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Everything posted by Gretchen

  1. These are great! I like the wax seal and that the string has a shell on them - very nice touches! Anyone would love to get one of these!
  2. How about James Taylor - How SWEET it is to be Loved by You?
  3. You did a fantastic job! I swear you ladies around here could make some mega-bucks if you made and sold some of the creative stuff that you do!
  4. Good luck on the job hunt Kate! Looking for a job can be stressful. Try to stay positive and take this opportunity to find the job that YOU want rather than just "another job". Best wishes!
  5. Britt - Welcome to the forum! I hope that you can find the help you are looking for here! BTW - my roomie in college was named Britt. Not Brittany or something else - "just Britt". It made me smile to read your name.... I wonder what ever happened to her.... But anyways - WELCOME!
  6. Thanks for sharing - fun! I like the photo booth idea for a AHR.... a bit too costly for my budget though.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  8. I never thought of it until I saw the woman who wore hers with the point pointing towards her hand rather than the tip of her finger. It just seemed so odd that I thought this would be the place to ask what others thought!
  9. We went for a day trip too. Did lots of shopping, but didn't see any "bars" so I wasn't sure. I also don't know (CAN ANYONE ADVISE?) if we can get a ferry back to Isla Mujeres if we go into Cancun late.... Do they run 24 hours?
  10. Welcome to the forum! We have a few Aruba brides on here - maybe you can convince more undecided brides to go there!
  11. I voted for who I thought would WIN the election, but not necessarily who I will vote for... I wonder if the poll would be different if we asked "who are you planning to vote for this fall?"
  12. Hey there - hoping for some assistance. We are planning a vacation in May. Last year we went to Cancun and LOVED it. We found a good deal for Isla Mujeres, but not sure about it. We love the night life! We like to go out and dance and have a few drinks (or maybe more like 6 or 8 or so... LOL) Is there a nightlife on Isla Mujeres? We loved Cancun, but don't want the same vacation 2 in a row.... Suggestions?
  13. Gretchen


    to the forum Megan! You will find that there is a ton of info here and it is quite addictive as well!
  14. to the forum! Happy planning!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Ewwww.... I hope you can get out of that place at some point. From my experience the people who preface their BS with "I'm not racist" are the most racist. I have problems keeping my big mouth closed and have lost jobs over it so if you need that job I would wait until you find another one to tell them what you told us. Wanna have some fun? Take those order now pay later forms out of every ethnic magazine you can find and fill out their home addresses. At the very least it will cause them stress. I once had a homophobic boss and I subscribed him to the gayblade and he griped about it all week (didn't know it was me, apparantly his wife didn't believe it was a mix-up). It doesn't solve anything but that was my best week ever at that job. Hang in there . . . Okay - so I am reading through some old posts and come across this. At a job where I was before, someone suscribed the owner/president for GAY PORN and it was sent to the office! That got some talk started around there!
  16. Everyone has already said it - but I wanted to say how great they are too! WOW!
  17. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  18. What about tea? It's a very southern thing and would be great for Charleston. You could see if there is a "local" tea brand.
  19. Stephanie, I have been reading this thread, but felt like I had no words of wisdom so I did not add to it. I would like to say that I am SO happy that things are looking better for your family and especially for your mom! What a weight off of your shoulders!
  20. Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning!
  21. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  22. What a great question! I was thinking of this recently too, but didn't think to post it... Now I am waiting to see what suggestions are made too!
  23. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  24. Since you are gung-ho on orange, I say that you find a dress (or seperates) that you like in a shade of orange for them to wear. Hopefully it won't be toooo expensive and it would be something they could wear again. It would look nice to have them match, but be different than the BM that are able to go to the ceremony. IMO
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan Pacek Photography Here's the link to my wedding slideshow. Susan and Chris I hope you enjoy it! Susan S T U N N I N G ! !
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