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Jr. Member
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Everything posted by Gretchen

  1. to the forum! Happy planning!
  2. to the forum! Happy planning!
  3. to the forum! Happy planning!
  4. to the forum! Happy planning!
  5. Gretchen


    to the forum! Happy planning!
  6. to the forum! Happy planning!
  7. to the forum! Happy planning!
  8. to the forum! Happy planning!
  9. Very pretty - can not wait to see pics of you wearing it!
  10. before I read anyone else's comments, I have to say: WOW! These photos are amazing, beautiful, wonderful, fantastic! Del Sol's photos (no matter which photographers) are wonderful! But they couldn't do such a good job without good subjects to work with. Everything was perfect. I especially liked #'s 73, 91 and 98. And the people in the pool at the end were too fun!
  11. I love ALL 3 pairs that you show on here! They are great! LOVE love LOVE the orange!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I would wear it the way you do, longways. I think if I wore it the other way it would make my fingers look fat. Of coure my center diamond of my e-ring is a princess cut and I don't wear it as a square, its set like a baseball diamond (that's what my DH told the jeweler when she asked him how he wanted it placed-such a man) I LOVE THAT! Like a baseball diamond! Too funny! I also have my mom's marquis. It is not set with the points lined up with the finger but with them at a slant. I like the different settings - but not the pear with the point down.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Yeah I would wear it like you...not sure why, but to me it would almost seem backwards the other way. That is what I was thinking. And, it was big enough that I would worry about the point "stabbing" my hand if I bent my fingers back a bit. I just couldn't seem to stop staring at her finger. LOL
  14. I have a pear shaped diamond ring (not my engagement ring) and have always worn it with the point facing the tip of my finger. Yesterday at a training, I saw a woman with her ring the other way. I JUST kept staring at it. I couldn't figure out if I was wearing mine "wrong" or if she was... Is there a "right" way to wear it or is it just preferance? Which way would you wear one?
  15. VERY NICE! They did a great job and I love the design as well as your wall art! What a great memento of your trip and of your journey together!
  16. That is a scary thought! If you have an alarm system, I suggest looking into a remote keyfob for your alarm. We have one and LOVE it. One button turns the alarm on/off. One button is for a "panic". The third can be programmed a few different ways. Our are programmed to open/close our garage door. (helped too because there were no remotes left by the seller!). It stays on my keychain - never left in the car. Seems much safer. And, I know the panic works because I accidently hit it once - OOPS! Police came right away & I ended up paying a fee because we had another false alarm a few months before.
  17. This happened to me when I first joined too. Did anyone else notice that it happens much less now with no shout box? I like that it is faster.
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