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Wedding Night Nookie Poll


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Yeah, we didn't. I was exhausted. Dh did rub my back as I fell asleep. I think he was upset we didn't but whatever. We have the rest of our lives to have sex. We only had one night to celebrate our wedding with our friends and family.

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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
We didn't have the fancy stuff either! But I find by 10 o'clock on vacation I'm pooped & ready to hit the sack (hehehe...not that one! lol)

We went back to our room & I put on my lingerie...showed him...took it off & put on my comfy jammies then went to sleep!! lol

Oh Amanda! That is terrible! How could you be so mean to show him the goods and then go to sleep! LOL, poor guy! lookatme.gif Sounds like something I would do!

I can't participate in the poll but we plan too! (Obviously planning and doing are two different things, so we will see!)
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Originally Posted by Steph158 View Post
Oh Amanda! That is terrible! How could you be so mean to show him the goods and then go to sleep! LOL, poor guy! lookatme.gif Sounds like something I would do!
No, No...I was all for it (just to say that we did!)...he was the sleepy one!! So not poor guy...poor me!! LOL
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This is a great thread!!


I had to vote NO! We didn't get to our room until 4 am and we were still pretty drunk so we just fell asleep. My DH didn't pass out as fast as I did and he unbuttoned my dress (which took forever because he was drunk)! Thank goodness he did that because I was so sweaty in that dress I would have been so uncomfortable sleeping in that darn thing! We actually didn't get to do it for a few days because the following day we had to wake up early for a family excursion (so no nookie time in the morning) and then at night my DH got really sick, so he went to bed early. The day after that, he felt better, but I got food poisoning and I was sick for 2 days and was not in the mood to do anything but be near a bathroom! Then, after all that we finally got to do it!!! Yay smile29.gif!

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Amanda - awwww you were robbed! Haha that's ok, my DH is lucky we did it at all since I'm usually the kind of girl that prefers to do it in the morning rather than at bed time cause I'm too sleepy by then lol. :)


Nic - LMAO, that's all I can say to your post! hehe


Mrs. Martin - hehe, DH had a hard time de-corseting me from my dress as well lol he gave up half-way through, went to the washroom and then came back to do the rest of it. He did muse about cutting it off me, but I was NOT laughing lol. wink.gif

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