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Everything posted by atlcatlover

  1. There is a ton of Hawaii info on here, and some very creative ladies full of great ideas! Welcome and happy planning!
  2. Welcome and congrats! I wish I had been able to convince my FI to do a cruise wedding. Happy planning!
  3. You'll find this site very helpful. Welcome and happy planning!
  4. Love them! I love the way you two are just laughing together and obviously having a great time. Thanks for sharing!
  5. You'll find lots of great ideas here. Welcome and happy planning!
  6. I love St Thomas! What a great place to get married! Welcome to the site and Happy planning!
  7. Yeah for PR! After your wedding and honeymoon I want to hear all about it!! congrats!!
  8. Hi Jenny! Welcome to the board! You will find tons of great ideas and advice here. There are multiple threads abt passport and boarding pass ideas over on the invitation forum so just do a search and you'll find everything you need. Happy planning!
  9. 2 years and 3 months. And boy, was I anxious! He must have known somehow. When I read some of your stories I realize that this isn't a long time, but when you're my age and you know you've found the ONE it's hard to wait!! In the end it will all be worth it though. When we are married it will be 3 years and 3 months
  10. We are (hopefully) getting married in Puerto Rico, so I can't use the passport otherwise that is a great idea too. I think I am leaning toward a small card that I made and a luggage tag for the save the dates and definitely the boarding passes for the invites.
  11. Eek, I haven't started looking yet, but I'm hoping for $1k for dress, alterations, veil, shoes, the whole thing.
  12. He actually proposed in the tropical garden at the Caribe Hilton where we were staying - very nice! We dont know abt the wedding yet, but I am going down next month to scout some locations. We are looking at the El San Juan and the Intercontinental, and at least one other place (undetermined as of today). I thought about the resorts closer to El Yunque, but I decided it would be easier for my guests to be near the airport, and they can venture out on their own. I took a couple of weeks after I got engaged to sort of adjust to the whole thing, and I'm glad I did because I was really stressed. Now it's sinking in and it's going to be great.
  13. Color me green! I went to Italy for 2 weeks last fall, with a week in Tuscany and it simply could not be more beautiful. What a fabulous place for a wedding! Happy planning!
  14. I agree. Remember it's your wedding, and what is important is that you like it. Just keep looking and you will know when you find the right one.
  15. I'm not planning mine yet (heck I dont even have a wedding date picked out) but I want a simple casual party. Part of why I am having a DW is because I want something laid back. So I envision a BBQ, or a low country boil, or even a pig roast. There will probably be 200 people though.
  16. I've also used Zazzle before and was thrilled with the stamps I got, but it wound up making the postage about double the normal price. it was worth it for what was doing (40th bday party) and now I have other places to check too. thanks!
  17. For those of you who did boarding pass invites what did you do for the STD? Or if you had a boarding pass STD what about your invite? I absolutely love the boarding pass idea - it fits my personality and is just perfect! I first thought abt them for STD, but then realized I wouldn't know what to do for the invite. Living in a perpetual state of confusion these days.....
  18. And I've never been so surprised in my life. Actually he intended to do it 2 weeks prior on a trip to Las Vegas. We went to see the Cirque du Soleil show called Love, and his plan was to do it at intermission, only there was no intermission. Oops. And the next night just wasn't the right setting. So 2 weeks later we went to Puerto Rico for a short vacation. One night we went out to a nice dinner, and when we came back to our hotel we were walking around the tropical garden on the grounds. He was standing on a bridge and when I walked over to him he got down on one knee, told me he loved me, and asked me to marry him. I seriously do not know how long I cried before I could even answer him, but somehow I pulled myself together and said YES!! We are going to be married in PR next year, date and location TBD. wow!
  19. Welcome aboard! I am still new too, but the ladies here have me so inspired. They are all so creative and have such great ideas I just love reading about everyone's plans.
  20. Santa Rosa beach is beautiful! Welcome and happy planning!
  21. I am hoping for PR in April or May of 2009! Still undecided as to exact location.
  22. I just got engaged in PR 2 weeks ago, and our hope is to be married there as well, for a lot of the reasons you say. It is a beautiful place, easily accessible, and there are so many things for people to do if they want to stay for a vacation. We are considering the El San Juan, and I am going next month to talk to them in person. I love the resorts that were also mentioned, but I am trying to stay in the SJ metro area to make it easier for the guests. I will be glad to share any info I get! Happy planning!
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