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Everything posted by Positanobride10

  1. Thanks Grace for the recommendation. I am going to check them out. I am interviewing 7 coordinators which I found on the Association for Wedding Professionals international website. We chose Italy for many reasons but the main reason is we are both of Italian descent. My dad is from Abruzzi and my FH's dad is from Tuscany. We decided on the Amalfi Coast because it isn't near any of our homes so to speak. We also have never been there and it seems like it would be a fairy tale. I know that sounds corny but true. I have been to Italy and I wanted to share a new experience with my FH. So instead of just doing the honeymoon, why not do the wedding there too. We are also going to be married by the mayor of Positano in a civil ceremony overlooking the Bay of Napoli. We are able to do the legal ceremony there but we have to go to the U.S. consulate and get our license there. Your website is great. I hope we can chat some more about our DWs. I wish you the best. Thanks again for the post. Robin
  2. That is a great tip. I plan on doing the boarding passes as my save the date. I will keep that in mind.
  3. It may not look pretty but if you cannot find custom stamps, have the post office put postage on them for you. And really its what's inside the envelope that matters. Hope you find something on zazzle or elsewhere online. Robin
  4. Welcome to the forum. You will find great stuff here.
  5. Hi. I am also a May 2010 bride. I noticed some of you will be going the DIY invite route. So am I. I am only inviting immediate family and one or two close friends. I still want to do an invite but don't want to get stuck ordering 50 when I need 10. Anyway, looking forward to seeing projects and going through the process of planning a wedding. Have any of you started to interview resorts/planners? I am getting married in Italy and am not sure when is the right time to start. ~Robin
  6. From my research it seems Italy is not like Mexico or the Caribbean. We are not going to have the wedding reception at a hotel and Americans must be married at the Town Hall by the mayor. Its actually really pretty and less sterile as it sounds. You can be married on a terrace overlooking the bay of Napali. Anyway, thanks for the response. So my question still exists...any other suggestions.
  7. Hi, I am getting married in May 2010. I am nervous it is too early to start planning but I just read the second response to your original post and I am glad I am looking around now. Feel free to reach out to me over the next year. I don't know many people in my hometown who are doing this sort of thing so, I am free to hearing all about do's/don'ts, ideas, etc.
  8. That is not a dumb idea. Actually that is what my FH and I have planned. There will be 19 people at our wedding including us. I think you will love an intimate setting such as that.
  9. Did anyone hire and could refer a wedding planner that can plan weddings internationally? I am looking for a wedding planner who can help with a wedding in Italy. I have found a few but would like some specific referrals. Thanks.
  10. Is anyone out there getting married in Europe as I am? Just curious if anyone has any specific advise regarding Italian weddings.
  11. All of the comments are interesting. I live in Virginia and this state does not recognize common law like a lot of other states do not. If Virginia did, my FH and I would be considered married but I would still want to celebrate with my family.
  12. Hi. My FH and I are only inviting immediate family to the ceremony in Italy. We are doing this because we know the trip is expensive and we are feeling guilty having our close friends and extended family paying all that money for us. My mom says we should still register and have a reception/party back home after the ceremony. I am feeling guilty about this too. Is anyone in the same boat?
  13. Hey everyone. I am looking for a DIY save the date idea. We are only inviting immediate family but I still wanted to do a save the date. I looked through the site and I saw ideas for boarding passes and passports. Does anyone have another idea? We are getting married on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. The only thing that part of Italy is known for is citrus fruit, specifically lemons. Also, if there is a boarding pass template that a number of you prefer, please send it my way. I really thought those were cute.
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