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Best Friend's 30th - Gift Ideas?


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My best friend's 30th bday is coming up this Saturday. She has really been on the "Getting Healthy" bandwagon lately so I want to support that and make her a gift basket with this theme in mind. So far, this is what I've got:


1) Book - "The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth"

2) CD - KT Tungstall (sp?)

3) Bottle of Coppola Merlot (she likes this wine)

4) ?


I was thinking of getting her a gift cert. to this yoga studio nearby 'cause I know she's been wanting to get into that but A) It's "hot" yoga and I'm not sure what kind of yoga she wants to do B) She wants someone to do it with and I don't know when I'll be well enough yet C) I didn't realize yoga was so expensive! lol


My other idea was to give her $50 and let her do with it what she wants because she's been struggling with money lately. I want every gift to have meaning tho and I'm not sure if that would...




P.S. She's not really into bath stuff so that's out...

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Originally Posted by chprfan View Post
What about using the $50 instead of cash...putting it towards a spa service to somewhere for her?
I guess I could do that, but I'd like to buy her something where she won't need to pay more for it, if that makes sense... since she's low on cash...

Originally Posted by mora View Post
Any Spa Guift certificate? what about a DVD of Yoga ?
Good idea on the yoga dvd but she already has a few wink.gif

Originally Posted by IrieBride08 View Post
How about a $50 Amex Gift Card or Cheque so that she can buy what she chooses? (I always LOVE these!)
I never understand this, why not just give cash? lol
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If she is into Yoga, a nice Yoga Bag for her mat is great - Marshall's/HomeGoods & T.J. Maxx always have great sales on them.


also - a Yoga Towel (this isn't technically a towel but is the same size as the Yoga Mat and one side usually has nubbies so that it doesn't slip). People who do Hot Yoga or Bikram or Power Yoga always use these - they are a great gift!.


If you do go with the Yoga theme - throw a current magazine like Yoga Journal in there!


Also - a great idea for the card is to write out 30 reasons why you are glad she is your friend or in your life...

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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
Also - a great idea for the card is to write out 30 reasons why you are glad she is your friend or in your life...
That's a sweet idea.

Btw, she isn't a yoga nut or anything - she rarely does it on her own, but would be interested if someone else went to classes with her.
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How about a gift certificate for a massage ?

One of my friend gave me that on my 30th and I just loved it ! Being pampered for 1 hour was such a good idea !


Giving money doesn't feel like you're getting a gift... but a gift certificate from a nice beauty salon does if you can't think of any object or thing she would love.


And don't forget the carrot cake !!!friday.gif

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