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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. So exciting Brooke!! Let us know how it goes. Are you hoping for one sex over the other? A friend of mine was really hoping for a boy so that she could send him out with his daddy - she ended up with a girl. She doesn't regret it don't get me wrong, just funny how that works out. Krista - the count down is on girl!!!! So excited for you too!!
  2. Chris - finally had a chance to see your slideshow. FANTASTIC!! Are you feeling a lot better about them now? So I had planned to go back to work, but my boss told me to take the week off. I'm NOT going to argue!! Had an appointment with gyno this morning - he's hilarious and a definate keeper. Walked in and he immediately said Krista - you look a lot better since I last saw you. Then we asked when we could try again - obviously we don't know when my cycle is going to regulate. He said 1 month for sure, but would prefer 2. I said I think 2 is good cause I want to try the other side this time. He looked at my hubby and said shoot for the right (the left being the issue this time). Too funny!!
  3. Hey guys - so good and bad news. Friday morning around 2:30 am I woke up in pain. I thought if I just chill out it will pass - well it didn't. Around 6am I made Glenn take me to the hospital. Well we got home yesterday around 11 and I am no longer pregnant. Bad news, but good news - it was ectopic and we found it early. We almost had to do surgery, so more good news they had a drug they could give me instead. I have never been in so much pain before - they think it ruptured, but still stayed contained - they said I was very lucky because some women die from this. I think the number is 2% of all pregnancies are ectopic so I plan to head out and buy a lotto ticket!! We're actually in good spirits about it all - I mean we've had quite some time to work throught it and we know we can get pregnant so when the time is right we will try again. The Gyno that I finally got to see it pretty well known and I have to go see him on Tuesday so when I'm there I'm going to ask him if he'll see me when we get pregnant again. He said I will have to be seen early next time because my numbers increase to 10%. I hope you all are doing well. Brooke - saw your pics of the wall and it's adorable!!
  4. ha ha ha ha ha how did I miss that Chris?? That's for picking up my slack!! So back from the hospital and I need to head to an all day meeting, but I'm procrastinating and knew that I wouldn't be around the computer and needed to tell you guys what happened today. So my pregnancy hormone doubled and it's where it should be. They're not really worried about ectopic because I don't have any symptoms. I have to go back on Saturday for MORE blood work. I'm at 420 and they said they should be able to see something on an ultrasound by 500-ish so they might do that on Saturday as well. So far they just think it's flukey. I told they lady - yes I watch TLC and she started laughing. She said that of course if I bleed more or get pain to come back, but other than that just to cross my fingers. Letting out a big sigh here and hoping for the best here!!
  5. Brooke - yes I did have the brown and wasn't worried because they say you may bleed when it implants. This has been a full out period - clots and all (sorry TMI). I have more blood work tomorrow so we will see what they say. Let me tell you guys I am feeling the love My boss is in town from Texas and I had to tell her about it. Yesterday she made me sit down because I was making her nervous. I said it's not going to fall out ha ha ha ha I'm in a pretty good frame of mind - it is what it is and that's that. The weather is GORGEOUS!! I checked our pool and it's 62 ha ha ha ha holy nipply!!!! Okay they have 2 bum flashing smileys, but no boob smileys...I guess that's a little more inappropriate. ha ha ha
  6. ha ha ha there's really no such thing as too personal on this thread!! Yes I am, I feel like I'm having a normal period - maybe that's why they're so confused. I'm hoping it's one of those cases like that show on TLC where they didn't know they were pregnant because they still got their period. ha ha ha I'm really trying to stay positive...I just want answers already!!
  7. I seriously love you guys!! It's more than that, but no words can even come close to describe how I have felt reading all your well wishes!! Well I'm still pregnant - the number went up. But they have now freaked me out. She said the good news would have been that the number went down and I miscarried. With the number going up they really have no idea what's going on. I have to go back on Thursday for more blood tests - they think they've missed something. When they did the ultrasound they couldn't find anything - now it could be that it's too small to see, but they are worried about ectopic. I talked with my sister who is a nurse practitioner and she said that I should have had crazy pain, but I haven't. So I guess I wait 2 more days and see what happens. What a crazy rollercoaster!! Sorry I didn't post earlier...I went into work this afternoon to take my mind off of things.
  8. So I figured that since I shared the good news, I'll share the potential bad news with you guys. I spent Saturday evening and most of today at the hospital. I'm bleeding pretty bad, but not what they would expect from a miscarriage. I had an ultrasound today and they couldn't see any signs of prenancy, yet the blood work does say I am (or was). They say that I either miscarried or I'm too early to show up on an ultrasound. I have to go back to the hospital on Tuesday to have more bloodwork done. I guess if the pregnancy hormone they test for doubles, then I'm still pregnant. If it goes down, then I'm not. After quite a bit of crying I'm alright with things now. I mean it's natures way of telling me that something was wrong. My hubby put it best...better now than 5 months from now. I've been trying to look on the positive side of things and I'm doing not a bad job. The positive out of all of this was because I was so irregular I wasn't even sure I'd be able to get pregnant - well that I know we can do so we just wait and see and go with the flow. Sorry if I saddened the mood of the thread.
  9. I see you're getting married at Breezes. I got married at a Breezes too and the same thing happened. I had a heart attack. What it is is that they need is an invoice from your travel agent with proof of payment of your trip.
  10. Oh Susie you freakin rock!! That's brilliant and yet another reason I continue to come here to you girls. So took the day off to do the name change thing...left at 9am, hit 6 places and home by 12. I thought it would take a lot longer than that. Have a great weekened girls!!
  11. Good question about the business owner....I have no clue. I know that the first 6 weeks is covered by insurance (short term disability) and then the government takes over from there and you get an equivalent to unemployment pay. You don't get full pay - I think it works out to 50-55%, but you keep all your benefits and I know at my work I still acrue vacation so I get one year, plus any vacation for that year. If I miss review time I would also be eligible for a raise and bonus too. You don't HAVE to take a year or you can split it...like I could take 8 months and my hubby could take 4 or any such breakdown that equals a year. I may be wrong, but I thought Switzerland or a country over that way got 3 years.
  12. Yeah Montreal!! I'm not a Habs fan at all, but I'm happy a Canadian team is still in it. Tricia - good thing you're not in Canada then cause we get a year off!! Woohoo I'm looking forward to that let me tell you!! I still haven't told my parents and I'm feeling really bad about that for some reason. I think I might tell them soon. I'm just worried because my mom is always worried about money and she had a small cow when we bought our truck because we had just bought the house and then we're going to get married. We both work and have good jobs!! You'd think at my age she would have been able to let go...she still refers to me as her baby. ha ha ha ha I just want them to be happy for us, but I'm worried about what she's going to say. Guess I won't know until I do.
  13. ha ha ha just read Brooke's ticker - that's hilarious. Yes it feels great to have you girls to tell. The other day I was sitting at work and then all of a sudden I was like holy crap I'm pregnant - it was like I forgot. A girl in my sister's office gave her a month supply of prenatal vitamins for me. Sweet one less month I have to buy. ha ha ha Chris - I'm excited to see your slideshow. The slideshow we used at the AHR was about 15mins so I think 20mins will be great. Happy Birthday to your hubby!! Whatever you were fighting about can be set aside for today. If you're still angry bring it back up tomomrrow ha ha ha Krista - do you have almost everything ready for your wedding? It's coming up SO soon!! SUSIE!! How the heck are you girl?? Oh the step-daughter from hell stories!!
  14. Chris - that is funny with the timing. We'll have celebrations each month. Tricia - my cycle has been all wacky so going based on the very last one (looking at the internet) they estimate Jan 11th. Being a January baby I'm not overly excited about that. Yes I was always the first to do everything but on the other hand I never had any one to do it with. Saying all that, healthy is all I care about!! So I was looking on the forum the other day and I saw some threads for February 2011. It seems so unreal that there's already that thread going. Didn't we all just get married yesterday? ha ha
  15. It's Monday!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a pretty interesting weekend...we found out that we're pregnant Totally a surprise because we weren't really trying, but then again we weren't protecting against it either. So far just my sister and all of you know. We told my sister because she's a nurse practitioner and used to deliver babies. We haven't even told our parents yet. ha ha
  16. So I heard (and I'm hoping it's a rumour) that she's headed out of the US to get bigger boobs (size H) because her doc in the US will not go that big. So sad!!
  17. Welcome and congratulations to your daughter. You will find a lot of great posts and people here.
  18. That's one of the reasons this forum and all of us are here...you get your bridezilla out so you don't take it out on your FI or family. ha ha ha MANY a times one of the girls calmed me down or I just felt better typing it out. IT'S FRIDAY!! Have a great weekend!! Happy Momma's Day!!
  19. Chris - I agree I love checking in and see what everyone has posted or what's new. Krista - sorry to hear about the weather. I would think you would love going away even more, but I understand you had stuff planned and now the crappy weather is ruining that. Brooke - I've been meaning to tell you that your ticker cracks me up!!
  20. Beautiful Sabrina!!! Those are amazing photos - and stop being so critical of yourself I think making your dress into a christening gown is a brilliant idea!! Chris - are you for hire? I have painting I need done
  21. I got the magnets from Vistaprint. If you sign up for their email you get deals multiple times a week and it's Canadian.
  22. I can't believe she actually wanted bigger boobs, but they wouldn't let her. She would float away on a windy day - she still might. I can't believe they did lipo on her - she is beyond skinny. I hope young girls out there are grossed out by her and not envious.
  23. incubate ha ha ha that's great. put up some pics of before and after too. I love seeing what people do - someday I will get to doing stuff around here. What is ettiquitte on thank you cards? We (well I) have been so lazy and JUST ordered them yesterday. We ordered postcards (with a wedding photo) with envelopes and then we also ordered magnets with a group shot from the wedding that we're going to include with the people who actually came. I think we paid for 2 weeks delivery which would put us at 4 weeks after the AHR. Krista - great job. I went through a slight "OMG it's over" period last week and I'm so glad you joined this thread so that your happiness could rub off.
  24. Krista - I got the idea from a friend's wedding and then I got my photographer to do it. It was so easy. She set up a roll of photo paper (the white background) and she had some lights up and she just took the pictures. We started buying fun props around halloween and then when another occassion would come up we would head to the dollar store and see what they had. It was so fun and it's like a photo guestbook. Chris - it will happen girlie - stop thinking so much about it!! I know easier said then done, but just enjoy the process of trying. You need to head down this way soon - come for a bbq and a swim. That goes for any one else that wants to head this way as well - the door is always open - unless of course it's closed and the lights are off Alison - watching your video at work and it's making me teary. Great job!! What an amazing way to remember it all!!
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