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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I keep trying to add in my banner, but it wont show up. All I do is copy and paste the link into my siggy right?
  2. Im coming in a little late. Im scared for this girl. Do you know of any of her other freinds? Keep us posted.
  3. Welcome to the Forum Carlos. You did my wedding at the Dreams Cancun. I dont think I could of asked for a better DJ. The whole wedding group loved your style. Thank You!
  4. WOW, what a great deal! Somebody is going to be a very lucky girl.
  5. OMG, those are horrible. Whats with the almost naked guys?
  6. Congrats Heather and welcome to the forum, We are very happy to have you here.
  7. Hehehe, this thread makes me giggle. So we "kinda" got it on. We were both sooo tired, and SO SO SO drunk. So thats we I say "kinda" to tell the truth, I dont really remember how it was. But I do remember I that I was still in my dress, and as soon as the dead was done I ran to the bathroom and puked up all the tequila that I drank. It was very romantic, to say the lease.
  8. Lisa, I only had 36 people at my wedding, that includes us. I dont think that there are several arbor thingys, I think it is one long thing, if I remember correctly. And I want to say that we had 5 or 6 tables
  9. Here are a few more Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
  10. Ok here are a few photos of the tables. These are really bad pics so no judging. oh and we were outside on the terrace. The sweet heart table You can kinda see the set up This one is during cocktail hour
  11. We also used round tables and had a sweat heart table. It was nice because we could see everyone, and they could see us.
  12. Hmmm ive never heard of Glazer distributing, I will let my huband know. Thanks
  13. Ok I dont have mine in front of me so I am trying to do this by memory. When you are in the tools section and you are looking at the wireless network optiions. If you hit the cancell button it should bring up more network options and one of them should be yours, or someone elses that isnt locked. Does that make sense?
  14. I have an update!! We have decided that Texas is our location that we want to go to. I convinced DH that we should move there. SO now its a toss up between Austin and Houston. And of course if we can find jobs!
  15. Thanks for the web sites Desiree, I sent them to DH to check out!
  16. I would LOVE to move to Texas Kristen!!! I guess its just the whole trying to find a job thing feels so scarry right now. Are there winerys in Texas?!?!?!
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