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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Yes, I was dancing when I found them as well Well.. more jumping up and down if you will
  2. Thanks for the reminder Morgan... I forget about doing the rep points for people
  3. Testing for my ticker.. hehe.. I see they are disappearing and re-appearing pretty quickly..
  4. Awww.. mine is gone too! Fak. Do I have to re-do it or will the site fix it's problems and it will magically re-appear?
  5. I'm totally excited about changing my last name. I was always last in lists because my last name started with a Zr.. but my new last name is a Cr.. plus my married name will just roll off the tongue... not like my current last name which is just hard to pronounce anyways.
  6. Wow you look totally amazing! Those are fantastic shots.. and I love that they are outside.. LOVE it
  7. Haha.. these are all so true.. especially the ones about work
  8. Okay.. here is the image I think I will put on my first-aid kits.. with a sticky label from Staples..
  9. For sure! I'm at work right now so I'll find it on my compy when I get home. I think it was from the same website where Stephanie got her image from...
  10. Hi Stormsong! I phoned the closest Dollarama and they said they had them in stock. They didn't have enough but I have time to wait until more are in.. I bought a sticky label from Staples and will sticky them on to the front of the kits. I actually bought 4"x3" labels which were a tiny bit big.. but in Word I just made a couple small adjustments so I could cut one side of the label so they fit properly on there. I found another clipart first aid kit pic that I liked, so I'm going to use that instead.. even FI likes them
  11. Wow, your photos are fantastic and you looked so GORGEOUS! Just curious, how did you end up picking a photographer from Vancouver? It says he lives in Chilliwack which is where my FI is from! Crazy.. Chilliwack is a really small town outside of Vancouver
  12. I'm going out on a limb and saying hats. With it being sunny and hot in Hawaii I think the hats would get used alot
  13. Okay I bought 6 first aid kits cause that's all they had left.. haha! I'm gonna keep stalking Dollarama until they get a whole new batch in Thanks Heidi I feel alot better now.. heh
  14. That would be awesome Morgan.. I was worried a bit about the quality of them.. so I'm looking forward to how you feel about them and what stuff you can fit into them
  15. Hey Melissa.. did you get it shipped to Canada? Just wondering if customs dinged you for duties and how much shipping etc was? Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH I got a ton of stuff through Minimus...advil, sunscreen, immodium, chap stick, bug repellent...super cheap!
  16. I'm ordering those tote bags too! But haven't yet.. heh. I think they should be big enough for all the stuff I want to put in them.. I'm also thinking about those hibiscus coin purses too.. hmm.
  17. Oh we DO have Dollarama.. and the one closest to me does carry the $1 first aid kits.. I'm gonna go look at them tomorrow! Thanks again Yay!
  18. Hmm okay I will check to see if we have that shop here.. how much did you pay for them heidi&alex?
  19. I would probably send her an invite, knowing/hoping that she wouldn't go because she went to the other DW
  20. Thanks ladies!! Stormsong, I have a friends' sister who lives in Seattle that I sometimes get stuff sent to if I can't get it sent to Canada. Then my friend will go pick it up when she visits her sister. If we have to do this to get these damn first-aid kits we will.. I can always get some for you then just forward them on from Vancouver to Sask for ya... I don't think we have CVS here.. argh
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