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Engagement Ring - GONE!!!! **UPDATE #67**

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That sucks!! Hopefully, something turns up at the pawn shops or the police find it. I would wait awhile beofre going and buying a new ring. Even if the chances of finding it are slim, there is still a chance. I guess you are helping other ladies out by reminding them to insure their rings ASAP! I waited over a year before i insured mine and am so lucky something didn't happen to it in that time, you just never know!

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Oh my goodness!! After we were robbed last month I contacted my Insurance company and they said that rings are covered automatically if they are under 3000$. Tacori's a pricy rings but hopefully they can make an exception, especially if you have a receipt..

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I'm very, very sorry about your ring. Unfortunately you may not get the ring back but you have the love of your life. You also have us girls at BDW. While reading through this entire thread I cried for you and laughed with you. Your ring was really beautiful, I swear I remember it having blue stones right?


I would go with the suggestion of posting something on Tacoris site and maybe they would replace your ring. (Does sound desperate but oh well, you have to make it sound sincere, not desperate lol)


You can try Oprah and promise you let us know when you go on so we can go get a ring too!! (Remember, you have to exagerate your story a little too make it sound even better)


I don't think the insurance company will give in, they are in the business of taking your money, not giving it to you out of pity.


Don't depend on the police either. They don't give a crap. Your FI is doing the right thing by doing his own investigation.

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Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
Or maybe tell Oprah...then everyone in the audience and as well as you will get a new ring!! smile120.gif
(sorry...I know your situation isn't funny, but I couldn't resist!)
Try Ellen!! She is such an awesome host she might just help you!
She has helped people with cars, their homes.... you never know!
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Oh my gosh, I am so sorry this happened to you! I wouldn't want to look at rings either. I have a hearts on fire ring and I don't think anything could ever replace it.


I would be SO pissed livid. I probably would recruit every single person I know and make them go out and canvass...lol. I would send some of your fliers to out of town pawn shops too - I would think any smart robber would take it somewhere out of town or on the edge.


I'm so sorry this happened to you - but don't get a new ring until you're ready. You'll know when!


Good luck - if I lived near you - I'd help you canvass with force!

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  • 4 weeks later...

First off, MODs can you mark this one as an **UPDATE**


We still haven't found my Taccori ring, but the following story will show what's been going on!


So, Valentine's day wasn't what I had planned, but it turned out so GREAT! Jeremy had to work, so that was a bummer..but much better then last year (his occupation last year was a private investegator, and he was gone all night following people!) Anyway, on his way home he stops gets stuff to make me dinner and roses, which are still beautiful. He makes this WONDERFUL steak dinner for us and our son Wyatt (Zoe is at my mom's house every Saturday) Anyway....After our dinner he got down on one knee, and I knew what was happening, I've seen it all before...lol. He goes on to tell me that it may not be the ring I dreamed and had at one point, but it's all we can afford right now. He said he hates to see my finger naked and hear me complain about how naked it is..LOL. He proceeds to give me a new ring. I start crying, because it reminds me that I don't have my dream ring anymore. But I'm okay with that, NOW! I love the ring he got me, we are actually taking it back to have sapphires put into it, which will make me love it even more.


I just wanted to give everybody a update! Sorry the pic is a bad one, I took it with my phone.


My New ring!

Click the image to open in full size.

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