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Everything posted by aimee!

  1. Everything looks awesome!! I love your hair... are you wearing a veil?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Danielle77 My bridesmaids and I are walking down to somewhere over the rainbow. I am hoping to time it so that I will walk down when it get to the what a wonderful world part. I think it is a long enogh song, but I have no idea how far we will have to walk. How many BM do you have? On a side note, I finished my mini-programs & raffia fans. YES! I printed business cards with our logo, wedding party, and a note to please join us for a group photo & cocktails, scored it, folded it in half, punched a little hole, and tied it with ribbon to the fan handles. Super easy, cute, and understated. Perfect for the beach. THIS JUST IN! UPS just delivered my favors! Starfish wine stoppers from BeauCoup!! They are perfect! Cute, and they remind me of the tiffany style Elsa Peretti... They were $2.75 each, and pretty heavy duty. I love them. Now to decide to keep them in their cute little boxes... hmm. Probably.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelitaw I get the same way. I end up getting cranky with him before he leaves, too - not fun at all! Shopping and mani/pedis definitely help! Thankfully FI doesn't travel often. ohmygosh that sounds sooo great!! a spa in town is offering 20% off all services today b/c of the blizzard... but i don't think i can get there.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Janelley100 You must be high up in the mountains.....down in Denver it is dry but FREEZING!!!! Good luck and hoping you have lots of hot cocoa! or wine! wish I could work from home... but it's looking like a snow day for me already!
  5. My BM dresses were $177 + tax, shoes, alterations. I was very upfront with all of the girls and made sure they were comfortable with that price point in the beginning. Then I ended up paying for about half of each of their dresses anyway because I felt so bad that alterations were between $50 and $75! So I would say just ask them directly, I'm sure they'll appreciate your honesty.
  6. DH has been out of town since Friday night... and he was supposed to come home tonight, but we are in the middle of this huge blizzard, so he's stuck!!! But I know how you feel... I get pretty mopey too. But the good news is I have been able to be VERY productive in getting my last minute wedding things taken care of. It's hard sometimes because we only have one computer.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton So tote bags, glow in the dark mugs, the perfect flowers, sand ceremony vases..... I thought I was so much closer than being done with planning then stressing over these things every night?? whats keeping you awake? I am definitely in the same boat! I need to start giving myself time limits for tasks, because I find they end up taking waaaay too long! But it's hard planning an entire wedding from the internet... you never really know if you bought the perfect stadium cups or favors. LOL! I'm snowed in! HUGE blizzard in Wisconsin tonight, and school is cancelled across the board... so I'm staying up and working on my programs/raffia fans. My other accomplishment for the night was completing my seating chart & emailing it to my WC.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JuneWeddingDreams We are getting hit hard...we are expected to get 14 - 16 inches by end of day tomorrow - it has started and the first shoveling has been completed. The National Weather Station said this is the worst storm in Wisconsin in over a decade...roads are slick. We are expected to have 30-40 mile per hour winds which is making the roads really dangerous to drive on Ditto to this!! I was just going to talk about the blizzard warning coming our way! Boo Wisconsin winters!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ML YoungLove Aimee, everything will turn our perfectly! Remember, in the end you and your hubby will be married and live happy ever after!! Easier said than done I know. On another note... Has anyone thought about their planning thread yet?? Thank You! It's so easy to get caught up in "wedding" and totally forget that we're going to MEXICO! Thanks for bring me back to earth. No work on the planning thread yet... I've been busy with programs, seating chart, playlist, and welcome letter. But the good news is we are getting a BLIZZARD tonight/tomorrow so I might have lots of time to get things cranked out.
  10. Soo pretty!! I love your dress!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ML YoungLove Yay Danielle, I am walking down to somewhere over the rainbow also! I loveed it as soon as I hear it and knew it was right for the location too. Are your BMs walking down to the same song or different? I think I am going to walk to that song too. I'm not sure yet about the BM's. I have 4, and I'm not sure how long it'll take to get through all of us walking... so I'd hate to have the music stop, or worse!, start the same song again for me. So I guess I just decided to give them a different song. Wish me luck trying to find one!! Any thoughts? Ugh, things were going so well with planning, but last night I hit a wall. My WC told me that b/c we don't have 50 ppl, we can't rent out the restaurant OR hold our dancing there. SO it's either the beach bar (outside) or the disco. I'm leaning toward the beach bar because that way we still feel like we're in Mexico, and we're outside, and hopefully people will dance. I'm just so worried! I had a mini-meltdown last night. I think I'm too much of a control freak to plan my wedding through emails with a girl who speaks english as her second language. Bonus: I JUST printed up our pre-wedding mailers with a wedding day timeline, and now things will be changing.
  12. Hey Ladies. I know this thread hasn't been active for a while, but I'm hoping maybe someone can help me. I've asked the WC these questions, but I'm having a hard time getting an answer. We don't have 50 guests, so we can't have a private dinner. Did any of you do this? Did they separate you, or did you feel like you were on display for everyone else eating? We're planning on the steakhouse. Also, did you do a reception at the disco or beach bar? We're leaning toward the beach bar, but I would like some more details. Was the music loud enough to dance? Do you think your guests enjoyed it? Any help will be Greatly appreciated!! Thanks Ladies.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia -The American Wife- we LOVED this book!!! I've been thinking about reading this one for a while, so thanks!! Now I'm get right on it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by krayzeekitty To do still: Find a sexy pair of panties to wear - any suggestions?? I bought a few pairs of VS "the lacie" that I might wear... I haven't decided which color yet. VS had some super cute bridal undies last summer, but they aren't making any really cute ones right now. but you may be able to find some of the discontinued ones on ebay.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by IMPPEARL The only suggestion I have is Island Importer (Beach Wedding Attire: Drawstring Linen Pants, Cotton & Linen Shirts, Shorts, Skirts - Island Importer) I ordered my pants from them and the guys seem to like them... I had to order another pair just yesterday also and they are going to rush them to me to make sure I get them in time. I leave on Jan 3. They are true to size and don't come hemmed so the lengths are easy to get what you need. I'm not sure of anywhere else you could go at this time of year! I ordered custom shirts for FI and the GM from island importer and had GREAT service. Because they were custom it took about 4-5 weeks for them to be made and shipped, but I am very happy with the end result. I did not order pants from them, so I can't comment. FI got his pants from the tommy bahama website and they are FAB!! I highly recommend them. His shoes are tommy bahama too, but we were able to find them on endless.com for a little cheaper than the T.B. website. on a side note: I finalized my logo with my stadium cup vendor. Yay! what are your weekend goals ladies?
  16. guilty!! i was up until 1:30 Monday night & after midnight (tuesday) night. hopefully tonight i can get some sleep!!
  17. i just placed an order with this vendor. he's been GREAT to work with so far. Thanks for sharing
  18. I'm feeling good tonight! Today I: mailed the GM their gifts and shirts started putting together our playlist MP3s Uploaded our "before you travel" mailer to vistaprint and ordered it Started correspondence with a cup vendor on ebay This week I hope to: finalize cups and order them get most of our MP3s ready write our ceremony (AHH! stress city!) share some pictures of my completed projects with you guys! Danielle- don't worry about your dress. You've got plenty of time. You'll just have to have your first fitting as soon as it comes in.
  19. 142.02 + 5 (from yesterday) = 147.02 should be 5 more today!
  20. Those look great. Could you tell me if the cup on the far left is blue or teal? Thanks.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM did the shred yesterday & no more trouble zones today. trying to stay on track! Good Job! I love NMTZ... I think I'm going to have to purchase that one. I did levels 1 & 2 of the shred today. Now to eat right over Thanksgiving! Yikes.
  22. LOST : josh holloway (yum!!)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Like when people say "roCKweiler" instead of "rottweiler". OMG, that makes me want to punch them in the face! LOL! I can't stand it when people say "ash-phalt" instead of "ass-phalt" and the newest one I've noticed is "accrosst" there is NO t at the end of across. FI hates when I point things like this out because otherwise he would never notice. count me in the group putting up with a trail of laundry every day! dirty pant, socks, you name it!!! urgh!. and cabinets getting left open and (the worst!!) not answering or acknowledging me at all until I repeat the same exact question 3 or 4 times and then getting pissy with me. well... if you answered me the first time we would be done and moving on 5 minutes ago!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Lisa*~ Meg - I ordered my cups from Factory 21 on Ebay. I haven't received them yet, I'm hoping to this week! Ooh, cool idea! we aren't doing OOT bags, but I was thinking about finding a small welcome gift to give everyone at check in. Cups might be just the thing.
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