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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Wow you are organized girl! Everything looks great so far
  2. Thanks Galit. I will call and ask for her then. If anyone else decides to order from here, let me know if you get the same reaction I got from the guy I spoke to this morning. He was really trying to discourage me from even setting up an account because I wasn't a business and said he would call me back and of course never did...
  3. Thanks Morgan! I haven't had a chance to scour around online yet.. you are just so quick! Heh
  4. Morgan, are all these little first-aid kits available at all Targets? We don't have Target in Canada and I haven't found a cheap canadian substitute yet.. our dollars stores don't seem to have them either.. although I haven't looked in all the ones close to me yet... sooo frustrating. I want cheap first-aid kits too!!! Argh
  5. Okay, I called this place this morning to ask if they shipped to Canada. He told me they could, even though they never have before. He ALSO told me they don't do one time orders and that you have to be a business that will reorder from them every few weeks or so. I told him that his website was posted on a big wedding forum and I'm sure lots of us would order from it, but he said the prices are for wholesalers and that the cost to do a single order would be at least 20% higher. Galit, how did you get your order put through? I'm curious!
  6. They have awesome stuff!!! I wonder if they will ship to Canada though.. hmmmm
  7. I work for a customs broker in Vancouver.. I clear through customs all the coffee bean containers that come into Vancouver on the ships and through the border via trucks
  8. Haha.. I thought all those things too I know NOTHING about wine, but if I'm going to buy a bottle it will be at least 15 to 20 dollars.. just cause I don't wanna seem cheap.. heh Quote: Originally Posted by sohappy My first thought is did they "re-gift" it then I think "maybe they don't know anything about wine" then I end up with "ok they're cheap".
  9. Ugh.. it may be a holiday in the US and parts of Canada, but not here in BC. So I'm at work Only Alberta, Sask, and Ontario have the family day holiday I think.. wahhh!!
  10. Those are awesome.. love them!! And so will your BM's and flower girls
  11. I've had brazillians done (EVERYTHING gone) and loved it. I stopped getting brazillians because I decided to go the laser hair removal route and so far it's working out great. I would say going a week before your wedding would be a good amount of time for the waxing.
  12. Okay here is mine... I'll see if I can find a better one somewhere.. heh
  13. I didn't see any cards with flowers on them!! Where are they on the site? Sigh
  14. Paula you looked absolutely amazing! Great photos.. everything looks perfect
  15. Wow, you look beautiful Shea.. and your hubby is hot too! What fantastic pics of the two of you
  16. Ugh.. I'm having trouble finding an awesome hibiscus flower for my boarding pass invites.. does anyone know of a really good site for this kind of thing? I've googled already but didn't find anything I was absolutely crazy over. Or does anyone already have a cool one they'd like to share? Thanks!
  17. What a great dress!! Good choice I don't really have an opinion on the veil though.. I'm not even wearing one.. heh
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