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Everything posted by Royal_lady10

  1. Hey 2010 brides and grooms.. I just booked and confirmed my date!!..
  2. OMG.. I can't believe im reading this.. some of these can't be true.. they just cant!
  3. I am staying at DT , and am looking into doing a SPA day for my honary bridesmaids.. but from reading the reviews on the SPA at the hotel, I am looking away from using the SPA at the resort. So here is my question, have any of you ladies and gents been to the Swedish School of Massae in Tulum (Escuela de Masaje Sueco en Tulum, Riviera Maya), I only have one review, if not can any one recommend a SPA other than whats on the property. The school is only 10 min cab ride away. I am not sure if I can pass up a 90 min. massage for $60 when the rate here is $185..
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Sparkles8300 The whole reason that we picked Jamaica was that from Baltimore AJ had 3 hour direct flights pretty much every day of the week. Now it seems like all of their flights are non existant. If I can find a flight they are $700 and only on certain weekends through March. This is so scary Sparkles, not sure when in March you need tickets.. but when I just checked today, US airways has flights from BWI to MBJ starting at $299 (taxes included) with one stop in NC. I know its not direct but the flight time is 5 hrs.. about the shortest that I have found.. Im in the same situation as you.. expecting to fly from BWI to MBJ direct, but in August.
  5. So today was weigh in day.. and I am down 2.2lbs!...and aunt flow is here, I cant stand her right now.. I am craving the cupcakes that are on the table...lol..oh well off to the gym now.. Lisaloo79- Congrats on the 2lbs loss Happy Valentines Day!
  6. Erica I am sorry that you have to go through this. I really admire your courage and bravery to stand up and make a decision to protect you and your children. I wish you and your family nothing but the best.
  7. I requested to join.. but like many of the other ladies said... there was no were to put my name.. But I am Jessica R. on facebook
  8. have you thought about going barefoot with the jeweled sandals..BTW your dress look wonderful. Barefoot Jewelry and Bridal Destination Beach Wedding
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Sweet! Lucky you to have a personal trainer 24 x 7. LOL.. not too bad.. but I swear he is like the police, he be on me.. threatend to charge me this morning..lol.
  10. We are expecting roughly 35 peaple and are planing on going without a BP. We are opting not to have one because the wedding is about us.. We dont want anyone to have to particpate, only to enjoy and celebrate with us. I have been a bridesmaid in several weddings, as well as the girls that I will have as "honary" bridesmaides.. and I can tell at a few of them, I would have just prefered to be a guest (less stress, trying to wear a dress not fit for my body type, hair, etc). But for the special ladies that I would have asked to be my bridesmaids, I will acknowlegde them in our welcome letter and meet and greet, as well as having them sit in the front with our parents (his honary GM and my Honary BM). If you are concernd about having coordinated look for pictures, maybe incorporate your guest in the wedding like having an all white wedding or asking the honary BP to wear similar colors.. just a thought. whatever you decide, im sure it will be fine.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Christinamaria22 So phase one of south beach diet is just cutting down carbs and sugar or cutting them out COMPLETELY? Can u give me some pointers of what phase one is all about? Christina.. The first phase is somewhat restrictive. You eliminate all sugars and carbs (breads, sugars, sweets, rice, potatos, carrots.. see the link) for 10 days. But you are able to eat until you are full from veggies and lean protiens. My typical meals were as follows: Breakfast-V8, boiled egg and 2 piece of bacon Snack- 10 peanuts Lunch-Salad with grilled chicken or tuna light dressing Dinner-grilled fish with brocoli Snack-Sugar free Jello.. THis is what I did for ten days. and sometimes i still do it.. just to "clean" out my system. But if you follow the link, it breaks it down listing the foods that you can have during phase 1, what foods to include during phase 2, etc.. This was restrictive to me because I LOVE fruits and breads.. so, I just do a modified version of it. South Beach Diet for Beginner
  12. I just love the wasabi green peas from the cafe at work. Think dried peas coated in wasabi. I get the crunch, spice, and salt..awesome. Umm yeah, All you ladies that crave cheese count me in.. I have a fridge full of it right now.. my current rotation is a cave aged greyuer cheese (it has crystals in it)!. awesome. wow.. now if off to get wasabi peas and cheese..
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek I am not a big fan of diets but I tried South Beach (Phase 1) and it worked! Cutting back on carbohydrates and sugar is definitely a great eating habit. This is what I my doctor had recommended for me. It works wonders, by just elimiating some of the carbs and sugars from my diet, I lost about 8lbs during phase one. Currently, I am on a modified SBD and just work out with my personal trainer (FI). Like others, I have tried the Firm and LOVED IT.. I no longer have a VCR, and they are tapes.. I tried Tae bo, um it was okay.. and my FI likes P90X. I just can work out at home, too distracted.
  14. Did 1 hour of cardio and weight training!.. I'm still sore from the workout on Monday thanks to FI (personal trainer)..
  15. Well ladies.. havent weighed in yet, as I have just started a new work out regime.. (going to the gym).. so come saturday.. i will know if there are any differences.. But I have been working out more!
  16. Well ladies.. havent weighed in yet, as I have just started a new work out regime.. (going to the gym).. so come saturday.. i will know if there are any differences.. But I have been working out more!
  17. Lulu thank you for such a detailed review of DT.. this really helps alot of DT brides out
  18. We are doing like some posters are.. paying for things as they come up. We also have a seperate account set aside for the wedding and our trip to JA. Since we have about 16 months until the actual day, we figure putting aside a certain $ amount, plus the tax returns from this year and next year we should be fine with out touching our credit cards. For those who have family helping cover some of the expenses.. I think that is awesome..
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Ewww. That's the exact reason we decided to stay for 2 weeks. I dont want to be bothered with my family or his while were on our "honeymoon". We need some alone time please! Exactly, thats why we were staying for two weeks... I didnt and still cant believe that my family is acting like this. When I spoke with my Aunt, and mentioned to her that this is the time that would like to spend for our honeymoon.. Her response was.. "it aint like you all arent sleeping together now" I couldn't believe it.. "Seriously J, you are taking this thing completely out of line.. There is no way I coming down there just for three days!". I was fuming mad.. I just couldn't believe I heard these words come out of here mouth. I immediatelyh called my father, as he is the one who is telling people about. I asked him why are they so concerd with coming to the wedding.. they dont speak to me, when they do, its to verify my salary as if I need to lie about my paycheck (i had just graduated at this time), or when you see me.. you turn your face up to me.. His response was, its just like best friends, you dont have to speak everyday to still be friends.. WTF!.... I couldn't stand to stay on the phone.. Sorry girls.. but i had to vent
  20. congrats Vgirl on the 1.8 loss.. Keep it up.. !!!
  21. Congrats.. your pics look wonderful.. You were a beautiful bride. My favorites are the ones with you two by the tree and the one where you guys are laying in the sand..
  22. Thanks ladies.. this is exactly what I am planing on doing.. I am looking into leaving dreams that sunday after the wedding, flying to MIA and booking a cruise.. FI will be so shocked, as he would prefer to have courthouse wedding and honeymoon on a cruise.. Thanks Ladies..
  23. Soon2bePowers.. I am not a teacher, but am from STL, so I know how the weather is.. hopefully, you can get a sub if possible
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