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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I completly forgot to grab the potatoe recipe, Ill get it for you all tommorow
  2. Is it chunky? Im trying to picture the dip. Im thinking its more like a pico del guyo (Sp?)
  3. I will try to grab it while I am at home this afternoon Desiree. Its so good, but really fattening
  4. Its on your way to tahoe, you should stop by
  5. ohhh DIY sundaes would be a hit, great idea karen
  6. Im not doing that great this week, ive cheated a little bit. But I havent gained any weight, so I am happy with that
  7. I thought it would be fun if everyone posted their 4th of July menu's. The 4th is my FAVORITE holiday. I will start with mine. Appetizers: Bruchetta on toasted sliced baguettes Cantaloupe slices wrapped in prosciutto Chips, salsa, and quacamole Salads: Grilled corn salad, mixed with cherry tomatoes, avocado, red onion and basil Side: BBQd mashed potatoes (my favorite) Main: Blue cheese hamburgers Dessert: I have no idea yet
  8. Well I like to eat a lot of diffrent veggies Vikki. But I have A LOT of zuccini growing the garden right now, so that is what I have been eating.
  9. I am so sorry that you and your family is going through this. Cancer is shitty and dealing with dealth is heart wrenching. I will keep your family and aunt in my thoughts.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Awww Stacey - Bailey is so tiny! What kind of dog is she? She is a Chiweenie. Half Chi half dashound
  11. Ive had 4 16- I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled 21- I had knee surgery, i tour my meniscus, and a few other things. 23- I knocked my two fron teeth out, not really surgery, but they semi knocked me out to put in fake ones 25- I had a cyst removed from my breast. I wish that would be all, but I will have to have my teeth replaced about every 7 years.
  12. Ive had 4 16- I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled 21- I had knee surgery, i tour my meniscus, and a few other things. 23- I knocked my two fron teeth out, not really surgery, but they semi knocked me out to put in fake ones 25- I had a cyst removed from my breat. I wish that would be all, but I will have to have my teeth replaced about every 7 years.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JLRJEN OlsonTCO There is apparently a child friendly resort next door, but I don't know the name. your guests would be able to meet you on the beach. Good luck FYI, when you say next door pleas keep in mind its a few miles away and they would have to take a taxi. The Valentin is at least a mile off the road if not more.
  14. Whoooo hoooo thats awesome. I need to catch up to you now!
  15. Yael, they are amazing! You looked Beautiful, I cant wait to see the rest!
  16. Congrats!, you looked beautiful, and the two of you seemed so happy!
  17. No not wierd at all. I made a new batch last night and I cant wait to have some of it. I made beer can chicken for fathers day. Then i took the chicken carcas and made my own chicken broth. It is sooooo good with all the spices. I used the broth for my soup. I also had yellow and green squash that needed to be eaten, So i put that in the soup too. I keep catching Ely eating my soup, because he loves it too!
  18. Thats good, im sure you will lose another 2 ounds after today
  19. Erika, how much weight have you lost?
  20. Whoo hoo girls, you are doing great. Im on day 2 and feeling fine. Of course this my 2nd week. DH was eating a tamale for dinner last night, it was soooo hard to resist, but I did it.
  21. How have a missed this thread? Here are my tow babies, Guiness and Bailey and another of bailey, we just got her a few weeks ago, She is 11 weeks now
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