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Rant thread: Why is it that?...


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Originally Posted by ashey063009 View Post
Why is it that as soon as there is ANY form of precipitation, people decide that they have forgotten how to drive!?!?

I HATE snow, and the censored.gif drivers that seem to emerge with it!
NO $H*T! It's not like we live somewhere where we never get snow! We get it every freaking year for 6 months!!!

Originally Posted by kate.com View Post
Why is it that...

You go to a hockey game (or any event) and people leave 10 minutes early? Why the heck did you even come if you didn't want to know the result of the game? And why would you even buy a ticket?
I have to defend myself. Especially w/ hockey and I have to park a mile away I will leave early, although only if its obvious my team is going to win/lose (who wants to see their team lose) But, if it's close or possible to score I will wait until the end!

Why is it that people feel the need to speed up and pass me (when I'm at least going 5 miles over the speed limit) and then slow down to the speed limit so I have to pass them cause I'm going 5 miles over! Lame a$$e$
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why is it that when my FMIL calls my FI and he doesnt answer she calls back 4 times in a row after that (again no answer) so she then proceeds to call my cell phone and ask for him. Seriously... If he does'nt answer the 1st time what makes you think he's gonna answer the 4th? Did you ever consider maybe he was busy...like in the shower or at the gym.wtf.gif

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Originally Posted by missdanelle View Post
why is it that when my FMIL calls my FI and he doesnt answer she calls back 4 times in a row after that (again no answer) so she then proceeds to call my cell phone and ask for him. Seriously... If he does'nt answer the 1st time what makes you think he's gonna answer the 4th? Did you ever consider maybe he was busy...like in the shower or at the gym.wtf.gif
Ha, my FMIL just did the exact same thing yesterday!

Why is it when I'm out of town and someone asks me where I'm from and I say New York they always assume I mean NYC? I mean really nothing against the city but New York is a freakin' big place, with multiple cities!
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