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Everything posted by Gretchen

  1. STUNNING! You are so talented! It is so wonderful! Do you plan to make other jewelry for your wedding party/family too? I would love to see more of your work. Share with us!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I like hens night too. Especially if you get to call the guys night "cocks night." Too funny Rachel!
  3. Congrats Heidi!! It looks like a wonderful place! Very nice!! YEAH for you and Reggie!
  4. WOW! That does sound stressful. Good that you were able to vent and great that your FI stepped up to help! Happy planning in Punta Cana!
  5. What a fun idea! These could be some great photos to share with everyone! Love the creative lists too.
  6. Of course, I am wearing green. We had a pitch in at work: Irish Stew, Irish Soda Bread, Ambrosia (green), some Irisn cheese of some sort, green punch, shamrock cookies... and green leis. Lots of fun.
  7. THey look great. I think the "Something missing" would be something around the vases. Like maybe some sand or other shells? Or flower petals? Even on a mirror something outside of the vases might tie it all together.
  8. Very pretty! I can't wait to see them on with your dress!
  9. My family does this a LOT. We also tend to use words that were once a mistake, and now is the common usage. If ya mess it up, we will use it to make fun of you and then it will stick. A few examples: My brother is "Shames" because he couldn't pronounce "James" (his name) when he was 2 - about 28 years ago! We call a fork a "forky-worky" because my mom did when we were kids. When pouring something, we say "Tell me when to whoa". Silliness! We also make up songs.... And names for people. I tend to call people by their first name and a made up middle name that makes them sounds rather back-woods hill-billy-ish.
  10. A little late - but my happy wishes to you as well. And the chair tie moments are too funny!
  11. They are great - love the colors and circles or "bubbles' on the side. People will be so happy to get them!
  12. Shopping for shoes - that sounds much better than a day at work!
  13. I like this a lot - and it does remind me of the dress in the other thread. I think the "hike" in the middle is okay unless you have any BM that are super tall or have really long legs.
  14. This is the kind of showers that are typical with my family.... Love them!
  15. I didn't watch it, but sure do plan to! I like to DVR them and watch the day after - then I can zoom through the comercials and watch it in about 30-40 minutes! I do that with a lot of my fav shows!
  16. You do fantastic work! Anyone would be proud to have those as invitations - heck anyone would love to get one that pretty!
  17. You could "carve" a styrofoam cooler in the shape of one?
  18. I like the first one the best - fantastic! I like the last one too. Not so much for the one with the blue flower petals - I just don't like the color of them - IMO they look "fake" since I have never seen a blue rose. The others are prettier. I am no fish lover, so I would say go with the fist - maybe some goldfish or another pretty fish that works. I like the fish...
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