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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Welcome to the forum! I think the place you have already looked into sounds just perfect! Do a search on this website and see what others have had to say about Beaches, I'm sure you will come up with some info. Either way, let us know how we can help with the wedding planning!
  2. Those pictures are so beautiful! I love that you guys are holding hands. *sigh* I get all lovey dovey when I see pics like this.
  3. OMG Melissa, I can't believe the day has finally come! I am so beyond excited for you and I know that everything is going to work out perfectly, I have no doubt of that. And Ms. Robin will keep the trolls in check if they decide to get out of line, of that I am sure. Enjoy yourself, relax, enjoy your honeymoon and post lots and lots of pics! Have a safe trip!
  4. What can I even say except that I heart you and I am here for you. I literally cried when I read this b/c I know how much you wanted this. The world is so unfair and I'm so sorry that you now have to go through this for a second time. I pray that you and Reggie will get through this emotional roller coaster. If you need anything from any of us, we are here for you.
  5. Dear Budweiser, I've missed you all week. Its been way too long since last weekend when I last saw you. When I see you tonight, I plan to firmly plant my lips on your long...bottled neck and bathe myself in your deliciousness. Ahh dear friend how I've missed you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Police Officers, Please don't arrest me for breaking into Trisha, Drea, & Trisha's house and slipping their hubbies/FI's VIAGRA and SPANISH FLY ROOFIES. I know its illegal to drug people but I was doing it for a good cause. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Glenda, When you were younger and admired those models in magazines did you ever think you were going to become a plus size model? B/c that's the only fashion shows you will be modeling in the way your shoving your face.
  6. Galit, I also think you should send that to your dad. It made me so sad to read that post. I'm sorry that he has hurt you and your family so much. I hope things get better soon.
  7. I just found this thread and need to catch up so bear with me: Dear Heidi's boss: Maria defined Karma as a bitch and it's coming your way, you miserable f'n bitch! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Karma, It appears you got lost on the way to Heidi's boss and accidentaly landed on Maria. Kindly type in F'N BITCH in your GPS system and I am sure it will lead you to that miserable wench! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sarah's Patient, You also are a miserable bitch. Everyday of my life when I have to leave for work at 6AM b/c NYC can't get their damn transportation system in check, I wave to people like you. You know the ones that have no jobs but mooch off my taxes, while you live with your drug dealing baby daddy, in a nicer apartment than me b/c your on welfare and the law says your entitled to have one room for each kid of a different sex, while I have to go to work. To you I say "F@CK YOU!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Skinny BDWers, When I see your siggy and your toned bodies I immediately run to the bathroom and shove a toothbrush down my throat in the hopes that the cheeseburger I ate for lunch will come out and not settle on to my ass. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Aunt Flow, Please stop visiting Tammy B. You have never once been invited, yet you persistently feel the need to come over. Why don't you mosey your ugly face on over to people like Sarah's patients or the losers that live in my neighborhood. All of society would thank you greatly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Jerry Springer, Please have your producers contact Trisha's SIL. The topic is called "I want to f@ck my brother" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Jill, I didn't know you went to law school. I'm so sorry for your loss. Law school sucks A$$! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Julie, You are quite possibly the best sister in the world. If only more people had the heart that you do, the world would be a better place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Melissa, Jamy and Maria, B/c of you I wear depend diapers to work. Please cease all hysterical commentary until I am home from work. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Boobs, You were meant to rest on the top of my chest not down by my belly button. Kindly adjust yourself b/c my navel has sent me an eviction letter. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear co-worker, While that dumb blonde, bat your eyelashes trick may work with our boss I am not buying it. You were a dean of languages at the University of St. Petersburg in Russia. You have 3 masters and two law degrees. You speak 9 languages. You are a laywer in NYC. I am not buying the dumb act so stop pawning your work on me and do your own job. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear 19 year old girls, While I admire the fact that your tush doesn't require a "WARNING WIDE LOAD COMING THROUGH" sign like mine's does, I would really appreciate it if you would get the f@ck off my FI when ordering a drink at the bar. With a hot ass like that and your slutty predisposition I'm sure you can find your own man. In love and hate, Glenda
  8. Amy I'm 5'4! Go shorties, its our birthday! LOL. I totally understand not wanting to wear high heels, I too would want to be in flip flops and comfortable. Like I said before I loved both the dresses on you, I only recommended trying it on with shoes b/c it may look different but now that I know your not planning on wearing high heels there is no point in doing that. I too love sashes on dresses, I just personally don't like them with lace. But that's just me. LOL. You are going to look so beautiful, Hans is going to flip! Are you still going to wait until November to get your dress or will you get it now?
  9. What are they saying on the view? What does dumb Elizabeth have to say about all this? "I'd like to research that?" Sorry I think she is really ignorant when she speaks sometimes.
  10. I'm glad to hear they finally came around! Its about time! Either way you shouldn't let this stress you out. Of course no matter what anyone says you want them to be there but I'm sure if you just designate someone to help you they will ensure that they get in. Just celebrate in the fact that they will be there to see you two get married.
  11. You already made your decision (YAY!) but for what its worth here are my two cents. First of all, you and I have very similar taste, I heart, heart, heart lace dresses with the mantilla veil. I honestly could not make a decision. I love them both. I love the bottom detailing on the first dress it is beautiful. But the second dress is just as equally beautiful. I don't think the 1st dress makes your hips look wide at all. Are you wearing shoes in these pics? How tall are you? I don't know if its the pics but you look on the shorter side to me. Sometimes when people are shorter, dresses look different than on those stupid tall girl manequins (sorry to the tall girls, I'm just a hater cuz I'm short). Maybe that's why you think the first dress isn't so flattering. If you wear really high heels it may look much different. Either one you choose is beautiful. You are going to look stunning. But I have to be honest I don't like the sash. I think its too busy to wear a sash with a lace dress. I know Monique Lulliher does this a lot but I think this is one of those "runway" things where they look good on the runway but not in real life. But if you love it, then you should def wear it. I'm so excited for you getting a dress!
  12. I wonder if this is real. What a wackadoodle! First of all the New York Times just published an article that says that to be at least at the bottom of the middle class in New York you need to make $75,000 per person (after taxes). I don't know what you guys are making but to me that is a lot of moolah. So yes it is expensive to be middle class in NY. In NYC I'm sure it is much higher but nowhere near the $500,000 she is claiming. She just wants to marry a media mogul like Mayor Bloomberg or something. She is clearly not looking for an investment banker she wants the damn VP of Goldman Sach's. Maybe if she had a personality she would be able to find a man!
  13. I've never had a job where they have done drug testing either. Hmm and I'm a lawyer you would think they would test us. But no, they just take our word for it I guess. That sucks! I personally wouldn't care either way b/c I don't do drugs but I understand what your saying about just having your privacy invaded w/o even knowing that you were going to be subjected to that. You just show up and BAM their plucking your hair and sticking a cup in your face. Not the most comfortable feeling in the world. You have to do what's best for you. Either way good luck making your decision.
  14. Christa first of all let me say that I am sorry that you are going through all this. I have two responses to the original question you asked about whether or not you were overreacting. The answer is both yes and no. Its yes b/c R. made a mistake and he apologized to you. If you keep holding this over his head then it is only going to cause more tension. However, you are not overreacting b/c deep inside there are underlying issues which you and the other girls in this thread have already talked about. I am not good at giving advice on this situation for many reasons. One of them is that I am not married and I don't have children. Aside from that, when I do get married I won't have to be a step-mom b/c my FI doesn't have any children. Also, I don't come from a divorced home. Just know that I am here for you and I support you in any decision you make. Also, you are being the best step parent you can be and while I don't agree with some of R's decisions, I do think he is trying to do the best he can as well.
  15. Count me in! How do we donate? Are you going to be in charge of it Alyssa and then we'll mail you a check? Or do you have paypal and we could send it to you directly?
  16. If she originally told you $2,000 then I don't think you are being a brat, you are merely confirming what she had offered. But now that you know she is only able to contribute $1,000 I think you should just in good faith, call her back and apologize. Tell her you must have misunderstood (even if she did say $2k) and that you really appreciate all her help and the fact that she is sharing in your special day with you. I would set up a date to go look at gowns and let her enjoy that time with you. If you find a gown that is more, then I agree with Julie you should pay for the rest yourself. I also agree with Julie that she is being very generous (any monetary contribution no matter how nominal is always a generous gesture) even if you thought she was originally willing to contribute $2k towards your gown. I'm sure everything will work out okay! Let us know how it goes.
  17. I love the lanterns but I really heart, heart, the blue columns that are in the bar. It looks so nice. It looks like a really serene and romantic location. I can't wait for all your weddings there, it is going to be stunning!
  18. Sarah that siggy is so cute! I love the jazz dancer.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have the best birthday ever!
  20. Edna I am so sorry to hear this sad news. You and your family are in my prayers. *I was hoping you would come back with happy news, and instead I see this post.*
  21. Christine my FI left his scanner in his classroom so I have to wait until this weekend to scan them. Then I will send them to you so that I can get a "Fabulous Christine Original Siggy"! YAY!
  22. Since you first problem is already solved I won't comment on it. LOl. You are actually right, the "standard, proper etiquette" is that you wish the bride best wishes and you congratulate the groom. That is the Emily Post proper way of doing it. Blah, blah, blah. In reality you should say whatever you like. Wishing someone happiness can never be said in the wrong way!
  23. Nrvsbride


    Welcome to the forum! Please let us know even though there is a suit against ypu iourt.
  24. Nrvsbride


    Welcome to the forum! Please let us know how we can help with the wedding planning.
  25. Welcome to the forum! As Christine mentioned Tammy B & Jessalyn had their weddings at the Sheraton. You should def ask them for advice. Good luck with the planning and please let us know if we can help you with anything,.
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