

You should so read it, it's so funny. And it really makes you feel like someone else is going through the same thing!

I know what you mean about things changing. I moved to Canada from NC in Janurary and I soo wish I had my close friends around for wedding planning. I won't even see my WP in their outfits until THE WEDDING!! This forum is seriously a life saver!
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I hear you girls too.. all my girls are scattered across north america. I bought all their dresses on jcrew (after getting their sizes via email) and then shipped them to them all. We were all together for my bach party in vegas, but not again until the wedding..

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