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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I was afraid of that. It is such a shame that they let greed and stardom come between them.
  2. I started again today. Last week I lost 5 lbs, but I only made it 4 days and then life got in the way.
  3. whooo hoo yael, im gload your day was fabulous. I cant wait to see the pics!
  4. Whoops Tammy and I posted at the same time.
  5. I am sorry that this happend to you. Thank you for sharing your experince, I think that is important to future brides. Upon a little further investigation it looks like she has been banned from the forum.
  6. HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!!! yael, you are going to be a beutiful bride, and you deserve the best a wedding a girl could dream of.
  7. Ourr 2nd resort, where we spent out honeymoon The Valentin Maya, totally blew me away. I wracked up about $500.00 in spa treatments that I charged to the room. When we checked out they said "thank You for chosing us for your honey moon, the spa charges are on us" I couldnt believe it!
  8. Im am very sorry that she has to go through this. I wish her and your family the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  9. WOW! that is awful. I am by no means a doctor but that seems a little durastic. Has she gotten a 2nd opinion?
  10. Thanks Vikki, that was a few weeks ago when we first got her. Things have changed, now she is a little monster that wont sit still.
  11. Well I am on day two, and have lost 4 pounds already. Although I dont know if I should count them. It was the 4 pounds that i gained over the weekend. Hopefully I will keep losing thoug. So far i feel great!
  12. You should do it Erika. I gained like 4 pounds over the weekend, and after 1 day of the diet I lost all 4 of those pounds. For wiegh in today I will be at zero but hope to do MUCH better next week after I am done with the Diet.
  13. Well I will be on my last day on Monday so I can cheer you on
  14. Im bumping this thread again. Its time to lose a few pounds that I cant get rid of, so I am going back on this diet. Is anyone currently doing this or want to start? I am on day 1, and everything is fine so far!
  15. This sounds like it might be good for me. Our whole house has hardwood floors, excpet for the bathroom and kitchen, they are tile. I cant keep the floors looking clean enough to save my life.
  16. Ash, Thank you for you sharing your experience with the forum. This is another example on what a fabulous tool the forum is for brides.
  17. I got mine of Etsy, and might be willing to sell it. What exactly are you looking for?
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