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Everything posted by dolfinluck

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nicole8 thanks dolfin... Any idea of the cost I am assuming it is more? I believe it would be just the cost to have a private reception, off the top of my head i think for the silver its @$30 per head plus tax.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nicole8 Has anyone seens pictures or if it is even an option to have the wedding on the beach? Also we tried asking Tiara about a beach dinner/reception but like KPEG she just dodged some of our questions and that was one of them. Any pics? Earlier in this thread i posted some pics of a ceremony on the beach. Here is a pic of a reception on the beach and also by the infinity pool.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KPEG Thanks Jenne. I'm finding that too. I try to ask only 2 or 3 questions but maybe that's too many! I just needed to know the basics. :S I've chosen my colours, I just wanted to know when she needed final counts by. I'm trying really hard to be just as laid back as they are in the DR! lol I could be wrong but really dont think they need a final head count set in stone like places at home would need. I think an approximate number a month or two ahead of time (or even a week or two) would be fine.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by kuteliya Ok im about to flip out crying! Ive been searching the forum all morning long to find pictures of real brides in this dress... Yayyy for my sucky searching skillz! Anyhoo! Ty gals so much for your pics. The dress looks amazing. Im searching for a dress for our NY reception(already have my wedding dress) and i think this is the one. Since i live in PR atm Ive been having a hard time finding the dress to try on but im completely in love with it and have been so tempted to order it online. But I do have a question about the dress so if anyone would be kind enough to answer id appreciated it so much =). Is the dress good for petite women? Im 5'2 so height in dresses has been quite the issue, not because of the hem but due to the proportions of the dress being all over the place lol!... thanks in advance for your help and replies and sorry for highjacking the thread! I tried on this dress and posted a pic here . I ended up not choosing any of these ones in the post but a different maggie. FYI im 5'3 and wearing 3 inch shoes in the pic if that helps you. also have a pic we me in the dress with a cathedral veil on that has detailing at the end if you want to see.
  5. Love # 2 on you! Jovi was on my list of maggies to try on but never did. I understand about the sample not fitting as the maggie i chose was 2 size too small as well.
  6. Dont know what size you are but someone on preownedweddingdresses.com is selling theirs.
  7. Wow i'm so sorry you have to go thru this! I stayed at Sun Village back in March 2007 but it looks like they updated a lot. You should also check out La Romana area as well. Best of luck
  8. thanks! i always google micheal's coupons before i go. sometimes they have 50% ones as well
  9. Hey we are date twins! I would send out the STD ASAP. We created a website as well and included that with the STDs which i mailed out in July and August (my mom took forever to get the addresses for her side). Since then rates have come out and i have emailed ppl that i know for sure are coming with the rate information and put it on the website. I plan to send out the invites beginning of Jan with an RSVP of March 1, to avoid the holidays so ppl dont forget.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Sunandsand Are you paying for flights and then extra for the sessions? I'm paying for their travel (hotel and flights) and for the photos, but the package she gave me is well below her normal rates for weddings in nj. I would just contact a bunch of different photographers and ask how much.
  11. It's a sottero and midgley dress, i found the matching background but not the dress on the website. it could it be a limited that they dont put online? or they could of discontinued it, i would ask a store that carry's that line b/c they have the books with all the dress and might have it in it or a least tell you the name of it.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by courtney_b00 Thanks! It at least lets me see it on someone besides a model! I really really like this dress but I wouldn't dare buy it without trying it on. I have seriously called 5 stores that carry Maggie and none of them have this dress. I feel your pain, i was searching for Myra and Vivien from Maggie and called about 35 stores and finally one store had Myra and 3 had Vivien but in the end i didn't choose either. I would keep calling around and ask if they would get it in for you to try on. In my search a couple of stores said they would either free of charge get it in as long as it was not a new dress of hers or for $50 they would bring it in and if you ordered it they would put it to the cost of the dress.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Sunandsand Hey Amygirl, These are photos from another bride using the resort photog. pro wedding pics pictures from parties photos on webshots I want to use photosouvenir from Punta Cana. Punta Cana Destination wedding photography. He said he will charge an extra $200 to come to DLR but his photos are worth it I think. Plus, as a gift to my guests, I might set up a photo for each family / couple with the photog. If they all come at the same time, it won't take long and they'll get a beautiful gift that they'll actually keep. Also, I might have to do the TTD session the morning of the wedding because I can't have him come 2 days in a row and pay $200 on each day. A little less convenient but the photos are great. Nicole, I'm hoping the whole Sunwing threat from the snarky TA was just her trying to justify why she couldn't match any prices I got online. You might want to check out some local photographers by you, I am flying down two local photographers and getting full day cover plus TTD. It might be cheaper in the end, it was for me.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KPEG Dolphinluck: You mentioned finally being able to book your rooms now. Do you mean we choose our rooms or book them with Tiara? Or are you just talking about booking the vacation packages (travel and hotel)? I meant book the travel package, well just hotel for right now, waiting for the airfare to drop some more. I spoke to my TA yesterday and she said she will go over ppl room locations request with me when we get closer, so i would contact your TA not Tiara for that.
  15. FYI for any one else planning their wedding on Sat, arriving on Wed is ok. Tiara confirmed so I can finally book the rooms! Also putting URGENT in the subject of the email helps when you really need something important answered fast, first email no response, waited a week and put URGENT in the title and got a response in 24 hours
  16. So after trying on tons of Maggies and going to 10 stores and calling over 30 to hunt down 2 dresses (which neither were the one) i have finally purchased my DRESS, Brigidine!!! The dress has satin, chiffon and with a little bit of lace and sparkle. The picture of the dress on the website does it no justice. I looks great in person and the pictures we took as well. Here are pics of me in it, no pics of the back cause it was 2 sizes too small. Also I added on the halter strap.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by melette I too submitted a price quote form not once, but TWICE!! And i still haven't heard from her!!! I guess it's time to move on! Yeah i would start contacting others as your date is coming up soon. I gave her 3 weeks and no word so I booked with someone else that was quick to respond.
  18. On my STD i put similar information as JerseyKitten did and directed them to our website. Out of the 44 STD sent, about 9 ppl responded thru the website and about 6-8 ppl have told us in person what they are doing. hopefully when the real invites go out we get a better response.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 People like him make me soooooo sick! I just got the chills bc that is just sick to me. He is the reason pits get bad names. I love your picture! How in the world did you get your dog to just sit there. My pit would of been all in the water. You would think he was a water dog. lol I know, there are a couple of pits that come to the dog park and are great but i could believe this guy though. i was surprised how well she did and that was her first time. she sat in the kayak , every now and then she would try to get up cause my mom or sister were in front of us but i told her to sit back down and she did.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Sparkles8300 I found a freeze dried petal online store where it's $400 to do the ENTIRE isle and she wanted $880 to just do the sides! I would double check but i dont think you can bring freeze dried petals from the US in to Jamaica. I believe other girls have had customs taken them on their way down.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 Yep and thats the problem with most pits that end up having issuse is that the OWNER didn't teach the dog right. Or they got a pit that was bread from within same blood, just like humans that are inbread they are not right in the head. Def agree most of the time its the owner, there is someone around me that go from dog park to dog park with his pit with the intention of fighting with other dogs and doesnt try to brake it up and keeps a blinder of all the new articles of the fights that his dog as been in. He just came to the one i go to last week and others at the park call the cops on him.
  22. I submit at quote about a month ago and never hear anything so I guess i didnt get selected.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 So cute Andi!! Here is mine.. Cami loves Howie!! so cute! i have just like it with Kyra and a stuff dolphin before she tore the stuffing out
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