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Everything posted by TammyWright

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I say if there are that many orders, than we need to use the "Contact Us" link and see if we can barter than down. They have a bundle package that comes out to $3.06 for 12 or 24 total. If we have 200 that are needed, I say we offer them like $2-2.50 each and see what they say.... Or, another option would be to see if someone on here has a business taxpayer ID and see if we can set up as a vender and get them at reseller prices... That would probably bring them down to like $1.00 each... i have my business license and am able to use it to get wholesale prices, etc.
  2. that is lucky to get sol on such short notice. both sol and matt and very valued members of the forum.. congrats!
  3. anna you look gorgeous! i want to see more..especially your decorations, etc.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller welcome riccis! ladies riccis will be shooting elizabeths wedding with me at las ventanas and courtneys ES! im so excited to be working with him. and you can see why!!! and on top of being a great photographers, he such a great guy too. we initially met online (photography forum, did you know we have them too?) when i was having some computer problems. he called me and walked me through fixing my album design software problem. then he overnighted me a dvd of something we were talking about on the phone. we met face to face in vegas this year and he generously offered to come with me to cabo in august. can you tell i just think hes fabulous? such a talented, kind and generous person. and we are going to rock cabo in august!!! so glad to see you here riccis. and i will see you for real in a few weeks. can i be your assistant at las ventanas? i used to be an assistant photog for a wedding photog years ago..
  5. great review karen! Quote: I was just brought to tears and could not stop smiling at my incredible husband. I must have done something good in my life to deserve this truly beautiful man. ~ i think marrying your soulmate will make you feel that way. you are both very lucky to have foudn each other.
  6. when we picked out date we got alot of slack as well...it wasnt a good time for GM because work was busy...a niece was MAYBE going to graduate from highschool...i say maybe because we weren't susre since she sort of decided not to go anymore. but we were like screw it...if they can't make it, they can't make it. we were prepared just to have immedialte family at our wedding (10-15 people).
  7. if you like EDR what about karisma's other resort that is not adult only: Azul Beach: Azul beach hotel boutique. All inclusive cancun mexico resorts Karisma Hotels Mexico vacations or if you like excellence, it was run by the same company that runs dreams until recently...of course excellence was a class higher but you get the idea. the palace resorts are nice as well
  8. martha's correct...prices will be higher until about april 15th...then they will go down alot.
  9. amy is right...i've been in late august and it was really hot and it did rain a few days but the rain storms are really short (w/alot of rain) but pass quickly and the days stay really hot and humid.
  10. did you ever post your pics from sol? i remember seeing some non-pro pics...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Thanks so if I wanted to upgrade it woulde be $40 plus the $24 set up fee, right? Jess hi jess, if you wanted to upgrade it would be $40 for your reception & $24 for your ceremony.
  12. the $24 is for the regular menu that is posted on the forum and i think i sent it to you. they do charge more if you want to do something really nice like lobster and steak. remember there is also a $24 fee for the ceremony set up. MOST brides usually opt for the basic menue and the ceremony setup hence the $48 fee ($24 for reception/$24 for ceremony). hope this helps.
  13. congrats karen...cant wait to hear all about it and see pics!
  14. congrats jason and welcome back!! we missed having you around...there is a new groom on here but i think we scared him off already.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by brandy '08 I have a question.... Can you have a rehersal dinner at either one? If so, do they charge you to have it at either restaraunt? you can have your dinner at eiether one if they are open BUT they will not close it for you. you will be having dinner with other resort guests unless the restaurant is scheduled to be closed, then you can see if you can have it for a private event but all private events cost extra ($24 per person)
  16. i guess it depends on what you want...portofino if you want italian or oceana if you want seafood/steak.. the buffet place if you just want to go in a huge group and have alot of fun
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by calyx6 Why not just buy pre-peeled cloves of garlic? I didn't see those in the grocery store until AFTER I'd already peeled 40 cloves of garlic when I cooked that chicken recipe last. -V- for some reason i dont like to buy the pre-peeled kind unless i know i am gonna use it that night...i feel like the whole head of garlic keeps better...also, i am weird like that...dont know who did the peelin
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Good trick! Who would have 'thunk' it? Okay Tammy, I had to read this post because after all of the cherries you ate yesterday, I had to wonder what you were doing peeling alot of garlic cloves... i am eyeing those cherries again but this garlic is for my chicken...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Really?? I always hate peeling garlic because you can't get the smell off of your fingers for a week!! Thanks for the tip! it really worked...i was shocked...but when you are shaking it does get loud but it is only a minute or so.
  20. welcome! we have a bride getting married there a week or so before you! also here is one of our latest EDR reviews: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ew-5-07-a.html and the slideshow of the wedding: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...slideshow.html
  21. thanks for the review@! when can we see pics?
  22. I just made this roasted garlic and chicken recipe and it asked for 40 cloves of peeled garlic and I read on another forum a quick and easy way to do it. seperate the garlic cloves put in a metal bowl put another metla bowl over it to seal it and make a ball shape shake it vigorously for 1-2 minutes (this part is loud) it really works!!
  23. Hi Jessica, yes they can be lax but they usually cover everything at the meeting. I would send yessica an email stating: 1. what time to meet? 2. what you would like to discuss? 3. if you want to do a tasting, what items? 4. any extras that you are considering ie: firedancers, poker night 5. give pics of anything special you want ie flowers, decor, etc. some people plan their weddings w/o a site visit and things turn out great.
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