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Everything posted by SgtPepperette

  1. The only regret I have is not figuring out how to cover up my faded arm band! I have been going through tattoo removal but ran out of time. The healing took 4 weeks in between sessions, and I could only do a half band at a time...so it was like double time to remove this than a normal tattoo. I kept putting off figuring out what to use to cover it up, so we tried the day of and it didnt work. Ugh.
  2. So we have been patiently waiting for the pictures...okay maybe driving each other crazy is more like it Our photographer, Wes Weber, just blogged us. I should have even more very soon....so stay tuned for those in the next week to! Tampa Florida Wedding Photography, South west Florida, South East Florida, Miami & Beyond - Wes Weber Photography specializes in Modern & Creative Wedding Photography & Portrait Photography
  3. So I officially turned it down yesterday...so why am I so pissed going in this morning? So I had a talk with my "new" manager yesterday morning. Explained how I didnt feel comfortable taking that salary increase. I felt the chat went good. I just explained how since Ive been there Ive really only received a raise that barely covers the average increase on cost of living, and never been rewarded for my performance. Than went over different things that showed how good my performance was. I also explained to him that this felt like a raise, where I thought this was a promotion. Im retreiving more responsilities, more client contact, and working two full time jobs for an undefined time. So he said well you will get a merit increase with year end, so thats another 2%, total that is a good raise. But he would go back to HR and see what they can do. He also told me that what I was asking for no one in the team makes near that. I find that hard to believe since most of them have been here 10+ years. So next my current manager called me a meeting inquiring about my decision. So I had another talk with her. At one point she said to me...I know your ready to move up. It wouldnt be because of the way this manager manages would it? Because that is the only reason I can see why you would want more money. To deal with the stress levels. So before I left he called me into his office one last time. He was shuffling some papers and said, Ive been looking through the budget and we just dont have any room to give you any more than what Ive offered. I hope you realize in this industry and economy getting any oppourtunity no matter the pay increase is very rare. Thankfully we were able to offer it to you. So why dont you sleep on it, and tell me what you think tomorrow. Honestly I dont think he even went back to HR to see if he could give me more. I know Im worth it. I politely declined. And surprise, Im still stuck doing both full time jobs for another 3 weeks. I dont regret declining, simply because when I weighed out all the options it wasnt worth it. The stress levels Id have would of been so high. In just 3 weeks this manager has made me feel like an incomptent idiot. Well I know thats not true and feel like I should take this on as a challenge...Im just not feeling it. Id rather have a boring job, less money, and be less stressed. With everything Im dealing with in my personal life it just makes sense. My current manager did say to me...just hang in there. I think I may have another oppourtunity for you. Although I think I probably burned myself on this one. Oh well. Part of me feels like I did burn. I mean maybe hes right, with the way the economy is I should be happy I am offered anything. But really how much can one person take? For literally pennies. Thats what the increase felt to me. I honestly didnt think the work load was fair. As you can see, I overanalyze and am the most indecisive person ever.
  4. Im honestly not sure I can handle the stress level either. Im going through a lot of things personally so this added stress is pretty unbearable. The crazy thing is I want like a 20% increase. Maybe I would take 15%. Im not great at negoiating, but I guess I need to learn fast.
  5. Thank you for answering Lori! You make me think more logical...take the emotions out of it. To answer your questions... Is this a company you plan to stay with? I have been wanting to leave the company for sometime now. I was planning on really making that happen after New Years. Than when this opportunity came up I thought...maybe Ill stick it out another year or so. THe insurance is pretty good, so we added my husband to it. He hasnt officially dropped is yet so this isnt permant though. Its just not something I want to make a career out of. Now ask me what I do want to make a career out of..and Im clueless. Do you think once the economy rebounds that you will see growth opportunities? Honestly I dont think theres much growth to move out of my current dept, which is probably the lowest dept in the company, until I finish my degree. Which would take another 3 years or so. Do you, or will you enjoy the work? I will say that since Ive started doing this other job in addition to my current job I have started to like my job again. I think mainly because its a change of scenery. Will I enjoy it in the long run? Probably not. Its Accounts Receivable...so collections. I honestly dont think collections fits my personality. I find myself in akward conversations already with clients. Im not mean enough. LOL The people? The people I dont mind so much. My coworkers are very helpful, and I get along with them quite well. Currently you have a few different managers but once it sorts itself out you won't right? I love my current manager. We just mesh well together. But these new managers I work with Im not so sure. The one is sort of bully like, and I dont know if I can handle his level of micromanaging. He sort of can make you feel like an ass or throw you under the bus at any given moment. Its safe to stay with this company right now. The income level isnt anything I would find anywhere else right now. There are great perks. I get roughly 3 weeks vacation. Unlimited sick time. The insurance is decent. They even paid me a week off for my honeymoon. Its smart to stay here another couple years while we try to establish ourselves...get rid of our current place, buy a new house, pay down our debts, etc. And try my hardest to finish up this degree! But at the same time I thought Id like to see what else is out there. Find something that I really enjoy.
  6. Im finding myself in a tough spot and could use some advice. This may get long so please bare with me. I currently work in the automotive industry, so we have been hit in the last year like everyone else. Layoffs, furlough weeks, etc. My team has been reduced from 5 people so we all are piled up on work. We adapt, because thats what you do. Now over the past year or so I have helped out where needed. Filled in for people while they are on maternity leave. They could never offer me a position because of what the industry was going through. So I would always go back to my old position and deal with the mess that happened while I filled in this other position. I also helped out on various projects in addition to my everyday work. Well when I got back from the weddingmoon I was called into my managers office. It appears that a position may be open soon in a group that I have filled in before. I know that this position is a salary grade higher so the prospect sounded great. I was recommended by 3 different managers for this position. They were waiting to see if the position could get approved, but in the mean time wanted me to help with the transition period. So I would be doing my current job, and than this other job. They didnt have a time line for anything. And werent sure the position would even get approved but said they will deal with that when that time comes. So of course being the team player I went along. I felt like given the position everyones in what other option did I have. And Im really bored with my current job so maybe throwing in a mix will get me re-energized. So after 2 days the position got approved. And sure enough it is a salary grade higher. This is great! So they encouraged me to apply and I did. When I looked at the salary grade it was $12-18K higher than I make now! So a few days later I have an interview with the manager I would be working for. Everything sound promising but they said they probably wouldnt make a decision till after year end. So I would be doing two full time jobs for 6 weeks. So I have been doing this for 3 weeks now and I have stress levels that I did not know existed! There is so much pressure on our dept for year end, and they remind me of it daily. Meanwhile I dont have any learning curve period with this other position. I had zero training, and am figuring things out while I go along. Im salary now, and find myself working 10 hour days, and I even brought work home last weekend. Ill never catch up. Im still trying to catch up on the work from when I was gone for the wedding! And lets not forget I have four managers now, all who think what they have is extremely hot to get done. And none of them communicating! I also find that this new position has two serious micromanaging managers. They talk to me like Im an idiot, and request I copy them on every email I send. And sometimes they will follow up my emails to clients basically saying the same thing! Its so frustrating! I am actually questioning if I want to even work for managers like this! So the HR manager called me in for an interview this week. Well she called me in for a chat that turned into a full on interview. Surprised there! The very next day I was offered the position. It would be effective Jan 1st. The pain increase was 8%. Now 8% sounds great doesnt it? But when I figure it out its more like $40 more a week. The position was posted as a analyst 2 position, and when presented to me it was moved down to an analyst 1 position. The salary grade stayed the same. It was a huge let down. So basically I will continue to do 2 full time jobs through year end. Which in reality is more like 4 jobs because everyones work load is so large from the layoffs. Than starting Jan 1st my old position will be posted internally and externally. So until that position is filled I will "help" out with both jobs aka do both jobs. Than when that person is hired I will have to "help" with the transition and training. This could go on for months! All for $40 more a week? When in reality will only cover the increase in our insurance premiums! All that stress for that? Im so torn on what to do. I feel like Im being taken advantage of. And they were sure Id jump right on it. He said okay, just sign here. I said, Ill have to get back to you. Part of me says, well a raise is a raise. And you will have more to add to your resume and your ending salary at this company will be higher. Which all that will help you in the end. Than part of me says, all that Ive did in the last 4 years at this company...I deserve more! I took a $10k paycut to come to this company because of the "growth" oppourtunity they promised. And I have had no growth! Even with this raise I still wont be up to that $10k paycut I took. Than when I look for jobs around here....the only positions I can find are actually less than what I currently make. So it feels like this is the only logical answer at this point. But I hate being taken advantage of! UGH! I hate this.
  7. This totally made my day. Things have been so shitty for me these days, so its nice to have a smile tonight To bad Im actually the same, actually maybe a few pounds more than when I started this season. So sad.
  8. I am LOVING all these pictures!!!! They all are so beautiful!!! Great photogs November brides I should be getting my pro pictures in the next week. Keeping my fingers crossed. Our photog is working on one more wedding before ours. When I got back to work after the wedding I was offered a possible promotion. For the time being Im working both jobs, and am very overwhelmed. I feel like I really have to prove myself to get a decent raise. So for the first time ever I did something I said I wouldnt do. I brought work home. Bleh. Not fun. But I think I potentially have a chance to increase my salary by a substantial amount. At least Im keeping my fingers crossed! I cant believe we just a month has already gone by since the wedding! Where does the time go? After the wedding Ill be diving into planning the AHR. We have a very strict budget since we are trying to get out of our current house and into a new one. So I will have to get very creative!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by lisa_k Hi Ladies, I love all of the great ideas on here. I've been thinking and searching alot for a cool guest book idea and I really love the idea of the dry erase boards. I think it's so cute and lets the guests personalities shine through. I found this pic online for chalboards instead of dry erase boards. I think it looks kind of old school and vintage-y, so I'm going to try it. Has anyone else done this instead of the dry erase? Miss Lovely gets Married: words of wisdom Also, did anyone write anything cute in their directions to guests on how the message boards & pics work? Thanks!! We did the dry erase board guest book, and this is the sign we made...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs b2b: lisa (formerly lisaloo, now has stars and squiggles around her name or something, lol) mrs: sgt. pepperette (melissa) You are so sweet! I feel so special
  11. Welcome back Mrs.'s Cant wait to hear all about your experiences!!!! And Good Luck Jess!!!!
  12. Im being a trooper and hanging in there. Although all that dining out and cocktails caught up with me. LOL
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by *Nadine* I was going to use adele - make you feel my love but then it shouts out 'I know you havent made your mind up yet' so then i decided not to use it since I hope my FI has made his mind up! haha. If I could guarantee I only needed a minute of it then I would use it. That was our first dance song We sang it to each other as we danced. One of my favorite moments to remember.
  14. Vikki - SEXY! I cant wait to see more!!!!! Erika - after looking at yours I thought...wow she looks so great! I agree you should do the TTD on your one year anniversary. It was so much fun. I think we really had such a great time because we were so much more relaxed to. The wedding day chaos wasnt there, so we had a lot more fun with it. I think I would really recommend the day after pictures to brides and grooms for that exact reason. The day of is so hetic, and your emotions are so intense. The day after your so much more relaxed, no stress, etc. I know in our case our photo session probably would of been a little easier on us to have it the day after. At our TTD we were really jitter free and our nerves werent shot (lol) vs how we felt on the day of the wedding. It really was Melissa and Grant than. Kind of hard to explain. Its like dinner...both of us had such upset stomachs from our nerves on the wedding day that we barely could even eat dinner! Its weird though because its like...we know these people. Just relax! lol
  15. Just got done looking at Ashely and Erikas pictures. Beautiful, Beautiful Brides!!!!!! Im so jealous that you got your pro pics already Erika!
  16. Masquerade sounds so much fun!!!! Lindsey and Pat decided on Ceasers Palace
  17. Keira, our cousin got engaged the week before our wedding. And shes doing destination wedding in Vegas this March. YAY!
  18. Ashley, sorry your WC was a wench! So happy you didnt let it ruin your day So excited for you upcoming brides to be!!!!!!
  19. Back to the grind today. Eating was ok. I have an appt at 8pm so dont think Ill get a workout in today. I should go clean the dog poop in the back yard, but may save that for tomorrow. Im pretty whooped. I havent braced the scale yet. Ill see on Wednesday what the damage is. Dun Dun Dun!
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