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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. A bunch of friends that came to the wedding are getting together tomorrow to exchange pictures so hopefully I will get some non-pro wedding shots. My photog will also be there...I don't want to rush her but I want the pics already ha ha ha
  2. Thanks guys - photographer is working hard at editing. I asked her if she was blind yet. ha ha ha I might not have them for a bit yet - I have to head to TX on Sunday I love going, but bad timing!!
  3. Wow a lot to catch up on - including sleep!! LONG ride home (8 hour delay at the airport) Have you ever tried to sleep in an airport? - oh it is not fun and I don't recommend it, but I was with my hubby and that's all that matters. The whole trip was amazing (40C/100F weather ALL week!!). I am VERY happy to report that there was NO drama!! Today was my first day back to work and after the wedding questions - that was the next question ha ha ha ha I don't have any pics - photog is working on them right now. Everyone keeps asking me if I feel different. I don't - I think once I change my name it will feel a lot different. Hubby was saying how he didn't feel any different - how he doesn't have to change his name etc., but I did tell him that when he fills out forms he has to check a different box now. ha ha ha Glad you all had a good time and you all looked BEAUTIFUL!!
  4. Brooke please go ahead and use it and any one else that wants to. Allison - beautiful!! The children are so precious. I'm getting all emotional here at work. I cannot believe that I leave in two days. Feels like just yesterday we were deciding on a resort. Here's a little TMI for you all - cause you all feel so close I planned our wedding around that "fun" time of the month. You know how stress does a number on your body - well it changed times and I was so dissappointed because it was going to be the wedding night FI was a little too, but he tried not to show it because he knew it wasn't my fault. A friend said well maybe it'll change again - you never know. I got it today - I have NEVER been excited to get it ha ha ha ha ha If I don't get on before we leave - have a great time all that will travel during my time away. You guys rock!! And thank you to Shells for starting this thread - brilliant!!
  5. So I bought some frame charms and I'm putting both of my grandmas pictures in them and tying them to my bouquet. I'm also going to do one for my FI of his poppa with this poem (let me know what you think). On this day of marriage He is watching from above, Along with our guests He is witnessing our love. Pin him in your pocket Closest to your heart, He will keep you calm Whenever we’re apart.
  6. Sue - thank you for writing that. It puts everything into perspective. I'm at that point right now and I think it took my grandmother's passing to put me there. I have learned to pick my battles and let the silly ones go. Life can be short and if I keep letting everyone get under my skin I will not be a very happy person and therefore not have a happy marriage/family. Any advice from the ladies who have gone and are back?
  7. I love free stuff - thanks I'm going to check it out!!
  8. Welcome back Allison!! Happy Wedding Day Erica!! Have a great trip and wedding Teshy!!
  9. Two of my bridesmaids came over tonight and helped me finish all the invites for the AHR. I need to get them out before I leave and I started to panic - panic averted!! They rock and now I can concentrate on finding another bathing suit - I know I'm cutting it close - we leave Sunday.
  10. I like pink as well. Also like the Canadian Olympic mitts in the picture
  11. Ray - great bouts!! You did a fabulous job!! Brooke - oh Brooke. A friend of mine told me that people's true colours would come out during this planning time and she has been spot on!! FI and I were going through our invite list that we roughly put together a year ago - went through it again last night and this morning and I have deleted/added so many people - it's a whole new list. If only I could delete the FSIL!! ha ha ha There is a couple people that I didn't want to invite on principle because I wasn't invited to their's but I have a whole new lease on life and these (4 at most) are not worth my energy to fight about. Less stress = happy Krista!! HAPPY WEDDING to all I have missed in the last little while and best of luck to all of those upcoming!!
  12. Shells - have a GREAT time!!! Brooke - flowers look great!! Deep breaths girls - don't let any one ruin it this close for you. We picked up all our packages today and we're going to give them out. I was looking at them just making sure everything was okay and saw that the FSIL wants a room as far away from the group as they can HA HA HA HA HA oh what-ever!! I probably should have thought of that and requested it for them myself ha ha ha ha oh I'm being mean now.
  13. Love your dress Shells. Wishing you all the best and can't wait for the pics!!
  14. Great job Timberly!! Have a great time and can't wait to see your pics when you get back.
  15. Brooke - I love your dress. You look great. As for the bustle - do you ever want to have it down? If you want it down for the ceremony it might be a pain to have it undone right before you walk down the aisle. Wow 2 weeks and 1 day for us Feb 18th girls!!
  16. I found this wonderful seller on eBay and wanted to share with you all. Shop eBay Canada Store - LJ Personalized Gifts Gift:: Wine glasses Toasting Flutes Champagne We purchased 6 of the Personalized Pilsner Beer Glasses. This seller was great with communication and kept me informed the whole way. Also the personalization is etched in and not painted on. I would definately purchase from them again. For Canadians - I asked them to ship as a gift so that it didn't get caught and I would have to pay duty.
  17. Happy Wedding Day Susie!! Timberly - congrats on the hairdressers and sorry about the BM drama. I always wonder what people are thinking sometimes. Brooke - congrats on the condo!!
  18. I bought some today - so excited ha ha Thanks for the tip ladies!!
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