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Everything posted by Kay6356

  1. Thanks you! I will continue to do what I have been doing which is reminding her it is our wedding. We can't let anyone ruin our special days!!! Best of luck with your mom in law as well girl.
  2. Hey ladies! I thought I would share this great idea: FI and I travel every January; usually to Cuba. We tried to think of what we missed most food wise while away. Heinz ketchup, franks red hot sauce, ect. This site is awesome for sample packages of this stuff! Check it out. www.minimus.biz
  3. Very nice invites! I am also using the same template, any suggestions on how you add the picture to the "passport page" (sideways) I am haing so much troupe! Thanks so much in advance! K
  4. I'm sorry your dealing with something similar Jolene028 its so hard. Thank you Branya2012 for your positive outlook on things!
  5. Thank to all you lovely ladies on the sweet comments-I love my dress and it was is so comfy! For all of you still I search - you will know when it is the one! Best wishes always -Kalyn xoxo
  6. Wow these are awesome - I will have to check out her page! Thanks for sharing
  7. Didn't wear the best bra for trying on my dress, but here it is:)
  8. Our plan is to have our AHR within two months of our DW. We are aiming to rent out a community centre in our area (Many arenas, rec. centres) offer room for rent. Which includes a kitchen, bar, and tables. Than the food, alcohol, decorations, ect. are up to you! We plan on having a buffet with roast beef carving station, chicken, vegatables, potatoes, salad and buns. You could always got to a golf course or something and ask if the food and beverage chef would be interested in "catering" something like this. (Cheaper than actually hiring a caterer. Thankfully I know a lot of chef's in the area, and one will be doing my cooking. As for alcohol get a liquor license, buy the booze and hire a bar tender ($100-$200 for the night) plus tips. As for decortations; keeping it simple with a DIY centre piece and extra decor for the head table. Hope some of this helps!!
  9. Your wedding book is awesome, very personal and it will be a great keepsake, thanks for the amazing idea!
  10. I LOVE your bags! They totally go with your colour scheme! Good find! and all the inserts you have so far are great as well!
  11. Hey ladies, I am in search of anyone else who is dealing with a difficult mother. My mom and I have never really seen eye to eye on anything-I thought this may be a nice time in life to put our differences aside and include her in my wedding preparation. Wrong! She is trying to tell me who I can and cannot invite to my wedding (including my fathers family whom I'm very close with.) is anyone else dealing with this sort of thing? What do I do??? I'm inviting whoever FI and I want to OUR wedding but I want my mom to get off my back and enjoy this time with me. Thanks.
  12. Hey check out Ebay - that where I found mine and for a fantastic price!
  13. Please help! How did you do the basic info. page? where the photo, names, wedding date ect are? the sidways page? i cant seem to figure it out in word? thanks so much!
  14. Hi Ladies, I am wondering if anyone is using Aylee's free template to do their Passport invitations? It is great - just having trouble with changing the information on the basic info. page where the page is sideways. PLEASE help and let me know how you changed this information. THANK YOU
  15. HI I read your post in this thread and wanted to say you and FI do what pleases you-you deserve nothing but the best for your wedding DW or not! I thought I would share what we are doing-instead of a banquet hall for the AHR look into community centres in your area. For example an arena that rents out banquet like rooms which usually includes tables and chairs and has a bar and a kitchen for your use. Than you do your own bar, own food the way you'd like it weather yourself or hire a caterer for either a buffet home style dinner or just o'dourves?????(spelling again). I hope this helps; other than arenas these halls could be called; legions, leisure centres, sports centres, ect.
  16. I was wondering if anyone on this thread has used Aylee free template? I am having a really hard time trying to figure out how to change the info on the couple page with the picture! Please help!
  17. Hey BridefromMA I sent the forward with a buntch of links and information!
  18. Hey! Of course I will -sorry just got this! will send it in a few hours.
  19. Hi Lacies I wanted to share these awesome website's for cool stuff! Hope these help:D www.zazzle.com www.orientaltrading.com www.weddingfavorites.com www.discountmugs.com www.minimus.biz
  20. What is shipping for all 60 to Canada postal code L9T6H2??? Thank you
  21. Hi just wondering what color pupae the paper is ? I don't see a picture of it thanks so much!
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