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Everything posted by stacey

  1. No that I think that this situation isnt wrong. But are you sure that your FI didnt offer to pay her the $75.00?
  2. Im 99.9% sure we dont have any wineries that have a chapel or church in the Napa Valley. Also by law there are only a few Winerys that are allowed to host a wedding ceremony there, but most can hold a reception.
  3. Congrats and welcome. i live in Napa so let me know if you need any help.
  4. I cant help but to giggle about this. Im sure you and DH dont think its very funny right now though. What would we do with out our fur babys!
  5. Dee83, you flowers look great. Im very impressed
  6. I FINALLY lost 2 pounds, go me. Hopefully I can keep it off during this long weekend.
  7. It rained every day that i was there, but not for very long, and its a warm rain. Its actually really cool!! Dont fret
  8. Yari, look at how far along your ticker is!!! Ok back to the topic.
  9. Ok I am going to put this in the nicest way I know how. You seem very concerned about money. You seem to be spending a chunk on them and you are very concerned about getting it back if they dont come. This to me almost sounds like you are buying your wedding party, and if you are overly concerned about the money maybe you cant afford it in the first place. IMOP tell your bridal party your monitary intentions. And give them plenty of time to decide if they can come or not. I would tell you to shove it where the sund doesnt shine if you asked me to sign a contract.
  10. I personally think its rude and tacky. If you think that someone isnt going to be able to make it then maybe you shouldnt include them in your bridal party if you are concerned about losing money. And in the end, if they dont go and you lose out on the money, what are you going to do, take them to small claims court?
  11. I am bumping this again. I am willing to take any reasonable offer. I just want to get rid of them.
  12. stacey

    Napa Bride

    Welcome to the forum Kristina. I live in Napa, so if you have any questions or need help let me know, and I will be happy to help.
  13. Lisa, I dont remember the Terrace being dark at all. I believe there are plenty of lights. Dont stress!
  14. I need advice, does P28 look like a silver grey? or is it a blue here is the link to the color http://www.handbagscentral.com/?catn...ctvariation=04
  15. Can I order just two? PA13 and PA31. let me know if this is going to be a problem.
  16. Everything looks great. You are getting married on my birhtday, it is destined to be a great day!
  17. I was doing so well at avoiding Twitter until now.
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