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May 2013 Brides

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Ladies!  I just have to vent!   Our save the dates went out in spring 2012.  Our website was out at that same time with all the travel details on it (it was even on the save the dates).  Our invites went out in early November with a "kindly reply by" date of February 1, 2013.  We sent out around 95 invites.  Guess what?? It's January 31, 2013 and I have only gotten like 30 RSVPs back!!   I am soooo frustrated.  I have spent all day and week getting everyone's status.  And, I keep hearing that they are just not sending the RSVP back (one even said they just threw away the invite when they got it 'cause they knew they weren't going).  Let me just say - I wish I had not wasted so much money and time on invitations.  I had even pre-stamped the RSVPs.  What a waste!


And, to make matters worse, today is the last day to book our discounted rooms and none of the groomsmen have booked!   OMG.  Wedding stress and drama!  Anyone else experiencing anything like this???  

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post

Hey ladies!!!!! I know we are all at the 3-4 month mark and working out and getting toned seems like it should be put on the backburner compared to everything else we have to do, but if you really wanna lose some lbs and want motivation to do so you should join me in the BDW Biggest loser Challenge!!! There is some money to be won but I'm mainly doing it for the accountability, it runs 10 weeks starting on Monday!!! That takes us pretty much right to may!

I would totally do this if it was based on body fat% and not lbs...Good luck w/ your fitness and health goals ladies!

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Originally Posted by CourtandMatt View Post


Ladies!  I just have to vent!   Our save the dates went out in spring 2012.  Our website was out at that same time with all the travel details on it (it was even on the save the dates).  Our invites went out in early November with a "kindly reply by" date of February 1, 2013.  We sent out around 95 invites.  Guess what?? It's January 31, 2013 and I have only gotten like 30 RSVPs back!!   I am soooo frustrated.  I have spent all day and week getting everyone's status.  And, I keep hearing that they are just not sending the RSVP back (one even said they just threw away the invite when they got it 'cause they knew they weren't going).  Let me just say - I wish I had not wasted so much money and time on invitations.  I had even pre-stamped the RSVPs.  What a waste!


And, to make matters worse, today is the last day to book our discounted rooms and none of the groomsmen have booked!   OMG.  Wedding stress and drama!  Anyone else experiencing anything like this???  

Sheeesh! Kinda makes you feel like just eloping! Sometimes I fantasize how much easier and less stressful that would be. Ahhhh yes. Anyways, who ever "threw away your invite" is totally disrespectful. Like really? Were you raised in a barn? Like seriously are you related to Honey Boo Boos family? I would tell those who haven't RSVP'd and you know that's coming that YOU now get to chose what they'll be eating and you'll make sure to tell the resort that they get NO booze at the ceremony. You gotta make them suffer a bit....maybe even threaten them with no wedding cake wink.gif If I were you I'd get up right NOW, go pour your self some wine/beer, and watch a girly movie! Maybe even a little chocolate!

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Originally Posted by bride81 View Post


haha! you are cracking me up and making me feel better :)  My goals are pushing the FI to get his suit (which i am not too worried about) we are finishing up invites, and need to finalize honeymoon plans.  All our tickets are paid for so is my dress.  I kind of want to start working out, but i feel like more realistic I am gonna eat better.  Going on a turkey sandwich diet, kashi go lean cereal, yogurt, berries.....


OOT stuff I feel like I can start to grab soon.  I don't know whether to go 50 or 60.... Probably i bag a room/couple...


And.... i need to figure out a guest book


I just saw a living social or groupon for a bound book with your pics in it. We were thinking about doing this with our engagement pics and then having the guests sign it in Mexico.


Originally Posted by Tulumbride2013 View Post



Wow! I hadn't thought of stack suitcases inside one another. Great idea... Why didnt I think of that?!girll.... I'm a broke hoe too. Already worried about buying rings, I love my engagement ring but it doesn't like, match any wedding bands I've tried, and we have a serious budget in this area. I've been working on toning up, but not really enough. I had a baby over a year ago and I lost all the weight, but everything looks , uh, different haha. This is a major stress area for me. All my friends are in their early twenties and look fabulous. So I need to get myself together!

As far as the guest book, I know you ladies were discussing it earlier. We purchased postcards from zazzle, they have pics of the Tulum ruins and other Mexico scenes. In our welcome book we asked that they fill out the postcard with marriage advice and tell us about their trip, and mail it back to us when they get back to the states, then I'll put all of them in a book.


Ohhhh I do love this post card idea!

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Originally Posted by PuntaBride View Post



Not knowing the number of guests is the hard part.  Did you put a RSVP by ... on your invite?  


I recently made myself a list and gave myself a deadline for each thing.  I basically divided it so that were a few things to complete each month until the wedding.  It made me relax a little.  Looking at a big list is overwhelming, but if you can reduce it to manageable chunks it helps!


Get done all of the things pertaining to you (dress, shoes, bridal party outfits/gifts, vows, rings, ceremony/reception music ...etc.) and do the OOT bags later on.  I'm going to try and have mine finished by March 30th.  By then I should know how many ppl are coming!


For table decor.  Find your inspiration pictures so you know what you are looking for.  Then you will just need to go out or order what you need when you have your numbers.

Thanks Puntabride, I feel better :)) Thank god for you ladies on this forum! Definitely going to try focusing on one thing at a time instead of 500 things at once --hopefully that will be more productive. lol . Believe it or not I use to do project management and event planning for a living --but its soooooo different when its your own life and wedding!!!!  I put out a RSVP of March 1st, but nobody is really saying much and not many rsvps are coming in ....maybe 1-2 day.... altho I did get word today that 4 more were booking ... I guess I will just concentrate on the stuff I do have control over and worry about OOT and other stuff once I know my numbers.lol, Good luck with your RSVPs , I hope yours come in faster then mine! lol

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Originally Posted by bride81 View Post



Ahh... i am with you so I feel better :)  I don't know how many things to purchase, and i don't want to much left over- but i don't want ot buy stuff and have to go buy more!  

I know! Exactly! And living in Canada alot of the stuff I need to order from the US so really dont want to be ordering to late in case of shipping, or not being able to rush order :(  I have some family that told me they wonèt know til about 2 weeks before...there is 10 of them!!! uuugghhh lol

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Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


Hey ladies!!!!! I know we are all at the 3-4 month mark and working out and getting toned seems like it should be put on the backburner compared to everything else we have to do, but if you really wanna lose some lbs and want motivation to do so you should join me in the BDW Biggest loser Challenge!!! There is some money to be won but I'm mainly doing it for the accountability, it runs 10 weeks starting on Monday!!! That takes us pretty much right to may!

Im totally game too! I ordered my dress 2 sizes smaller then I was suppose to ...and I am already down 10.5 pounds since Jan 1st....I just ahve to get my butt back to the gym now --- cause the inches need to come off !!! Ièll check out the site! Thanks so much for passing it on!

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Working on my seating arrangements today!


My resort has told me they set up one long table.  So, I'm thinking Todd and I will sit at the end of the table.  Everyone else will be down the sides.  Any suggestions on how to organize your guests?  Who sits closest to the bride and groom?  Do you sit your wedding party together, with our without spouses?  HELP please!

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Originally Posted by Sophia2616 View Post


I joined my fitness pal and its been working out really good. I love it and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to count calories. I eat pretty healthy but I was surprised to see how quickly calories add up!! if anyone wants to join let me know!


I've been on MyFitness Pal for almost 2 years now.  We can be buddies if you want.  My screen name is jsspiff on there.  I've got about another 10-15 pounds that I want to lose in the next month and a half.  My goal is to get down to a size 8 by May.  That's the size I was when my FI and I got together 5 years ago.

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