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Everything posted by kevsgirl

  1. Here's Cub, the monster. aka Lunchbox. Enjoying the sun last summer Thinking he's entitled to sleep inthe middle of our bed... All curled up in his chair with a comforter and his little ducky:
  2. Oooh! I'm so excited that there's a thread here on steam mops. I've had my eye on the H20, but wasn't sure which would be best... Now I"m going to check out that link that Rachel posted. Thanks!
  3. Bisha - Gavin is gorgeous! Congratulations on your little boy Summer - the name Mikka is beautiful! Where did you come up with it. I've never heard of it. Same old same old here - I'm gaining weight very quickly and it's freaking me out Otherwise feeling fine Can't wait to find out what we're having. We can't decide on names whatsoever. But I have some time
  4. I remember before our DW having a period of time where we were totally not doing it too... the stress of planning really took its toll. But once we got to Mexico, things were awesome! We'd had a civil ceremony in Ottawa first too (secret), so we were relaxed about the actual wedding, which made things even better. I think I'm in my sexual peak right now! I'm 31. I met DH when I was at the end of 29th year. He's the best I've ever had too! I know it's just a matter of time before my drive comes back. He's being really supportive, but I can tell it's wearing on him. Thanks, girls
  5. Bisha - the room's beautiful! I love your crib and the turtles are so adorable I don't blame you for not being able to wait. Kelly - I feel so bad for you I couldn't handle being hungry either. I become a huge biotch when I'm hungry normally and now that I'm pg it's ridiculous. LOL!
  6. I confess that I have not really wanted/cared to 'do' my DH in over 2 months. I know it's the pregnancy, but I feel terrible! It's not that I'm not attracted to him or love him. I just have zero drive.
  7. OMG that is seriously the cutest little guy ever! I love the name Hamish too!!! He's so cute and fluffy. Thanks for showing that video too. I'm so showing DH later tonight
  8. Bisha - sorry to hear about your grandmother It's hard to watch a parent lose one of their parents, but it's so nice for your dad that he has a little grandbaby to look forward to. Your baby bump is so cute! I went out with MIL to a big kids garage sale today and I bought... a high chair. It's our first piece of baby-related furniture. I feel like a dork! I won't even need a high chair for another year. Oh well. It's cute and in really good condition. I'm feeling good mostly. A little digestive weirdness today though. Mostly I'm just dying to let people know that I'm pg. It's really been bothering me that I have to hide it for so damn long. DH really wants to wait until we've had the screening results back. Our u/s that screened was supposed to be this Thu, but the baby was too small. Now it's set again for next Wed and I don't know how long before we get results. I just want to shout it out to everyone...
  9. My friends - all over the world
  10. geminilibra - kidney stones are supposed to be one of the most painful things. I feel horrible for you... have they passed yet? Summer - I love your pics! The middle one is beautiful too. Kelly - boo on failing the test... I am scared of that too. Although I haven't been into sweets much so far. I'm sure that craving will come back though as I'm always a sweet tooth usually. Yay Jenn!!! I just 'came out' on here too. We just had our 11w neuchal translucency (sp?) test yesterday. Unfortunately the tech couldn't measure what she had to measure because the baby wasn't big enough yet, so we go back next week. In a way, it's awesome as I get to see him/her again and this scan was the coolest ever. It totally blew me away. The baby was moving around like crazy and we could totally make out the head and body and see (somewhat) arms and legs. I'm still giddy about it all!
  11. I had real flowers for the bouquets and boutonniers and fake hair flowers for my girls and me. No one noticed that the ones in our hair were fake and the bouquets were beautiful and smelled delicious. If you're picky you might want to go with fake as then you know exactly what you're going to get. But if you love flowers and the smell of them, you probably want to stick with real. GL with your decision.
  12. t.b.a. - my pregnancy! (still in the closet)
  13. old hollywood : Gone with the Wind
  14. Thanks, girls! I'm actually feeling pretty good all 'round. I had only a couple of weeks of constant morning sickness and now it's once in a while. I had a bad day on Monday and stayed home, but this week otherwise I was pretty good. Sore along my lower abdomen, like I"ve pulled the muscle, because it's stretching. And generally feel pretty large because of the weight I've gained. I can't wait to be able to tell everyone, especially at work, because I feel really paranoid all the time, like everyone's staring at my belly! And it's hard trying to cover it up all the time. I'm really excited about our ultrasound on Thursday. I really hope everything is ok! Oh and I had one spotting episode just once on Wednesday that did worry me, so my doctor is testing me for a UTI.
  15. Good luck with your applications! I'm in the same situation - really tired of my job, really obnoxious coworkers who are above me and condescending... ugh! I also wanted to say that I totally went through a post-wedding meltdown. Just felt totally pathetic and down. I was in overdrive for months - I think that's why. At any rate, we decided to try for a baby and then that kind of took over. It was a great project as it turns out So I second the thought of taking up a new hobby. Even if not ttc
  16. Hi girls - just chiming in now, but I've been watching this thread since when we were planning our DW - we're pregnant and due Nov 16! I saw the baby at 6weeks and the heart beat. I'm going back for the screening test next week (the neural tube one) and meeting our midwife for the first time next Friday! Your baby bumps are very cute and not at all scary (well, maybe a bit for me ) I just have a very thick tummy right now. I've gained 12 lbs already and I'm only 10 weeks I tried to put a cap on the comfort food last week and I'm gaining much more slowly now, I hope! Andrea
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