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OOT Bags or Favors....or both

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We are getting married in novemeber and I have no clue what to do about favors. We are having a small wedding (20 ppl...including us) and I want to do something nice for our guests since it is family (parents and siblings only). What should i do? OOT bags (firsttime I am ever hearing about this) or favors. We are getting married in jamaica...where my family is from, so any ideas would be much appreciated.


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Personally, I'm doing both OOT and favors - the OOT are going to have the regular contents in them, and so far, I'm thinking about a permanent (read: SHOULD look classy and nice) luggage tag as the favor. part of me thinks the cookies that are shaped like shells are so cute and that's an easy favor, and I may still put the cookie in the bag too.

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Hello, I think you should do both being as its a small group, OOT bags for example usually are per couple staying in a room not per person, you can include items like, scented candle, personalized bottled waters, something that symbolizes the Island, a thank you note, etc... there really is no rule just something personal from you to them :) and favors... are so many!! I would say that's a harder category....... You can go either with something that matches your theme colors? or something you think they would be able to use again, like a photo frame, coasters, candles, bottle openers... and the list goes on :) I hope I helped a lil.

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I'm incorporating a lot of favour-type items into my OOT bags. I too am having a fairly small turn-out of about 20 guests. We will have the following in our OOT bags (1 bag per couple):


2 beach towels

2 flip flop luggage tags

1 starfish wine stopper

1 set of ocean-themed wine charms (custom etsy order)

1 bottle sunscreen

1 lip balm

1 disposable camera

1 deck of flip flop playing cards (ebay)

1 lanyard and card holder (we're going to be on a cruise ship, so this will be used to hold our guest's room keys)

potentially 1 bottle of wine.


I hope this helps!

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Hi! We are getting married in Jamaica too! October and it is FAST approaching! We are doing OOT bags and favors... all the regular stuff in our OOT's and working on favors now... thinking a photo album (easy to take with and not breakable) and something else..I haven't totally figured it out. We also have some older family members (grandparents) who cannot make it to Jamaica and we are going to send them the favors right before we leave so they receive them while we are in Jamaica and can feel included in our celebration and they know we are thinking of them...


Good luck!! :)

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We're doing both OOT bags and favours. We really want to put together great OOT bags to thank all of our guests for spending so much money (and time) to come to our wedding. As for favours we're making donations to our local humane society (we're huge dog people) so we're killing two birds with one stone, something in our guests names and we get to support a great organization! We're making cute cards with a picture of our Great Dane on them (he has a sign that says "thank you" around his neck...cheesy but cute) since he can't be with us at the wedding, lol.


I don't think that you necessarily need to do both, we just really wanted to.

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Hello Everyone,


I am also getting married in November 2009 and it is fast approaching and

I am also having this same battle with myself. What do you choose because after reading alot of threads it never seams to fail that with the OOT bags your guest dont tend to use everything, and favors like coasters and picture frames,ect seems so redundant. Do you guys think people really wind up using these things? When you are a bride on a budget you want to spend wisely not excessively because everyday life seems to handle that. So OOT bags or Favors.


With that being said I was considering giving each guest a bottle of jamaican rum, I have purchased several 24 oz tumbler mugs. I was also thinking about making some kind of arrangement out of those items with a couple snacks in it and giving this to our guest when they arrive. Our primary color is tangerine with accents of yellow. I just loved the bright vibrant color. So I wanted to focus on that color for the favor. I came up with tic tacs orange the best flavor there is. Ionna put that into a fancy contaner with a pretty ribbon and giving that to our guest at the reception. What do you guys think will it work? I know I need to give them something else but I have no idea what. I was thinking towels but I wonder the how much extra is the airline gonna charge for that. Decisions, Decisions. Planning a wedding is super hard workblink.gif

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I'm going to do both OOT bags will consist of advil, pepto bismol, crystal light packets, playing cards, purple and yellow jellybeans, hand sanitizer, tissue and a first aid kit.


If the budget allows, I will add a beach towel. The bags will be per couple and singles with each get their own bag. As a favor, the guest will receive a CD that will come with the ceremony program.

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I too am doing both. My wedding favors will be a framed handpainted miniture scene of Cuba (painted by local artist). I thought this would be a great momento and souvenir for my guests. My OOT bags will hold things I think they could use and may forget. It wil include....

For Kids..

-pool toys

-beach ball

-flip flops

-glow in the dark sticks (15/tube)


For adults...

-puzzle books


-1st aid kit (with tyelnol, and immodium)

-off wipes

-sewing kit with toenail clippers

-hat that fold flat (for ladies)

-bubba mug (for men)

-plastic raincoat


-suntan lotion (pocket size)

-hand sanitizer


-spanish/english phrase book


Snack bag...



-chocolate bar


-single koolaid (cherry for kids), Crystal lite, and Nestle ice tea (for adults)

-lollipops (one bunch per bag)


All this is going into a great beach/shopping bag, that I would like to give to everyone as they arrive, or if poosible leave them in the room so they will be awaiting them upon arrival!

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